Slimming herbal tea for April: your ally in getting back in shape

It’s April, and it’s time to start thinking about preparing our bodies for summer. To help you do just that, the online pharmacy blog today presents theSlimming herbal tea of the month. In this article, we’ll take a look at its ingredients and their benefits, as well as advice on how to use it … Read more

How to lose weight and fight against cellulite with essential oils?

Essential oils are an excellent remedy to help us lose weight and fight cellulite in a natural and fast way . They facilitate and accelerate weight loss , in particular by helping to burn fat, reducing water retention and fighting against cravings. How to fight cellulite? Cellulite is a fatty mass that can be located on the thighs, buttocks and hips as well as on the upper arms. This … Read more

Slimming down with medicinal plants is possible!

Medicinal plants can be of great help in losing weight naturally without straining your body. Taken as a complement to a food rebalancing, they allow you to lose weight, keep your figure and optimize your slimming capital. To support you in your weight loss, we have selected four plants for you in different dosage forms. … Read more

How to beat cellulite with gemmotherapy?

Buds on a branch - symbolizing the active principles of gemmotherapy to drain, detoxify and reduce cellulite.

Gemmotherapy is proving to be a great ally when it comes to rebalancing the skin, so why not turn to these little buds to beat cellulite with gemmotherapy ? Gemmotherapy is suitable for everyone, including children and pregnant women. What’s more, the advantage of buds is that they do not contain the toxic compounds sometimes … Read more

How to choose your dietary supplements slimming and lose weight before the summer

Une balance et un mètre ruban posés sur le sol avec une pomme : symboles de la perte de poids et de la minceur avant l'été.

The countdown to summer has already begun… You’ve been eating and drinking your way through the confines of the house? Don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of time to get back into shape so you can feel great in your swimming costume this summer. At some point in our lives, we’ve all been bothered by excess … Read more

Which natural anti-cellulite treatment should you choose?

Découvrez comment lutter contre la cellulite avec les huiles essentielles

There are several types of cellulite: cosmetic cellulite and infectious cellulite (bacterial: staphylococcus or streptococcus). What is cellulite? There are several types of cellulite: cosmetic cellulite and infectious cellulite (bacterial: staphylococcus or streptococcus).Infectious cellulite is in fact a bacterial infection caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. The pathway is a skin infection. The management of this … Read more