For optimum use of essential oils

The European Pharmacopoeia defines essential oils as“odorous products, generally of complex composition, obtained from a botanically defined plant raw material, either by steam distillation, dry distillation, or by an appropriate mechanical process without heating”. The use of essential oils in pharmacies means that medical advice can be personalised and an interdisciplinary approach approach to treatment. … Read more

It’s spring, and it’s time for a natural detox!

The arrival of spring brings with it an irresistible urge to revitalise. Every year, women’s magazines take up the subject of spring detox, and laboratories are full of praise for their products miracle products. However, marketing hype aside, there is a real reason to purify our bodies after the winter season. Why is a detox … Read more

Adaptogenic plants: what are they?

Adaptogenic plants, an often overlooked treasure of nature, offer a multitude of benefits for our health andwell-being. In this modern world, where stress and fatigue have become commonplace, the discovery and use of remedies natural remedies to counter these ailments is of vital importance. Adaptogenic plants, with their unique ability to help the body adapt … Read more