Make good resolutions for 2024

Like December, 2023 is drawing to a close! Have you ticked all the boxes on your to-do list for this year? If not, there’s no need to stress or worry. You can always add what hasn’t been done to your list of resolutions for 2024, which is just around the corner. Speaking of which, have you prepared it yet? No ? Are you lacking inspiration? Well, here’s a short list of some good resolutions you could make for 2024!

Take care of yourself

Lose or gain weight, stop smoking, feel good about yourself… Taking care of yourself is something you should do throughout the year, throughout your life. It’s the first resolution that should be on your to-do list every year!

Improve your eating habits

When the end-of-year festivities come to an end, there’s always the extra kilos, the heavy stomach and digestive system… and – unfortunately – the guilt… To feel good about your body, you start looking for products to improve digestion and/or dietary supplements to help you lose weight. This is certainly a good alternative, but it must be accompanied bya healthy lifestyle. All you need to do to stop experiencing the aforementioned inconveniences is to adopt healthy, balanced eating habits . Eat more vegetables and fruit, turn to more natural and organic foods, stop or at least reduce sugar and unhealthy fats..

Discover new things/activities

Locking yourself into a metro-work-sleep routine for a whole year is not good for anyone. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you sometimes have to break your habits! To do this, you need to continually enrich yourself in every way: intellectual, cultural, physical, emotional… So, take a holiday now and again, visit places you’ve never seen before – even the neighbourhood just a few metres from your home or office – dare to indulge in little delicacies you usually go without, take courses you wouldn’t even have thought of (cookery, art…), book places for a first flight or a bungee jump (as a couple, with friends, or on your own), try new dishes..

Doing sport

To stay in shape throughout the year, it’s a good idea to take regular exercise. You can go to a gym for this, but of course it’s not compulsory. There are other more accessible and easier solutions available to you: mobile applications, buying specialised equipment, running or walking for at least 30 minutes every day, etc. We all agree that getting back into sport is no easy task, especially if you haven’t done it for a while. The secret is to follow your own pace and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your activities. You also need to follow a suitable diet and buy products adapted to sport: food supplements, balms for muscle pain, etc. (1).

Stop drinking and smoking

One of the least pleasant resolutions for some people. Giving up alcohol and cigarettes is no mean feat, but it’s not impossible. The first step is to accept that you are addicted and that you need help to get rid of it . Once you have accepted this, there are various alternatives available to you:

  • Attend discussion groups (alcoholics anonymous),
  • See a psychologist,
  • Try anti-smoking treatments and medication,
  • Taking part in physical and/or intellectual activities, etc

Whatever alternative you choose, don’t forget to have a personal follow-up. Think, for example, about creating a little calendar on which you can tick off each day without alcohol or tobacco. You’ll see, it’ll motivate you to continue on the right path!

Take care of others

Be grateful for everything that happens to you throughout the year. Others would like to be in your shoes and enjoy a “more stable and comfortable life”, if only for a day. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why they can’t: financial difficulties, disability, etc

Becoming a volunteer

Every year, around the world, many people need specific help: schooling, food, financial aid, etc. By becoming a volunteer, you give them the chance to improve their lives, as well as their neighbourhood, town or even country. When you become a volunteer, you will be chosen for your skills and knowledge. You’ll be sharing and using them during your stay with a local. At the same time, you will learn new things from the local people and from the training courses that are continually offered to you during the period of your voluntary service (3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, etc.)

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