How to naturally relieve anxiety ?

Although there are many symptoms of anxiety, chances are you’ve already experienced them. Breathlessness, difficulty falling asleep and a tight throat are just some of the symptoms of anxiety. So what are the solutions available to alleviate them? What is anxiety? Anxiety is a strong feeling of insecurity. Like fear or worry, its intensity can … Read more

Crash test FortéNuit Gummies

The Forté Pharma laboratories have opted for a modern and innovative galenic form of food supplements. In fact, Gummies look an awful lot like sweets! I’ve been having a few problems with sleep myself since the switch to summer time, so I was delighted when the laboratory suggested I try one of their Gummies! Here’s … Read more

The Tilleul, the image of majesty and opulence

Legend says that it was the leaf of a heart-shaped linden tree that landed on Siegfried ‘s back , the only vulnerable place in his body after he bathed in the blood of the vanquished dragon ( saga of the Nibelungen ). The genus Tilia includes many species and hybrids. More than 100 taxa have been counted for these lime trees, some of … Read more

Control your emotions with Biofloral

Irritability, lack of sleep, difficulty concentrating, feeling unwell, mood swings, constant feelings of insecurity… In today’s hectic, stressful world, controlling your emotions is essential to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Irritability, sleep disorders and mood swings are all signals that alert us to the need to take care of our mental well-being. Biofloral, with its expertise … Read more

Passiflora, the beautiful sleeping passion flower

Passionflower, or Passiflora incarnata, is a climbing plant native to the south-eastern United States and Mexico, renowned for its medicinal properties. Traditionally used to treat insomnia and anxiety, it has gained an important place in the French pharmacopoeia. Its richness lies in its unique constituents, notably flavonoids and indole alkaloids. This article explores the many … Read more

Sleep apnea, sleep more peacefully!

Sleep apnoea is a breathing disorder that can significantly affect your quality of life. If you suffer from sleep apnoea, you may have difficulty sleeping, constant tiredness, headaches, irritability and even a reduced libido. Fortunately, there are effective ways of treating sleep apnoea and sleeping more peacefully. In this article, we’ll explore the causes, symptoms … Read more

Lavender aspic essential oil, the antitoxic par excellence

Spike lavender, whose botanical name is Lavandula latifolia spica, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its flowers (flowering tops). Botanical description Spike lavender is a larger sub-shrub than fine lavender, reaching up to 75 cm in height. It is made up of straight, numerous branches, usually branched, bearing long, … Read more

The limits of homeopathy in emotional and psychic disorders

Emotional disorders, or emotivity, refer to the fundamental property of the individual to react (psychic and somatic reactions) to physical stimuli or to changes in his organic or psychic situation. This reaction encompasses psychic manifestations (affects) as well as their somatic, neuro-vegetative and expressive concomitants. The somatic component is expressed through a range of vegetative … Read more

The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

Stress is a disturbed state of self-regulation (homeostasis) . It is a specific syndrome triggered by non-specific impulses (stressors) , to which the body is not adapted. Its origin can be physical ( injury, surgery, intoxication, UV, etc. ), psychological (psychological pressure, fear, etc. ) and can generate adjustment disorders such as anxiety, sleep disorders, mild depression to moderate, cognitive disorders, overwork or exhaustion syndrome. What are “stress adjustment … Read more

Time change: How to preserve a good sleep?

The time change is not always a pleasant experience for everyone… The sudden change in time throws our internal clock out of kilter and ultimately affects our entire metabolism. This can lead to sleep disturbances, and even disrupt our appetite and mood. Did you know that some people can take more than ten days to … Read more

How to choose your food supplement to sleep better?

Choose your food supplement to sleep better

1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep… 14,598 sheep,… Having trouble sleeping? A night can seem like an eternity when sleep becomes hard to find. This long and frustrating struggle is usually followed by a whole other challenge; the next day when you have trouble staying awake. When nocturnal awakenings and insomnia punctuate our nights, we find it difficult to stay calm. The … Read more

Sleep is half of our health


The sleep is one of the pillars of our health. However, many are those who suffer from disorders (1 French in 5). From severe insomnia to interrupted and poor quality rest , including repetitive difficulty falling asleep, the range of symptoms is wide. Many become fatalistic in the face of this serious problem, and end up “getting used to it” as best they can, accumulating an increasingly important sleep debt . What … Read more

Back to school blues and food supplement for adults

Summer is drawing to a close. Back to school and the vermilion autumn leaves that herald the new season… Naturally, a certain melancholy is mixed in with the cooler mornings. Because the end of the holidays means a return to the daily routine and its share of worries: waking up with a jolt, racing against … Read more

Which bach flowers for sleep disorders?

Woman in pyjamas with a pink sleep mask yawning in front of a yellow background, symbolising sleep disorders and natural solutions such as Bach Flower Remedies.

Bach flower essences are a natural and harmless way of treating many physical and emotional problems. They are non-addictive, have no side effects and can be used by anyone. They can also be used alongside other treatments and therapies (allopathic or holistic), without any danger. Flower essences give you the opportunity to see beyond physical … Read more

Treat sleep disorders in a natural way with homeopathy

Sleep disorders have a considerable impact on quality of life. As a result, insomnia is a frequent reason for consulting a pharmacy or seeking advice. While there are many prescription drugs available, their use must be limited to avoid addiction. At your pharmacy counter, lifestyle measures or therapeutic alternatives can be suggested. Sleep is a … Read more

The best medicinal plants for better sleep: complete guide

Sleep plays an essential role in our well-being. Yet many people have difficulty falling asleep or suffer from sleep disorders. Rather than turning to sleeping pills, which often come with side effects, medicinal plants offer a natural and effective alternative. In this article, discover the best medicinal plants to help you fall asleep and improve … Read more

It’s spring, and it’s time for a natural detox!

The arrival of spring brings with it an irresistible urge to revitalise. Every year, women’s magazines take up the subject of spring detox, and laboratories are full of praise for their products miracle products. However, marketing hype aside, there is a real reason to purify our bodies after the winter season. Why is a detox … Read more