Boost your immunity with superfoods

Choose super foods to boost your immune system

Fruits, seeds, berries, vegetables and much more, superfoods are increasingly invading our markets and our plates. High in nutritional value, healthy foods help regulate our bodies. Antioxidant, detoxifying, revitalising, the active ingredients and effects are numerous and their effectiveness has been proven. From goji berries and ginseng to seaweed and kale, these nutrient concentrates make … Read more

Stock up on minerals for the winter with Vitall

Stock up on minerals for the winter with Vitall +

The cold, flu, fatigue… Winter puts our bodies and our spirits to the test. To help you resist the cold more serenely and ward off common seasonal illnesses, turn to Vitall food supplements!Most winter illnesses are caused bymineral and vitamin deficiencies. So, until the warmer weather returns, it’s essential to adapt your shopping list and … Read more

What are the health benefits of seaweed?

Algae are plants of natural, aquatic origin. There are several types, including green, brown and red. Also known as thallophytes, these are specimens made up entirely of thallus. They have no roots, stems or leaves, just a vegetative apparatus. Since they first appeared over a billion years ago, they have continued to develop. There are … Read more

Vitamins, allies of our health. Why do you need it?

The picture shows capsules and various food supplements arranged in such a way as to resemble a heart, emerging from a bottle of food supplements. All this to illustrate the essential role of vitamins for our health.

Vitamins are substances that are essential for life. The word “vitamins” comes from the Latin ” vita “, meaning ” life “. They are involved in a whole series of chemical reactions that are essential to the normal functioning of our bodies. Unfortunately, we cannot synthesise these precious substances ourselves. We have to provide them … Read more

Vitamins A, E and C. Where can you find these antioxidant vitamins?

Vitamin A E and C and Antioxidant vitamins

Vitamin A This vitamin is present in our body in the form of retinol among others. Unfortunately, these molecules are altered by the oxygen in the air, so it is important to replenish our needs on a daily basis. This vitamin is essential for our visual system and any deficiency could lead to blindness quite quickly, … Read more

Food supplements to boost concentration and memory during exams

The dreaded exam period is fast approaching. After a string of films, TV series and video games, you now have to get back to the hard life of a student. Back to a world where procrastination is no longer an option. Back, too, to an environment where you have to memorise countless pieces of information … Read more

The role of food supplements in antiviral immunity

All deficiencies in proteins, essential fatty acids, metalloenzymes, vitamin factors and antioxidant elements lead to a dysfunction of the immunity. The immune system, like any other system in the body, depends on adequate food intake and is very sensitive to nutritional deficits and imbalances. However, unlike other systems, the nutritional requirements of the immune system … Read more

Food rebalancing, zoom on Lipids

Lipids are fats made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms and provide the form of energy most easily stored by the body. Lipids are essential for the proper functioning of our cells and the nervous system. Focus on the lipid categories: Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA), known as “bad fats”: These are mainly animal fats … Read more

Food rebalancing, focus on Carbohydrates

Formerly called “carbohydrates”, carbohydrates are a category of nutrients that include simple sugars and complex sugars. These sugars are partially digested in the mouth, subject to good chewing, before reaching the small intestine. From Carbs to Glucose: To be usable by the body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose during digestion. The glucose then passes through … Read more

The interest of food supplements in weight loss

A varied, balanced diet and regular exercise are still the best ways of controlling excess weight. These days, however, there are various alternatives available in pharmacies. These include natural food supplements for slimming purposes. As summer approaches, a vast array of slimming food supplements is on offer. However, it is vital to know what these … Read more

Why choose your food supplements in pharmacies?

What Should Consumers Know About Food Supplements? These days, taking food supplements is common. This is to maintain and strengthen health in general. But also for more specific reasons such as: Ensure recommended nutritional intakes (ANC); Compensate for bad eating habits; Prevent a permanent or temporary risk of deficiencies; Address possible serious deficiencies in the … Read more

What natural treatment to treat osteoarthritis

Quel traitement naturel contre l'artrose

Osteoarthritis is the most common rheumatic disease in Western countries. It would affect 9 to 10 million French people (17% of the population). What is osteoarthritis? Definitio n: Mechanical and non-inflammatory joint disease, characterized by degenerative joint damage, associated with a proliferation of underlying bone tissue. Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joint and not … Read more

Natural anti-bloating treatments

Bloating is defined by a feeling of swelling in the abdomen (meteorism) and the need to belch or pass gas. There are several types: Bloating of the stomach leads to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is also accompanied by an exaggerated intake of air (aerophagia). Bloating of the small intestine therefore occurs … Read more

How can anxiety disorders be treated naturally?

Stress and anxiety are unwelcome companions in our daily lives, affecting us at different levels. Constant agitation, incessant worry and external pressures can quickly take over our mental and physical well-being. However, there are natural and effective ways to regain serenity and balance. In this article, we invite you to explore the treasures of nature … Read more