Rid our horse friends of parasitic flies

All living beings are exposed to parasites. In particular, they infect pets and livestock. They are many and varied: from ticks to fleas, from tapeworms to parasitic flies. The host and the parasites can coexist without necessarily harming each other. A balance between the two living beings is possible. However, if this balance is upset, … Read more

Flatworms, roundworms: Choosing the right dewormer for your cat

Flatworms, roundworms: Choosing the right dewormer for your cat

Caring for a cat goes beyond affection and includes essential aspects such as hygiene and health. Among these, deworming plays a key role. It’s crucial to choose the right product to combat worms, whether roundworms like roundworms or flatworms like tapeworms. These parasites, although sometimes tolerated in small quantities, can seriously damage your cat’s health … Read more

Deworm your animal, for the well-being of the house

Whatever your pet’s living conditions, whether you live in a flat or your furry companion is lucky enough to roam the great outdoors, he or she is likely tocatch worms. These parasites can then attack humans, causing everything from fatigue and diarrhoea to vomiting and widespread infestation. So worming your pet is essential . Why, … Read more

How to choose an effective antiparasitic shampoo for your dog or cat?

Those who raise them know it very well: having a dog or a cat for a faithful companion is a great happiness! These adorable furballs contribute to our personal development, connect us to life as well as to nature. But having pets is not without its drawbacks. Precisely when parasites take up residence in the fur of our dear four-legged friends. … Read more

Better understand leishmaniasis in dogs

Canine leishmaniasis is caused by Leishmania infantum and is transmitted by the bite of sand flies (small 2-3mm midges that bite at dusk and at night). Leishmaniasis is caused by protozoa (unicellular parasites) of the genus Leishmania. Infected dogs are the main domestic reservoir of the parasite and play a key role in transmission to … Read more

Protect our pets from ticks and fleas naturally

Protect our hairballs from ticks and fleas naturally

External parasites (ticks and fleas), which are often vectors of serious systemic diseases, feed on animal dander and blood, causing lesions and skin irritation. Symptoms associated with some external parasites (fleas, mites, ticks, etc.) include the following: Scratching, itching Friction The animal bites hard enough to cause open wounds Hair loss Dull coat In the … Read more