What is the link between mental health and epigenetics?

The complex and fascinating evolution of the human being is based on a subtle interaction between genetics and the environment. Each of us is unique, not only in our physical appearance, but also in the way we think, feel and react to life’s challenges. What’s more, our susceptibility to disease and our mental health vary … Read more

Stress, stomach aches and skin problems

Stress is an inescapable fact of modern life. We are constantly exposed to stressful situations, whether at work, in our relationships or even in our environment. And unfortunately, stress can have a damaging impact on our bodies, often manifesting itself in stomach aches and skin problems. In this article, we’re going to explore in depth … Read more

Discover mental well-being: The mental health benefits of the Keto diet

There’s no denying that what we eat has a significant impact on our physical health. But what about our mental health? The ketogenic diet, often cited for its ability to promote weight loss, hides an unexploited potential: the benefits for our mental health. So let’s get to it! Let’s discover the mental health benefits of … Read more

Dynabiane and depression: Analysis of the effectiveness of the natural remedy from the PiLeJe laboratory

Today, we’re taking a look at an essential yet often underestimated subject: depression. In this quest for information, we’re focusing on a natural alternative treatment – Dynabiane, from the renowned PiLeJelaboratory. Our article will detail the effectiveness of this natural remedy for depression, carefully analysing its composition and mode of action. We would like to … Read more

Why does your brain love creatine? The secret revealed!

Ah, creatine! This well-known natural substance sportsmen and and bodybuilding. But did you know that your brain is also a big fan of creatine? Well, brace yourself, because you’re about to find out why your brain loves creatine and how it can improve your cognitive abilities. So grab a cup of tea, make yourself comfortable … Read more

The benefits of physical exercise for mental health

Physical exercise is often associated with physical health benefits such as weight loss reducing the risk of heart disease and improving muscular strength and endurance. But did you know that exercise can also have significant mental health benefits? In this article, we’ll explore the mental health benefits of exercise and give you some practical advice … Read more

What foods help to reduce stress and anxiety?

Stress and anxiety can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. Fortunately, there are natural ways to reduce these symptoms, and diet is a powerful tool to help relieve stress and anxiety. In this article, we’ll explore the most effective anti-stress foods, which are backed by science, to help you feel more relaxed … Read more

The gut-brain axis

Have you ever had the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach? If so, then you now understand that there is a link between the stomach and the head. Let’s take a closer look! The impact of the stomach on mental health There is indeed a link between mental health problems and gut dysbiosis. In … Read more

Can eating disorders be treated with Naturopathy?

The naturopath is responsible for guiding patients in finding lifestyle and health solutions. Therefore, he helps to lead a healthier life. When it comes to eating disorders such as bulimia,binge eating oranorexia, it is important to realise that these are real diseases and not just eating habits. These eating disorders can lead to serious health … Read more

Treat stress and anxiety with Gelsemium homeopathy granules

Treat stress and anxiety with Gelsemium homeopathy granules

Gelsemium owes its name to Antoine-Laurent Jussieu , the famous French botanist (1748-1836), father of plant classification. Jussieu named it in reference to “ gelsomina ” which means jasmine in Italian. English speakers also call it “ Carolina Jasmin ” or Carolina jasmine . Definition of Gelsemium Gelsemium is a small climbing plant from America and Asia. It enjoys a certain popularity, but it is not its small yellow and delicate flower that … Read more

Become aware of and prevent depression

Trastornos mentales y trastornos del estado de ánimo. 1. Depresión : La depresión es un estado emocional doloroso que resulta de un aumento en la intensidad o duración de los cambios de humor, con evidencia de factores genéticos y ambientales. Hoy, representa del 30 al 60% de las causas de suicidios. Hay 3 tipos de síndromes depresivos : Luz … Read more

When the season becomes synonymous with depression

As the arrival of the cold season brings with it the traditional ‘winter blues’ for some people, researchers are besieging depression from all sides: what are its origins and mechanisms, and can it be prevented? What is society’s image of winter SAD? Winter darkness is experienced differently in different cultures. At high latitudes and in … Read more

The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

Stress is a disturbed state of self-regulation (homeostasis) . It is a specific syndrome triggered by non-specific impulses (stressors) , to which the body is not adapted. Its origin can be physical ( injury, surgery, intoxication, UV, etc. ), psychological (psychological pressure, fear, etc. ) and can generate adjustment disorders such as anxiety, sleep disorders, mild depression to moderate, cognitive disorders, overwork or exhaustion syndrome. What are “stress adjustment … Read more

How to learn to control your food cravings?

Food cravings: a daily challenge for many people. In this article, we invite you to discover effective strategies and natural remedies for controlling them and maintaining optimal nutritional balance. The aim of a balanced diet is to meet our nutritional requirements in terms of macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), according … Read more

Stress – What impact on our health? What solutions?

Initially, the stressor is mainly physical . It is indeed thanks to stress that we can react quickly in a dangerous situation (fire, road accident … we speak of so-called “life-saving” stress. At present, the evolution of our lifestyle puts us in front of more and more constraints. We are confronted with permanent overwork: working for a living, looking after … Read more

Support for Alzheimer’s disease with medicinal plants

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system that affects around one million people in France, with a prevalence of 5% between 60 and 70 years and more than 15% after 80 years. Two types of brain damage are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease 1- Amyloid or senile plaques: These plaques are located … Read more