Watch out for ticks, not just for our animal friends

When the warm weather arrives, it’s essential to protect yourself against ticks, which are vectors of serious diseases such as viral meningoencephalitis, ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease. These diseases can have severe neurological consequences. Using repellents, wearing protective clothing and applying preventive solutions based on essential oils are crucial preventive measures to avoid tick bites when out in nature.

With the warm weather finally here, it’s time to enjoy the sunshine and a family picnic. For those who love adventure, it’s the perfect time to take a trip into the great outdoors. The only drawback to these outings is that you need to be wary of certain insects. Although some of them are harmless, others pose a real danger to our health. Ticks are one of them. What’s more, ticks are difficult to detect when they cling to you. In fact, the tick bite is painless and does not cause an instantaneous skin reaction. Here’s a closer look at this mite, the vector of several serious diseases that can affect both humans and their pets.

Diseases transmitted by ticks

Ticks are haematophagous. Their saliva is infested with bacteria and parasites that they transmit to their host when they feed on its blood. Often found on animals such as dogs, cats, horses and cows, ticks also attack humans. And their bites are the cause of many diseases.

Viral meningoencephalitis

Also known as “tick-borne encephalitis”, this disease is little known and rare in France. Yet it can cause serious after-effects such as paralysis and behavioural problems.


Ehrlichiosis is caused by a bacterium called Ehrlichia. It affects both humans and animals. It manifests itself like influenza and can be treated with antibiotics. However, if not treated in time, it can lead to brain damage.

Lyme disease

This is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. It is most often transmitted by Ixodes Ricinus ticks. It is difficult to diagnose. It affects both humans and animals, and manifests itself in the same way: fever, fatigue and joint and muscle pain. Severe cases of Lyme disease lead to neurological disorders.

Practical advice on tick prevention

Ticks proliferate in spring and autumn, when the weather is both hot and humid. They lodge on tall grass or shrubs and drop onto their host. So it’s important to protect yourself before going out for a walk or a picnic, especially at this time of year. Here are a few practical tips:

Use tick repellent

The web is full of brands offering quality tick repellents. Among them is the LCA Aroma brand, which offers a Family Tick Repellent Spray. This lotion will protect the whole family from the vectors of Lyme disease. It is effective and lasts for up to 6 hours.

Wear protective clothing

When out in nature, opt for long-sleeved tops and light-coloured trousers. This allows you to spot ticks quickly when they cling to you. Also, always wear closed shoes and avoid sandals. When you get home, thoroughly inspect your body and your furry friends.

Take a preventive product

As a preventive measure, you can also use a specialised product. Pranarom’s Aromaforest Solution for preventing tick bites is ideal. This solution contains 100% natural essential oils with anti-infectious and immunostimulant properties.

If you go out walking with your dog on a regular basis, we advise you to give him AdTab anti tick tablets, which are effective in both prevention and treatment.

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