Homeopathy to support optimal vision

Welcome to our online pharmacy blog! Today we’re going to talk about homeopathy and its benefits for maintaining optimal vision. Practitioners can use homeopathy, an alternative and natural medicine, to treat a variety of health problems, including vision problems. Homeopathic remedies are formulated from plants, minerals and other natural substances, and manufacturers dilute them extremely to make them potentially effective.

There are many homeopathic remedies that can help support optimal vision. Homeopathic remedies such as Ruta graveolens can be used to treat eyestrain and blurred vision, while remedies such as Euphrasia officinalis can be used to treat red and irritated eyes.

At Soin-et-nature, your online pharmacy, we offer a wide selection of homeopathic remedies to support optimal vision. We work with trusted manufacturers to bring you top-quality products at competitive prices.

Eye care with homeopathy

Homeopathy can be used for both curative and preventive purposes. To avoid any eye problems that could have serious repercussions on your vision, I strongly advise you to look after your eyes.

Firstly, you should be aware that with age your mucous membranes can become dehydrated. This can lead to more or less pronounced damage, and therefore to a deterioration in vision, which is often irreversible.

To prevent dry eyes, you can takeAlumina 5CH, 3 granules morning and evening. If you notice symptoms of dehydration, combineAlumina 5CH with Lycopodium 5CH and Causticum 5CH. Causticum can be very effective if you feel burning pain.

To complement these various homeopathic medicines, I recommend you buy an eye drop made from a mother tincture of euphrasia or calendula and saline solution. Pour 2 drops a day into each eye to moisturise your mucous membranes.

In addition to dry eyes, you may experience eye strain due to poor lighting during sewing or reading sessions, or heavy exposure to screens (computers, smartphones, tablets). Although benign, fatigue can seriously weaken your eyes and encourage vision problems.

If you feel that your eyes have been exposed to screens for a long time and repeatedly, I recommend taking Jaborandi 5CH. Take 3 granules morning and evening.

At the end of the day, do your eyes feel foggy? Add Ruta Graveolens 5CH and/orArnica Montan 5CH. These two remedies can relieve the symptoms of tiredness: red eyes, pain, etc.

To cleanse and eradicate any infectious agents, soak two compresses inarnica vegetable oil and cornflower water and apply them to your eyelids for half an hour.

If you’re looking for homeopathic remedies, we’re here to help. Feel free to browse our online selection for personalised advice. You can also contact our team of professionals for your needs.

Homeopathy and vision: a possible link?

Homeopathy, recognised for its ability to treat and prevent a variety of conditions in a holistic way, is attracting interest in the field of eye health. This branch of alternative medicine, based on the principle of similarity – “similia similibus curentur” (like cures like) – offers a personalised approach to the treatment of visual disorders.

In homeopathic practice, the relationship between the symptoms and the remedy is crucial. Substances which, in large doses, would cause symptoms of illness in a healthy person, are administered in minute quantities to treat similar symptoms in a person who is suffering. For example, a person experiencing vision difficulties, such as eyestrain or dry eyes, may benefit from specific homeopathic remedies targeting these symptoms.

Studies have explored the effectiveness of homeopathy in the management of vision problems. Although the research is still limited and the results are sometimes open to debate, some cases have shown significant improvements. For example, in the case of conjunctivitis, remedies such as Euphrasia (Euphrasia) have been used successfully to relieve eye inflammation and irritation.

It is important to stress that homeopathy is not a substitute for conventional ophthalmological treatments, but can complement them. Consultation with an ophthalmologist remains essential for diagnosing and treating eye conditions. However, for those looking for a more natural or complementary approach, homeopathy offers an interesting alternative, particularly for managing mild symptoms or as support for an overall vision of health.

Understanding homeopathic dilutions

Dilution is a key concept in homeopathy, fundamental to understanding its mode of action. It involves reducing the concentration of an active substance, often to extremely low levels, to create a remedy. In homeopathic ophthalmology, dilutions are used to treat a range of vision disorders, from eye strain to more complex conditions.

Homeopathic dilutions are generally indicated by numbers and letters, such as 5CH, 30CH or 200K. The number represents the number of times the basic substance has been diluted, while the letter indicates the proportion of this dilution. For example, a 1:100 dilution repeated 30 times is marked as 30CH.

One of the fundamental assumptions of homeopathy is that the more diluted a remedy is, the more potentially effective it is. This idea, although controversial in the scientific community, is central to homeopathic practice. Practitioners suggest that these high dilutions stimulate the body to heal itself, particularly in the case of eye disorders.

Treating eye disorders with homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies are based on substances from the three great kingdoms and are far less aggressive than conventional medicines. What’s more, they are non-addictive. They can be very effective in treating eye diseases. For example, glaucoma, conjunctivitis or retinopathy. In some cases, they can also prevent recurrences.


