The homeopathic protocol for autumn and winter ailments

Whatever the recurrent ailments envisaged, the homeopathic method requires reference to the concepts of chronic reaction modes. Observing the evolution of recurrent disease helps highlight reaction psoric symptoms and the reaction Sycotic symptoms .

Psoric reaction symptoms

These symptoms are defined by episodes involving the ENT sphere spread out over time in the same patient or in members of his lineage, in fact including a periodicity of these manifestations. A possibility of substitution or alternation of these manifestations with others can also be considered.

It can also appear a frequent repercussion on the psyche of the patient in the type of irritability and agitation, as well as a particular susceptibility to infections and parasites (role of mites when there is an allergic note).

Sycotic reaction symptoms

By clinical observation of manifestations which, over time, evolve in longer and longer and more and more insidious spurts; this change is probably linked to the role of industrial and agro-food pollution as well as to repeated therapeutic or preventive actions (antibiotic therapy, corticosteroid therapy, vaccinations, desensitization, etc.). In children, the sycotic reaction mode is accompanied, most of the time, by hypertrophy of the adenoids.

Recurrent ENT disorders

The role of the nasal cavities and the pharynx consists in particular in ensuring an effective guarding against all the microbial attacks which threaten the respiratory tracts . During their lifetime, each individual is likely to have successive contact with most of these germs at one time or another. The nasopharyngeal defense system of normally reacting subjects retains and then destroys up to more than 90% of these innumerable aggressors, moreover, various microbial contacts can generate immune reactions without clinically apparent manifestation . However, these subjects only have very episodic infections.

On the contrary, in others; disorders dominated either by repetitive diseases or by chronic catarrh of the mucous membranes are observed. These different ailments are a pathology of adaptation to a given ecosystem, the consequence of a disruption of the immune defense systems; this pathology is therefore the consequence:

  • Partial and temporary failure of the immune defensive systems (major immune deficiencies are excluded from this study)
  • And / or allergic reactions which weaken the mucous membranes, the inflammatory reaction promoting infection

Young children are particularly vulnerable to infections which arise when the balance of the host-aggressor couple is upset. It is not so much the virulence of the germ as its novelty that produces the infection, all the more easily as the host’s defenses are disturbed. Finally, it should be noted that the disruption of the defenses is itself correlated with certain factors; cold, humidity, pollution, ineffective mucus, significant contagion …

These recurrent diseases of the ENT sphere include :

Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis are primary and non-specific affections of the aerial tree . They result in bronchial irritation characterized by a cough and by mucous or mucopurulent expectoration , lasting at least three months per year, consecutive or not, and this for at least two years. There are contributing factors such as smoking, atmospheric pollution, exposure to bad weather, alcoholism and the inhalation of various products, in particular those of occupational origin.

The diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is essentially clinical; there are successively:

  • A chronic cough
  • Bronchorrhea, first mucous and then mucopurulent
  • Dyspnea in obstructive forms, often complicated by pulmonary emphysema

Their evolution is towards the chronic pulmonary heart with right ventricular hypertrophy. Homeopathic treatment aims to limit the frequency of secondary infections and improve ventilation by reducing bronchorrhea.

Patients suffering from these types of affections present a “particular ground” which we will be able to modify with an individualized homeopathic treatment.

The homeopathic protocol for autumn and winter ailments

Every week, take 1 dose alternately from September to March:

  • Week 1:

To improve the immune response: Silicea 15CH → 1 single dose.

  • Week 2:

To prevent broncho-respiratory complications: Yersin 15CH serum → 1 single dose.

  • Week 3:

To prevent upper respiratory tract symptoms: Influenzinum 9CH → 1 single dose.

  • Week 4:

For patients vaccinated or having had Covid disease, to improve the immune response (and cover the case): Thuya occidentalis 15CH → 1 single dose.


For patients who have not yet been vaccinated or who have not had Covid disease, for its action on the lungs and on inflammation: Phosphorus 15CH → 1 single dose.


Clementine. M.
Naturopath – Aromatherapist / Herbalist – Phytotherapist
Consultant in Clinical Phyto-aromatherapy and Ethnomedicine

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