What is the homeopathic protocol for preventing influenza?

Homeopathic protocol in the prevention of influenza

Influenza is a highly contagious acute respiratory infection caused by Myxovirus influenzae viruses . Influenza viruses are divided into different types: A, B and C. Virus A (the most virulent) is responsible for most epidemics. The flu manifests itself in the form of seasonal epidemics and affects 2 to 7 million people in France each winter. How is influenza infected? The large number of patients … Read more

Omega 3 / Omega 6: a question of balance

Omega 6 (linoleic acid) and omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid) polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential because our bodies cannot synthesise them. Omega 6 is found in certain vegetable oils, meat, fish, eggs, butter and cheese, while omega 3 is found in certain vegetable oils, oily fish, chia seeds, flax seeds and purslane. Omega 6 promotes inflammation … Read more

How to choose your mouthwash?

We are all , one day, subject to minor oral discomforts such as a canker sore , irritated gums , tooth sensitivity or bad breath . You will understand that a bright smile and fresh breath go through healthy teeth . To achieve this, strict oral hygiene is essential. What if mouthwash was the solution ?! Under no circumstances can mouthwash replace tooth brushing . However, it effectively complements the action of brushing . We find them everywhere, in pharmacies and drugstores or in supermarkets . Of all brands , in all formats , we have a large … Read more

What essential oils should I use in my child’s bedroom?

The aromatherapy is an alternative medicine which includes essential oils and floral waters . This natural therapy is currently experiencing a real revival of interest . It requires precise knowledge of the quality of the essential oils used, in particular for application in pediatrics. However, it is not devoid of toxicity . By following precise rules of administration and dosage, aromatherapy is a safe and effective therapy even for a child. Are all … Read more

How to naturally protect baby against mosquitoes?

How to protect baby against mosquitoes

The beautiful days are coming, with them the mosquitoes have made their return for the sole purpose of preventing us from sleeping and devouring us. There are many protections on the market to protect us from it, but what about baby?  We are often afraid to apply harmful and aggressive lotions on our little blond heads, so nothing … Read more

Which healing cream to choose to erase scars on your skin

Wounds, scars, lesions on the skin… Following surgery, you often need to use a healing ointment. But when you arrive at the chemist’s, with all the active ingredients available, you don’t know which healing cream to choose… To treat your scar in the most effective way, you need to select a healing ointment that is … Read more

Treat halitosis (bad breath) naturally

Natural treatment for halitosis and bad breath

Halitosis is particularly common if you drink too little, have difficulty digesting or are taking medication. “Halitosis” is the scientific term for bad breath, or the emission of unpleasant odours through the breath unpleasant odours whether oral or nasal in origin. However, the notion of “unpleasant odour” varies according to culture, time and individual sensitivities. … Read more

Olfactotherapy, the power of feeling and the art of feeling

Olfactotherapy, a therapeutic alternative

“Of all the senses, smell is the one that strikes me the most. How does smell, taste, become perfume? How do our nerves get nuanced? Subtle, sublime interpreters of what cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be written with words? The smell would be like a soul, immaterial. These sentences by Marcel Hanoun , filmmaker and thinker, poetically illustrate the mysteries of … Read more

How to treat pregnancy disorders with homeopathy?


During pregnancy, the changes in the body of the pregnant woman cause various disorders for which the usual drugs should be avoided. Homeopathy can be the right solution to treat the minor ailments of pregnancy . Homeopathy is very effective in soothing heavy legs , digestion problems , vomiting and pelvic pain … and thus avoid certain chemical drugs prohibited for pregnant women. Homeopathic medicines have no … Read more

The use of herbal medicine in pyelonephritis

Exploring the treatment of pyelonephritis using natural remedies and scientific discoveries, this article offers a holistic approach to this complex urinary tract infection. We decipher the symptoms, the causes and present innovative solutions, combining the wisdom of natural medicine and advances in medical research, for an effective treatment of pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis Acute pyelonephritis is a … Read more

Resist the scorching heat with herbal remedies

Once the euphoria of the first summer days has worn off, France is preparing to face the devastating heat waves . We fear the extreme discomfort and damage to the skin, hair and health in general. Ah if only we had a magic wand! We would hypnotize the weather so that it remains favorable to us indefinitely. While we greatly … Read more

Natural remedies for jellyfish stings

Jellyfish sting on a man's leg, leaving a red mark in the shape of a tentacle, against a background of green grass.

However beautiful they may be underwater, every summer holidaymakers dread the appearance of jellyfish on our beaches. Overfishing and rising water temperatures are at the root of this invasion. Jellyfish cause severe burns. Their tentacles are made up of filaments that stay on the wound and spread venom. The pain caused by a jellyfish sting … Read more

Slimming down with medicinal plants is possible!

Medicinal plants can be of great help in losing weight naturally without straining your body. Taken as a complement to a food rebalancing, they allow you to lose weight, keep your figure and optimize your slimming capital. To support you in your weight loss, we have selected four plants for you in different dosage forms. … Read more

Caring for dry hair with plant oils

A woman with dry, damaged hair pulling on a strand, illustrating the effects of dry hair and the need for nourishing care based on vegetable oils.

Dry, curly or frizzy hair? Cracked? Damaged by colour or sun? Or worse still, all at the same time? A plant oil bath is an essential treatment for nourishing and revitalising hair. Plant oils have many benefits. Get to know them and simply create a tailor-made treatment, adapted to the nature and needs of your … Read more

How to beat cellulite with gemmotherapy?

Gemmotherapy is proving to be a great ally when it comes to rebalancing the skin, so why not turn to these little buds to beat cellulite with gemmotherapy ? Gemmotherapy is suitable for everyone, including children and pregnant women. What’s more, the advantage of buds is that they do not contain the toxic compounds sometimes … Read more