Boost your immunity with superfoods

Fruits, seeds, berries, vegetables and much more, superfoods are increasingly invading our markets and our plates. High in nutritional value, healthy foods help regulate our bodies. Antioxidant, detoxifying, revitalising, the active ingredients and effects are numerous and their effectiveness has been proven. From goji berries and ginseng to seaweed and kale, these nutrient concentrates make for a healthier, more balanced diet. Seeds and spices are also excellent sources of all kinds of trace elements.

Boost your immune system with superfoods

Generally speaking, superfoods include all foods that are rich in trace elements and whose daily consumption has a positive effect on the body. To function properly, our bodies need a variety of nutrients, some of which we cannot synthesise naturally.

These needs fall into 3 main groups:

  • Macronutrients, which are needed for energy (carbohydrates and fats), the assimilation of other nutrients (fats) and tissue construction (proteins).
  • Micronutrients, which play a part in the functioning of our organs and immune system (vitamins, minerals and trace elements).
  • Fibre, which is essential for digestion.

These three major groups are further subdivided into several micro-nutrients with specific actions. And it’s the high content of these microelements that makes superfoods so special.

Superfoods to boost your immune system

Of all the superfoods available, the ones that best boost the immune system are moringa, spirulina, camu-camu, maca, turmeric… to be added to fruity, detoxifying and energising smoothies. If drinks aren’t your thing, chia seeds, flaxseeds and other seeds are perfect for making sweet treats: cookies, healthy fruit bowls, etc.

  • Phyco Organic Spirulina is organic: its cultivation is certified organic by Naturland, and it is certified AB by Ecocert. Unique, patented dehydration methods at 44°C ensure that all the qualities of fresh spirulina are retained. PPhyco ® Organic Spirulina is very rich in Phycocyanins (up to 800 mg per daily dose), which provide significant antioxidant activity. Spirulina also offers a unique capital of proteins (66%), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12), minerals and trace elements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium…) ideal for providing tone and vitality during times of activity.

super aliment graines de chia pour booster vos défenses immunitaires

  • Ecoidées organic chia seeds boost your immune defences and help maintain your digestive system. They are excellent for sportspeople because of their protein content (around 22g per 100g). Finally, chia seeds are gluten-free and cholesterol-free. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) considers chia seeds to be a novel food. In the prepackaged form we offer, the daily intake is limited to 15g.

If you’re not particularly good at cooking, food supplements derived from these ingredients may be a good alternative: royal jelly and honey, wheat germ, acai, goji berries, etc. In pill, capsule, tablet or other form, the active ingredients are concentrated for maximum effect.

Which superfoods should I choose from our online pharmacy?

Why do some people resist illness better than others? Quite simply because their immune defences are stronger. To have a healthy body, you need to focus on two things:

Detoxify the body with natural food supplements:

Toxins are the elements we have in excess in our bodies as a result of pollution and poor diet. They weaken the body and allow microbes to proliferate. For a detox cure, you need to choose detoxifying foods such as lemons and artichokes, and foods with antioxidant properties such as garlic and strawberries.

Poudre de Curcuma et immunité

  • EcoIdeas Organic Turmeric Powder 500g: Turmeric is a plant with detoxifying and digestive properties. A powerful antioxidant from the polyphenol family, turmeric is highlighted in scientific and medical literature for its properties on inflammation, cell protection, natural defences and immunity.

baies de goji et système immunitaire

  • Dried goji berries Lycium barbarum:Used to boost the immune system, goji also helps to combat the development of tumours and cell degeneration. It is recommended to consume between 10 and 20 g of goji berries every day, gradually increasing the quantity.

moringa bio pour vos défenses immunitaires

  • Moringa organic powder: Moringa is an immune system booster. With its 92 phytonutrients and 46 antioxidants, Moringa oleifera helps prevent various infections.

Why eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals?

  • Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin B12, as well as iron, copper, selenium and zinc, are the main elements needed for our immune defences.
  • Vitamin A strengthens the skin and mucous membranes. It is found mainly in carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes.
  • Vitamin D is involved in cell division and improves the response of white blood cells to microbes.
  • Fish and avocado are the best sources of vitamin D.
  • Vitamin C protects against cell ageing and promotes the renewal of certain white blood cells.
  • Citrus fruits and fruit in general are rich in vitamin C.
  • Vitamin B6 regulates the immune system, while vitamins B9 and B12 are involved in normal blood production. They are found mainly in meat, fish, vegetables and wholegrain cereals.
  • Iron is involved in the production of macrophages, cells whose role is to absorb and destroy particles foreign to the body. Nuts are generally rich in iron.
  • Copper, for its part, promotes the production of antibodies; cocoa and nuts are superfoods rich in copper of plant origin.
  • Selenium, like copper, is essential for the production of antibodies. It is found mainly in pulses and nuts.
  • Finally, zinc is involved in many metabolic processes, and improves the immune response. Zinc is found mainly in whole-grain foods.

Naturopathic advice for boosting your immune system

To be in better shape and resist aggression more effectively :

  • Eat at least 5 fruit and vegetables a day: ,
  • Maintain a sufficient intake of proteins and dairy products (for their calcium content) for healthy muscles and bones,
  • Drink between 1 and 1.5 litres of water a day, even if you’re not thirsty,
  • Keep up your physical activity, even in moderation, such as walking, gymnastics, gardening, etc
  • Don’t isolate yourself: invite and go out with friends and family.
  • Sport, a balanced diet and regular sleep can also help prevent illness.

In short, a superfood is, as its name suggests, a food with superpowers for health. It has remarkable nutritional value for the body. Superfoods are natural and also have medicinal properties.

Too much salt damages the immune system

As the WHO pointed out as recently as 2020, the world’s population still consumes too much salt: around 9 to 12 grams a day, when it should be no more than 5 grams a day. In France, however, public health policies are encouraging a reduction in salt intake. In 2017, we consumed an estimated 6.7g of salt per day for women and 8.7g for men.
between 20% and 25% of this intake comes from bread. In 2022, bakers announced a commitment to reduce salt content to 1.1g per 100g by 2025 (compared with 1.5g per 100g in 2022). Another major – and often hidden – source of salt is processed foods… Don’t hesitate to consult the tool put online by ANSES to find out the salt content of your food, or to see which foods contain the most salt so that you can limit their consumption!

Indispensable for life, salt is involved in transporting nerve impulses and muscle contraction, and plays an essential role in regulating blood pressure and maintaining water balance. However, if consumed in excess, it can lead to water retention, high blood pressure and even heart attacks.
Worse still, the results of a study published on 7 February in Cell Metabolism indicate that excess salt consumption could disrupt the regulatory T lymphocytes: Tr or Treg. These Tr or Treg are a subpopulation of T lymphocytes which have the property of inhibiting the proliferation of other effector T lymphocytes and regulating inflammatory phenomena. The work carried out by this international research team shows that too much salt could, by altering the energy metabolism of these Tregs, encourage the development of inflammatory phenomena. In short, eating too much salt could harm your immunity!

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