5 detox tips after the holidays

Champagnethe holidays are often high in calories. So now it’s time to take charge of your life by getting back to a healthy lifestyle, thanks to our 5 detox tips after the holidays.

Detox” mode consists of cleansing your body of the excesses accumulated during the festive season. Indeed, with their high alcohol, fat and sugar content, festive meals take a toll on our bodies. This is why it is recommended to start a “detox” period to relieve, purify and rebalance the body by selecting the right foods and building meals that are better adapted to our needs.

Drink enough

After the holidays, sufficient hydration is essential to allow the liver to perform its role of filtration, transformation and evacuation of waste and residues. Drinking 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day is also a minimum, to support liver function. In addition, a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach can be beneficial. In fact, most of us do not drink enough water. Getting into the habit of drinking lemon water every morning is a good way to start your day. How do you know if you are drinking enough? Your urine is almost clear when you go to the toilet!

Finally, herbal teas are also powerful allies for a gentle detox of thebody . Indeed, they contain plants that help digestion, eliminate toxins and combat certain digestive problems such as bloating, flatulence or nausea.

Our selection of “detox”herbal teas after the holidays:

Eat better and in moderation

After the overeating of the festive season, it is important to relieve the digestive system by putting it to rest. The most effective way to do this is not to eat large meals that will tire the body. On the other hand, it is advisable to favour easily digestible dishes, mainly made up of vegetables.

Get your body moving

Any physical activity is welcome during the festive period. Take public transport instead of your car, take the stairs instead of the lift or get up more often at the office. Any sporting activity will be beneficial to get your body back in shape.

Physical activity stimulates the viscera, promoting better digestion. Therefore, better transit and better assimilation of nutrients.

For those who are reluctant to exercise, you can choose to walk or cycle rather than drive or use public transport. Take the stairs instead of lifts and escalators. A set of practices that will keep you moving on a daily basis.

Focus on plants that promote detox

  • Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a liver protector that rebuilds damaged liver cells and restores metabolic capacity. In addition, milk thistle stimulates the production of bile to support difficult digestion.

  • Desmodium

Desmodium is also a hepatoprotector. In fact, it regulates the level of transaminases. Transaminases are enzymes (proteins) present in the cells of the body, more specifically in the muscles and the liver. Therefore, it is a blood marker that allows doctors to detect abnormalities in test results.

  • Artichoke

Artichoke is in fact a liver regenerator. In addition, it stimulates the production of bile, which promotes digestion.

Practising intermittent fasting

With intermittent fasting, you only eat for a certain number of hours during the day. Fasting for a certain number of hours each day can help your body eliminate. In addition, scientific studies show that intermittent fasting also has health benefits.

1 thought on “5 detox tips after the holidays”

  1. These are very important facts not only for after holidays but also day today practice. Because we have many unusual foods always. thanks


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