How can you easily define your (or your partner’s) homeopathic profile?

To determine a homeopathic profile, homeopathy, or natural healthcare method, takes into account the personality, character and medical history of each individual. Knowing your profile enables you to choose the most suitable basic treatment from among the homeopathic medicines known as “field” medicines. In this article, we will therefore present the main homeopathic profiles and the corresponding medicines. We will also look at why it is important to identify your profile, how it is determined and what the field or profile medicine is used for.

A brief history of homeopathy: origins and development

Homeopathy, founded in the early 19th century by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, is based on the principle of “similia similibus curentur”, meaning that what causes symptoms in a healthy person can treat similar symptoms in a sick person. This approach has evolved over time, incorporating practices such as dilution and dynamisation to create specific remedies. Today, homeopathy is used worldwide, continuing to generate both interest and debate in the field of natural health.

Types of homeopathic medicines

To begin with, it is important to know that homeopathy has several types of medicines: symptomatic medicines, to treat acute conditions, and basic medicines, known as “profile” or “field” medicines, which treat a more general condition. The latter take into account the person’ s behaviour, character and medical history. Knowing your profile is therefore important for effective treatment.

In fact, the homeopathic profile is determined following a questionnaire from your homeopathic doctor, based on your general predispositions, your morphology, your character and your medical history. Homeopathic medicines can be taken as a preventive measure to maintain your state of health. In the event of chronic illness, it stimulates the immune system and helps it to respond more effectively. Finally, in the case of acute illnesses, it restores balance to the body more quickly.

What is a homeopathic profile?

A homeopathic profile is a detailed impression of the individual, considered as a whole and unique. It is not limited to identifying the symptoms of disease, but encompasses a thorough understanding of the person as a whole, including their physical, emotional and mental characteristics. This profile is essential to guide the choice of the most appropriate homeopathic treatment. In homeopathy, treatment is personalised: two people with apparently similar symptoms may be prescribed different remedies, because their homeopathic profiles are distinct. This individualisation of treatment is based on attentive listening and meticulous observation of the patient, in order to identify as accurately as possible his or her general state of health and unique way of reacting to imbalances.

Key characteristics of the homeopathic profile

Exploring the key characteristics of the homeopathic profile means understanding the uniqueness of each individual through their physical symptoms, psychological traits and emotional reactions.

1. Physical symptoms

In homeopathy, particular attention is paid to the individual’s physical symptoms. These bodily manifestations are essential in defining the homeopathic profile. Each symptom is taken into account, not in isolation, but as a whole and as part of the person’s overall clinical picture. For example, the location of the pain, its nature (acute or chronic), the times at which it appears or subsides, and the factors that trigger or soothe it are all crucial elements. Whether it’s a tendency to migraine, a particular sensitivity in the digestive system or sleep problems, every detail counts. These nuances help to identify the most suitable remedy, one that will precisely match the individual’s specific characteristics.

2. Psychological traits

Homeopathy recognises the importance of psychological traits in understanding an individual. These traits include the way a person thinks, feels and reacts to different situations in life. An introvert, who experiences things in a more inward and reflective way, will not have the same homeopathic profile as an extrovert, who is often more expressive and reactive. Other aspects, such as stress levels, emotional management and the presence of specific fears or anxieties, are also taken into account. Personality therefore plays a fundamental role in the selection of homeopathic treatment, as it reflects a unique and personal dimension of each individual.

3. Emotional reactions

Emotional reactions are another pillar of the homeopathic profile. It involves understanding how a person reacts emotionally to life’s events, whether everyday or exceptional. The way a person expresses anger, sadness or joy, or deals with stress and anxiety, provides valuable clues about their inner state. For example, a tendency towards irritability or melancholy may point towards a specific type of remedy. Similarly, the emotional reaction to situations of loss or change can reveal fundamental aspects of a person’s temperament. This information is essential if the homeopathic practitioner is to choose the most appropriate treatment, one that will resonate with the patient’s overall emotional state.

Advice on defining your profile

Following these tips for rigorous self-observation and a detailed symptom diary will help you to accurately define your homeopathic profile, an essential step towards personalised and effective treatment.


Self-observation is the first crucial step in defining your homeopathic profile. It involves listening carefully to your body and mind, being aware of all changes, however subtle. Start by noting how you react in different situations, whether stressful, happy or neutral. Observe your reactions to various environmental stimuli, such as the climate, food or noise. Pay attention to your sleep patterns, food cravings and energy levels throughout the day. This careful introspection helps to identify specific patterns and personal tendencies, which are key elements in building your homeopathic profile.

