Animal Scabies: A Common Zoonosis

Animal mange, also known as scabiosis, is a parasitic skin disease caused by microscopic mites of the genus Sarcoptes. Although this condition is mainly seen in domestic animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits and rodents, it presents a significant zoonotic risk, which can be transmitted to humans. The mites responsible for scabies burrow under the … Read more

Understanding your cat’s behaviour

Cat behaviour is captivating. Mysterious, they intrigue ethologists and cat lovers alike. These small carnivores express a rich range of body and sound signals. They navigate their world in complex and subtle ways. This article explores the diversity of feline behaviour. It is based on research and behavioural observations. Kitten behavioural development The kitten’s behavioural … Read more

Understanding Tiger Syndrome: myths and realities

In the vast world of feline behaviour, certain disorders remain shrouded in mystery and conjecture, such as Tiger Syndrome in cats. This condition, which arouses both curiosity and concern among pet owners, manifests itself in sudden episodes of aggression that are often incomprehensible and difficult to predict. What is Tiger Syndrome? If your cat is … Read more

Naturopathy to treat and prevent pets’allergies

The image features a puppy against a blue-green background. Naturopathy for treating and preventing allergies in animals.

Allergies in pets, whether dogs, cats or horses, are common conditions that can significantly affect their well-being. These allergic reactions, often triggered by environmental, food or parasite allergens, mainly manifest themselves as itching, skin lesions and digestive problems. While conventional veterinary medicine offers a range of medicinal treatments, more and more owners are looking for … Read more

Organic for my pet with the Biocanina brand:

In our quest for a healthier, greener lifestyle, we often prioritise food, beauty products and even furnishings. But what about our pets? When we talk about “organic for my pet”, we mean providing our pets with natural products, free from harmful chemicals, grown in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly way. Focus on Biocanina, the brand that … Read more

How to improve your pet’s digestive health with natural remedies?

Your pet’s digestive health is critical to its overall well-being. Disorders such as diarrhea, halitosis, bloating and flatulence can cause discomfort and affect your pet’s quality of life. Fortunately, there are natural remedies for these discomforts. In this article, learn about natural alternatives to improve your pet’s digestive health. Causes of digestive disorders in animals … Read more

How to give your cat homeopathy: a beginner’s guide

Flatworms, roundworms: Choosing the right dewormer for your cat

Homeopathy is a holistic medical practice that can benefit not only humans, but also animals. Cats, in particular, can benefit from homeopathy to treat a variety of ailments. However, giving homeopathy to a cat can be difficult, especially if you are not familiar with the practice. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process … Read more

A first aid kit for your pet

Whether it’s catching ticks in the bushes, getting minor scratches on a hike or ingesting something he shouldn’t, your energetic furry friend is bound to get into some uncomfortable situations. And when these little annoyances occur, you’ll be glad to have a dedicated first-aid kit on hand. This will usually save you a visit to … Read more

Grooming at home to take care of our animals

Frolicking, rolling, frolicking… How can we blame our pet when it gets dirty? We all know that it’s a little creature similar to a child, who spends most of its time playing and running around, especially in the dirt and dust! When you’re faced with your little fur ball, you have a decision to make: … Read more

Watch out for ticks, not just for our animal friends

When the warm weather arrives, it’s essential to protect yourself against ticks, which are vectors of serious diseases such as viral meningoencephalitis, ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease. These diseases can have severe neurological consequences. Using repellents, wearing protective clothing and applying preventive solutions based on essential oils are crucial preventive measures to avoid tick bites when … Read more

Flatworms, roundworms: Choosing the right dewormer for your cat

Flatworms, roundworms: Choosing the right dewormer for your cat

Caring for a cat goes beyond affection and includes essential aspects such as hygiene and health. Among these, deworming plays a key role. It’s crucial to choose the right product to combat worms, whether roundworms like roundworms or flatworms like tapeworms. These parasites, although sometimes tolerated in small quantities, can seriously damage your cat’s health … Read more

What if it was worms?

Natural remedies for children against intestinal worms

Intestinal parasitosis or intestinal worms , despite its frequency in children (70 to 80% of children would one day or another be infected with Enterobius vermicularis or pinworm), is rarely considered by the medical profession. While our grandmothers used to deworm their cherubs regularly, it seems that it has gone out of fashion… However, intestinal parasites are the cause of many disorders : disturbed … Read more

A natural remedy to relieve the joints of your animals

A natural remedy to relieve the joints of your animals

When our faithful four-legged companions suffer from joint pain, it can be particularly worrying. These joint disorders in pets are often the result of degradation of joint cartilage or abnormal production of bone tissue, leading to inflammation. In this article, we will explore in detail the causes of joint pain in pets and how to … Read more

Behavioral disorders, pheromones to appease our animals

Behavioral disorders, pheromones to appease our animals

Pathologies, moving, going on vacation, cohabitation with other animals, change of routine… Many causes can cause a behavioral disorder in your pet . Keep in mind, however, that your furball will often act differently to call for help . Just like humans, animals develop behavioral problems that can become bothersome for themselves as well as for their masters. You can then, as a first … Read more

Deworm your animal, for the well-being of the house

Whatever your pet’s living conditions, whether you live in a flat or your furry companion is lucky enough to roam the great outdoors, he or she is likely tocatch worms. These parasites can then attack humans, causing everything from fatigue and diarrhoea to vomiting and widespread infestation. So worming your pet is essential . Why, … Read more

How to choose an effective antiparasitic shampoo for your dog or cat?

Those who raise them know it very well: having a dog or a cat for a faithful companion is a great happiness! These adorable furballs contribute to our personal development, connect us to life as well as to nature. But having pets is not without its drawbacks. Precisely when parasites take up residence in the fur of our dear four-legged friends. … Read more

The role of dietetic food in animal kidney disease

Thefeeding of domestic carnivores has developed considerably over the last twenty years. In veterinary medicine for domestic carnivores,dietetic feeding is the opposite ofphysiological feeding, which is intended for healthy animals. Dietetic feeding is a complement to treatment, or even the treatment in its own right of certain clinical situations, via the introduction ofa special diet … Read more