An increase in intraocular pressure causes glaucoma, which is one of the most dangerous eye conditions, as it can lead to permanent loss of vision. If you are experiencing a slow deterioration in your vision, frequent headaches and pain in your eyes, you need to act quickly to prevent the total destruction of your optic nerve fibres.

To reduce intraocular pressure, I recommend Belladonna 5 CH, Colocynthis 5 CH and Phosphorus 5 CH. Take three granules of each remedy, alternately, three times a day. Continue the treatment until your condition improves.

  • Belladonna is particularly effective in relieving acute symptoms, such as intense throbbing-like pain inside the eye and in the head.
  • Colocynthis soothes the painful sensations felt by sufferers in the eyeball area.
  • Doctors recommend Phosphorus to treat optic nerve atrophy. This manifests itself as blurred vision, eyestrain and halos around light.
  • Doctors recommend Prunus Spinosa, extracted from blackthorn, to treat angle-closure glaucoma.


Conjunctivitis can be viral, bacterial, allergic or mechanical in origin, and is caused by chronic irritation of the conjunctiva by elements such as wind, dust, chlorine from swimming pools or sand. What’s more, in the case of non-allergic conjunctivitis, homeopathy can be an ideal solution for speeding up the healing process.

At the inflammatory stage (red eye, sensitivity to light, etc.), I recommend takingAconit 15 CH, Belladonna 5 CH,Apis Melifica 9 CH,Euphrasia 5 CH or Silicea 4 CH.

The dosage is 3 granules per hour, except for Aconite 5 CH. It is indicated for the sudden onset of conjunctivitis and should be taken as a single dose to relieve the symptoms.

At the catarrhal stage, I recommendEuphrasia 5CH, Kalium Iodatum 5CH, Pulsatilla 5CH,Argentum Nitricum 5CH,Hepar Sulfur 7CH or Mercurius Solubilis 5CH.

Finally,Euphrasia 5CH is used during the inflammatory stage and is also active during the catarrhal stage. It combats thick, sticky secretions, hyper-sensitivity to light and sensations of burning and foreign bodies.


Diabetes or worsening high blood pressure cause retinopathy. It can also be treated with homeopathic remedies. To avoid irreversible damage to your retina, I advise you to take action as soon as possible. Start your treatment as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Hamamelis Virginiana 5CH (5 granules 3 times a day) andArnica Montana 9 CH (one dose every week, for 6 months) can combat the redness and haemorrhagic syndrome.

For eye pain characterised by a rise in temperature and increased intensity at night, take Lycopodium. The dosage of the homeopathic remedy depends on the severity of the symptoms. If the pain is accompanied by a sensation of grains of sand in the eyes, I recommend taking 5 granules ofHamamelis Virginiana 5CH, 3 times a day.

Homeopathy and styes

Granules can also be used to treat styes naturally. Homeopathic remedies generally have no side effects and can be used in addition to the natural remedies mentioned above.

Here are some of the homeopathic remedies most commonly used to treat styes:

  1. Pulsatilla: this remedy is used for styes that are hot and painful, and tend to get worse at the end of the day. People who need this remedy often have symptoms that improve when they are outdoors.
  2. Silicea: This remedy is used for styes that are difficult to ripen and tend to be painful. People who need this remedy may have a history of boils and cysts.
  3. Hepar sulphuris: this remedy is used for styes that are very sensitive to the touch and tend to fester quickly. People who need this remedy may be irritable and sensitive to draughts.

Homeopathy can therefore be an excellent choice for supporting optimal vision. At soin-et-nature, your online pharmacy, we are committed to offering you top-quality products. As well as expert homeopathic advice to help you achieve your health goals. Thank you for your trust and see you soon on our blog!


  1. Can homeopathy really improve my vision?
    • Homeopathy aims to treat symptoms and support overall health, including eye health. It can indeed help to relieve certain associated symptoms, such as eyestrain or dry eyes. However, it cannot ‘cure’ vision disorders such as myopia or astigmatism,
  2. What are the most common homeopathic remedies for vision problems?
    • Remedies such as Euphrasia (for irritation and conjunctivitis), Ruta Graveolens (for eyestrain), and Arnica (for eye trauma) are frequently used. However, the choice of remedy depends on each individual’s specific symptoms.
  3. Is it safe to use homeopathy for the eyes without consulting a doctor?
    • Although homeopathy is generally considered safe, it is always advisable to consult a professional, especially if symptoms are severe or persistent. Vision problems may be a sign of more serious conditions requiring medical attention.
  4. How long does it take to see results with homeopathy?
    • This depends on the nature and severity of the condition, as well as individual response to treatment. Some people may feel an improvement in a few days, while others may need several weeks or months of treatment.
  5. Can homeopathy be used in conjunction with glasses or contact lenses?
    • Yes, homeopathy can be used in conjunction with glasses or contact lenses. It does not replace these visual aids, but can help to improve ocular comfort and manage the symptoms associated with their use.

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