Keep a symptom diary

Keeping a symptom diary is an effective way of recording and analysing your physical and emotional experiences and reactions over a period of time. Make a daily note of all the symptoms you experience, detailing their intensity, frequency and the circumstances in which they appear or subside. Include observations about your emotional and mental state, such as changes in mood, stress levels or thought patterns. This diary becomes a valuable tool for your homeopathic practitioner, providing detailed and specific information to better understand your unique profile. It also contributes to your own awareness of your overall health and well-being, an essential aspect of the homeopathic approach.

How to find your homeopathic profile and corresponding medicines :

To find your homeopathic profile and corresponding medicines, it is essential to consider your personality, habits and medical history, in consultation with a homeopathic doctor. This process will help identify the treatment best suited to your specific needs.

Argentum nitricum: the precipitate

Personality: restless, anxious, constantly on the move, impatient
Strengths: quick-witted, jovial
Physical characteristics: deep-set features, prematurely aged appearance
Likes: sweets, chocolate
Weaknesses: predisposition togastric ulcers

Arsenicum album: ordered

Personality: anxious, fears solitude, meticulous, restless but asthenic
Strengths: punctual, likes precision
Physical Characteristics: slim with fine features, pale, cold extremities
Tastes: fatty and acidic foods (lemon, vinegar)
Weaknesses: alternating physical pathologies (asthma, eczema) with phases of excitement, well-being and depression.

Calcarea carbonica: slowly but surely

Personality: obstinate, sedentary, tends to stand still
Strengths: methodical and patient
Physical qualities : short, stocky, measured movements, tends to be overweight
Tastes: sugar, milk
Weaknesses: predisposition to respiratory infections, digestive problems and kidney stones.

Nux vomica: stress

Personality: perfectionist, ambitious, stressed, impulsive
Strengths: determined, strong-willed
Physical: marked features, tendency to constipation
Tastes: alcohol, coffee, tobacco
Weaknesses: digestive problems, insomnia, joint pain.

Pulsatilla: emotional

Personality: sensitive, emotional, changeable, insecure
Strengths: affectionate, sociable
Physical characteristics: plump, fair-skinned, blond hair
Tastes: meat, milk
Weaknesses: digestive problems, gynaecological problems, ear, nose and throat problems.

It is important to note that these profiles and medications are general and can vary from one person to another. This is why we recommend that you consult a homeopathic doctor to determine your precise profile and the appropriate treatment. In conclusion, knowing your homeopathic profile is essential if you are to choose the most suitable basic treatment from among the so-called “field” homeopathic medicines. This makes it possible to treat yourself effectively by taking into account the personality, character and medical history of each individual.

Quiz: What is your homeopathic profile?

  1. How do you generally react to stress?
    • a) Calmly and thoughtfully.
    • b) Nervously and impatiently.
    • c) By withdrawing into myself.
  2. What type of climate do you prefer?
    • a) Temperate.
    • b) Warm.
    • c) Cold.
  3. When it comes to sleep, you tend to be :
    • a) A light sleeper.
    • b) Someone who needs a lot of sleep.
    • c) An insomniac.
  4. Your reaction to pain is :
    • a) Endure it in silence.
    • b) Immediately seek relief.
    • c) Be very sensitive and sometimes anxious.
  5. Your appetite is :
    • a) Moderate, with specific preferences.
    • b) Variable, often influenced by your emotions.
    • c) Good, with a tendency to snack.

Share your results!

Did you find the quiz interesting? Share your results in the comments below and tell us how they relate to your experience of homeopathy. Your shares may help other readers better understand their own homeopathic profile!

Homeopathy FAQs

  1. What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is an alternative medicine based on the principle of similarity, using natural substances in infinitesimal doses to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms.
  2. How does homeopathy work? It treats the whole person, taking into account physical, emotional and mental symptoms. Remedies are chosen for their similarity to the individual’s symptoms.
  3. Does homeopathy have side effects? Homeopathic remedies are generally well tolerated and have few or no side effects.
  4. Does homeopathy work for all health problems? It can be beneficial for a variety of disorders, but it is not a universal solution and does not always replace conventional medical treatment.
  5. How do I choose the right homeopathic remedy? A qualified homeopath will assess your overall health, medical history and symptoms to recommend a suitable remedy.
  6. Can homeopathy be used in addition to other treatments? Yes, it can be used to complement conventional treatments.
  7. Are homeopathic remedies safe for children and pregnant women? They are considered safe because of their infinitesimal doses and the absence of major side effects.

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