Freestyle sensor: Lower blood sugar to live longer

Managing blood sugar levels plays a central role in metabolic health and longevity. Whether you have diabetes or not, keeping blood glucose levels stable and within recommended limits is essential to prevent chronic health complications. The Freestyle Libre sensor, as a continuous glucose monitoring device, offers an advanced method of tracking glucose levels in real time, … Read more

Semaglutide + Tirzepatide: Our natural alternatives for obesity and diabetes

In a world where obesity and type 2 diabetes are affecting more and more people, the search for effective solutions is paramount. Ozempic (semaglutide), Zepbound and Mounjaro (tirzepatide) represent a major step forward in this quest. Although these drugs differ in their chemical composition, they share a common objective: to help patients manage their weight … Read more

Stop overdoing it this Halloween: Natural strategies for balancing your sugar intake

Halloween, celebrated with enthusiasm around the world, is synonymous with fun and indulgence, especially for those with a sweet tooth. However, behind the mask of this joyous festival lies a less festive reality: the risks associated with excessive sugar consumption. Numerous studies have highlighted the harmful effects of over-consumption of sugar, ranging from dental problems … Read more

New developments in the field of insulin resistance: Red light

Insulin resistance is a major public health concern. Recent studies suggest that exposure to red light or‘red light therapy‘ could play a significant role in regulating blood sugar levels. This article will look in detail at these findings and the potential mechanisms at work. What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition in which … Read more

DNA methylation age acceleration: Epigenetic mechanisms in diabetic complications

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a complex medical condition characterised by insulin resistance and chronic hyperglycaemia. Although the complications associated with this disease can be multiple, it is crucial to develop precise prevention tools for patients who are particularly at risk. One of the recent developments in this field is theuse of epigenetics, in particular … Read more

Sugar is a drug: true or false?

The ubiquity of sugar in our modern diet raises concerns about its effects on our healthparticularly on the functioning of our brain. Scientific research has revealed striking similarities between the effects of sugar on the brain and the neurological mechanisms associated with addictive substances. In this article, we’ll dive into the scientific findings that illustrate … Read more

Back-to-school herbal tea to balance blood sugar levels

Carbohydrate metabolism, made up of a series of biochemical processes, regulates the synthesis, absorption and breakdown of carbohydrates in the body. An imbalance in this system can lead to various neurological changes and metabolic disordersdiabetes being the most common. The summer period, often characterised by an increase in the consumption of sugary and calorific products, … Read more

Which nutritional supplement to choose for diabetes?

Are you diabetic? Do you want to look after your health in a natural way while alleviating your blood sugar problems? This article will explain which nutrients and food supplements can help you in your fight against diabetes. However, it is essential to remember that a food supplement is not designed to cure diabetes, but … Read more

Diabetes and metabolic disorders, what you need to know

Diabetes currently affects more than 3 million people in France and nearly 140 million worldwide. This term designates a whole series of pathologies, generally characterized by polydipsia (abnormal thirst) and polyuria (excretion of urine greater than normal). However, there are many names to qualify diabetes: lean, fatty, sweet, asymptomatic, alloxanic, tasteless, tanned, juvenile etc. To … Read more