How to prevent and treat motion sickness with homeopathy?

Motion sickness, commonly known as kinetosis, is an unpleasant sensation of nausea, dizziness and vomiting that can occur when travelling by car, train, plane or boat. This condition is often caused by repetitive movements that upset the balance of the inner ear and send contradictory signals to the brain. Although motion sickness is generally not … Read more

How can I recover more quickly after a sports session?

Sport is undoubtedly good for your physical and mental health. It helps to maintain good physical condition and boosts the immune system. It also stimulates the production of endorphins (the feel-good hormones) and helps to reduce stress. However, sportsmen and women know that after an intense session, recovery is essential to avoid injury and improve … Read more

How can you optimise your sports sessions to lose weight?

People often want to lose weight quickly. They can’t stand the feeling of being heavy! In fact, they simply want to melt away their extra kilos in a flash. This is indeed a recurring scenario at the beginning of the year following the implementation of new resolutions. However, after a few days, the promises are … Read more

How can you create a healthy routine for back-to-school?

Get ready for the new school year with some essential health routines! This article guides you in gradually returning to an optimal daily rhythm by adjusting your sleeping hours, adopting a balanced diet rich in nutrients, and incorporating regular physical exercise. Discover tips for toning your body, improving your concentration and maintaining a constant energy … Read more

How to sculpt your body with proteins?

How to sculpt a beautiful figure with proteins

When our body is in great shape, everything is going great! It is therefore important that we practice physical exercises regularly , for the good of our body , but also of our mind . In fact, sport triggers a secretion in our brain called “ endorphin ”, a euphoric hormone that is also called the “ pleasure hormone ”. In short, sport simply makes us happy, but … Read more

The benefits of gemmotherapy on athletes

The benefits of gemmotherapy on athletes

Gemmotherapy is the most recent branch of phytotherapy . It uses young shoots of trees and shrubs . The latter are prepared fresh by direct maceration in water, glycerol and alcohol. Gemmotherapy acts on the whole body. It is mainly used to support and rebalance the body’s dysfunctions : immunity, elimination, circulation, etc. How does gemmotherapy work? The bud is made up of embryonic tissue … Read more

Prepare your body for the effort for winter sports

Prepare your body for winter sports for the effort

Before heading to the mountains and enjoying winter sports and activities , prepare your body. Whether you are an amateur or a professional skier , this step should not be taken lightly. You must allow at least two months before any sporting activity in the mountains to condition your body . And this in order to minimize stiffness in your muscles. So how do you go about … Read more

The importance of protein in athletes

On average, top athletes have higher protein requirements due to catabolic losses of lean body mass after intense or prolonged aerobic exercise. Exercise also increases calorie expenditure, and amino acids can be used as a source of energy during prolonged exercise, especially if glucose needs are not being met. Current research also indicates that athletes … Read more

Plants for athletes, towards more responsible employment

Plants for athletes, towards more responsible employment

Sport is an integral part of our life and more and more French people practice it regularly, however no sporting activity is without danger and small daily ailments often hamper physical activity. Consequently, there is also an increase in the number of injuries and other pathologies linked to the practice of sport. At the same … Read more