Pukka & Vitaflor revisit healthy herbal teas

Plants have been used since the dawn of time to relieve and cure various ailments. Crushed, in the form of tablets, capsules, powders, gummies, etc. Plant-based remedies have taken various forms over the ages. But the most popular form is still herbal tea. As well as being easy to consume, they make it easier to … Read more

5 detox tips after the holidays

Champagnethe holidays are often high in calories. So now it’s time to take charge of your life by getting back to a healthy lifestyle, thanks to our 5 detox tips after the holidays. Detox” mode consists of cleansing your body of the excesses accumulated during the festive season. Indeed, with their high alcohol, fat and … Read more

5 simple everyday actions to take care of your liver

Naturopathic tips for taking care of your liver

A veritable chemical powerhouse of our body, the liver performs hundreds of functions and its optimal functioning is one of the pillars of our health. Constantly in high demand, we have every interest in taking care of our liver on a daily basis. Simple gestures can contribute in particular. To drink a lot of water Sufficient hydration is essential to allow … Read more

Preparing your body for slimming thanks to detox

Preparing your body for slimming thanks to detox

Need to lose a few pounds or just want to refine your figure and feel better about yourself? Get in shape and start off on the right foot by opting for a cure slimming detox cure! Soin et Nature provides you with ever more effective, healthy and easy-to-use food supplements to help you achieve your slimming goals. goals . Saturated by a … Read more

Our liver plants for a gentle detox

Our liver plants for a gentle detox

With the approach of spring, advertisements extolling the merits of liver-draining plants are indeed beginning to flow. The choice of a plant is not the result of chance or of a few readings found here and there on the net. Each plant has specific properties. These depend in particular on the active ingredients that compose it, and knowledge of your … Read more

How to cleanse your liver naturally with liver detox?

cleanse your liver naturally with liver detox

The month of January is coming to an end, and with it, the gastronomic opulence of the end-of-year celebrations. Since December, we have been abusing our digestive system and our liver; between chocolates, foie gras, Yule logs and other king’s pancakes… Not to mention the upcoming pancake season… Our body tells us STOOOOP !!! And … Read more

Once upon a time, garlic bulb essential oil

Native to Central Asia or the Caucasus, garlic(Allium sativum) has been cultivated and eaten for over 6,000 years. It has always been considered a panacea. In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder listed 61 illnesses that could be cured with garlic. Before the discovery of antibiotics, crushed garlic cloves were used, among other things, as an … Read more

How to beat cellulite with gemmotherapy?

Gemmotherapy is proving to be a great ally when it comes to rebalancing the skin, so why not turn to these little buds to beat cellulite with gemmotherapy ? Gemmotherapy is suitable for everyone, including children and pregnant women. What’s more, the advantage of buds is that they do not contain the toxic compounds sometimes … Read more

How about doing a digital detox this summer?

Websites, social media and mobile applications, time spent online, favourite online activities… This summer, opt for a digital detox and free yourself from your most cherished ally, the smartphone! The result will be good for your health, your relationship and your everyday holiday life. In a world where the majority of French people are constantly … Read more

It’s spring, and it’s time for a natural detox!

The arrival of spring brings with it an irresistible urge to revitalise. Every year, women’s magazines take up the subject of spring detox, and laboratories are full of praise for their products miracle products. However, marketing hype aside, there is a real reason to purify our bodies after the winter season. Why is a detox … Read more