How to choose your dietary supplements slimming and lose weight before the summer

The countdown to summer has already begun… You’ve been eating and drinking your way through the confines of the house? Don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of time to get back into shape so you can feel great in your swimming costume this summer. At some point in our lives, we’ve all been bothered by excess weight and cellulite, more commonly known as ‘orange peel’ skin. We know just how annoying these unsightly little problems can become. That’s why we’re giving you a helping hand by sharing our tips for losing weight before the summer.

How do you calculate your BMI?

Why not start by calculating your BMI to see where you stand?
It’s essential to know your Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine the ideal programme to adopt.

BMI is calculated as follows: WEIGHT (in kg)/Height (in cm)
If your BMI is between 18.5 and 25, your weight is normal
If your BMI is between 25 and 30, you are overweight
Within overweight, we can distinguish between very overweight (27-30) and slightly overweight (25-27)
the solutions to be adopted will differ according to these two categories. BMIs below 18.5 (thinness) and above 30 (obesity) are specific cases.

What is cellulite?

When you want to lose weight, you inevitably want to do something about cellulite.

Cellulite is a granular mass, a deposit of fat found on the thighs, buttocks, hips and upper arms. This mass deforms the connective tissue under the skin, and is more often referred to as “orange peel” or “dimpled skin”.

Unfortunately, ladies, we are generally the most affected because we have not one, not two, but three layers of fat cells at these levels… But don’t worry, even if you gentlemen only have one layer, cellulite can affect anyone.

Why am I putting on weight?

  • An unbalanced diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Genetics
  • Poor elimination of toxins (encapsulated in fat cells)
  • Stress
  • Poor sleep
  • Hormones
  • Poor blood circulation or lymphatic drainage
  • Water retention

If you recognise yourself in one or more of these points, you should know that these are all causes that can contribute to the appearance of extra kilos and cellulite.

How can I lose weight before the summer?

Don’t panic, it’s perfectly possible to lose weight before the summer, as long as you go step by step. Avoid miracle methods and opt for simple solutions: eat better, move around a bit more and, above all, learn to listen to your body. To give you a helping hand, slimming food supplements can also be a good option, as long as you choose them carefully according to your needs.

Remember that every little effort counts and that the most important thing is to feel good about yourself.

  • Manage stress to lose weight more easily:

Start by STRETCHING! Yes, stress affects your moods and can prevent you from losing weight. Learning to manage it is essential if you are to feel better and achieve your weight-loss goals.

And all because of cortisol, the stress hormone. That’s why you need to take this into account, and combine a weight-loss method with breathing and relaxation exercises.

Have you always thought about yoga? Why not start today! The bonus effect: by learning to breathe better, you’re also guaranteed a flat tummy effect and you’ll instantly grow taller, slimming your figure in a matter of seconds.

  • Get active:

You can breathe, but you can’t start a slimming programme without a bit of sport! The renewed energy you feel when the warmer weather returns can be an opportunity to get back into sport in earnest. In that case, it’s a good idea to target those sports which are most likely to improve your saddlebags : aquabiking, aquagym, dance, inline skating… or even walking, as long as the pace is brisk (enough to make you sweat), as this accelerates weight loss and tones your body.

The little extra: exercise helps reduce stress!

So you see, it all adds up!

  • Review your diet to lose weight for good:

Did you think you’d escape? Well, I’m afraid not! I haven’t forgotten. Weight loss is also about diet. Now that you’re relaxed and positive, why not change your eating habits?

Say goodbye to monotonous eating. Have fun with tastes and colours, use and abuse condiments. Just don’t lose sight of the fact that your energy intake should not exceed your energy expenditure.

Foods to avoid: watch out for salt (to combat excess subcutaneous water), pastries, sweets and so on. Yes, I know it’s tempting, so we don’t forbid ourselves to avoid frustration, and then an occasional excess is always good for the morale!

  • Drink plenty!

No, I’m not talking about alcohol, as you may have guessed, but water! Drink it in all its forms! Water drains, detoxifies and even combats water retention. So go ahead, choose your drinks:

  • herbal teas, green tea (because it helps to burn fat),
  • thyme tea (which has anti-infectious properties),
  • verbena ..

And if you can, drink up to 2 litres a day.

Bonus: it will improve the quality of your skin.

  • The role of sleep in effective weight loss :

Sleep is very important because it regulates the two appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin. One stimulates the appetite while the other regulates it. Sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a night is therefore ideal for regulating these two hormones. Watch out late risers, as there is no additional effect.

Come on, you’re already on the right track! But I’m sure you could do with a little help! Why don’t you use slimming food supplements?

Which slimming food supplement should I choose?

First of all, you might ask yourself what the point of using a slimming food supplement is. As you will have realised, it’s just a supplement to help you achieve your weight loss goal, a helping hand. Your choice of slimming food supplement depends on your individual profile, which is why it’s important to determine which is best suited to your metabolism and body type.

To give you an idea of the chronology of things, in cosmetics, you do a scrub before you do a mask, don’t you? When it comes to slimming, it’s the same: you act successively or simultaneously depending on your objectives. A few extra kilos after the festive season or before the summer holidays? Now’s the perfect time to get started:

  • Prepare your body with a detox to eliminate all the toxins in your system
  • You need to burn fat using a fat burner
  • Take care of your intestinal flora by taking a slimming food supplement based on hafnia alvei, to help metabolise rich foods.
  • Maintain weight loss with a fat catcher

Our selection of slimming food supplements:

NHCO Thermoxyl Burner :

Thermoxyl NHCO is the 1st slimming food supplement containing 125 mg of caffeine. It is a combination of burners with the most concentrated doses, for a rapid 4-week programme, renewable once. The combination of Arginine and Leucine amino acids is optimised for action on slimming and firmness.
The NHCO Thermoxyl Burner accelerates metabolism and provides 200% of the NRVs for vitamins. When combined with sport, the effectiveness of Thermoxyl NHCO is multiplied.

Biocyte Keto Trainer :

This food supplement from the Keto range from the Biocyte laboratory promotes drainage of the body. This drainer contains grape marc to help reduce cellulite and hibiscus to facilitate the body’s elimination functions through drainage. It is traditionally used to increase renal elimination of water.

Le Capteur de Graisse Xls Medical :

XLS Medical Capteur de Graisses is a certified medical aid for weight control, made from a unique, standardised fibre complex, composed in particular of dehydrated cactus leaves.
The product is enriched with essential lipophilic vitamins A, D and E to compensate for the reduced availability of these vitamins due to the reduced assimilation of fat.
Xls Medical Fat Captor has been clinically proven to capture up to 27.4% of fat from the diet. As well as capturing fat, this product also increases the feeling of satiety and reduces cholesterol levels. What’s more, there are no known side effects. So you can maintain your weight and feel fuller.

You now have all the keys you need to slim down before the summer – it’s up to you!
For more information on choosing the ideal food supplement for your body type and eating habits, ask your pharmacist for advice.

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