How to practice mindfulness in the shower?

Mindfulness in the shower is a mindfulness meditation practice that involves bringing conscious, intentional attention to the experience of taking a shower. Imagine starting or ending your day by connecting with your body and mind, focusing on every sensation, thought and emotion that arises as the water flows over you. This simple but powerful practice can help you feel more present, calm and centred throughout your day.

Prepare your environment

To make your time in the shower more enjoyable, make sure your bathroom is clean and tidy and the room temperature is comfortable.
Next, turn off the bright lights and switch on a candle or soft light to create a relaxing atmosphere. If you wish, you can add essential oils. Choose those with soothing and relaxing properties, such as lavender, chamomile or sandalwood.
Some people also opt for music or sound to help them relax and concentrate. Soft music, for example, or guided meditation can help you concentrate a little more.
Next, adjust the water temperature. Hot, warm or cool, the main thing is to make yourself comfortable.

Prepare your body and mind

Before taking off your clothes, take a deep breath to mark the start of this experience of well-being. Be aware of everything you’re doing: remove your clothes gently, feel them slide over your skin and feel the change in temperature on your naked body before stepping into the shower.

Practice meditation

Start to concentrate on your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Concentrate on the sound of your breathing and the feel of the water on your skin. The sound of the spray and the drops. Become aware of the temperature of the water and how it feels. If disturbing thoughts come to mind, accept them without judgement and gently refocus your attention on your shower. In short, let your thoughts come and go without becoming attached to them.

Apply your shower cream and take the time to smell it; its fragrance and softness on your skin. Osmaé shower creams are exquisitely scented and leave a veil of fragrance on your skin. They are formulated with natural ingredients and essential oils to provide a pleasant and relaxing showering experience, while preserving the balance of the skin barrier. Massage every part of your body while being perfectly connected to the present moment. You can close your eyes to cut yourself off from the outside world. Stay captivated in this moment of ecstasy for as long as you like.

Once you’ve finished, take a deep breath, get out of the shower and dry off gently before getting dressed again. Take your time to complete this experience of well-being.

The benefits of a meditative shower

There’s no denying that meditation has many benefits for our general well-being. But did you know that you can also enjoy these benefits by practising meditation in the shower? The meditative shower is a simple and effective way of improving our mental and physical health. In this section, we’ll be making the case for this practice and exploring the multiple benefits it offers, demonstrating why it’s essential to incorporate the meditative shower into our daily routine.

Reduced stress and anxiety

The meditative shower is an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety. By concentrating on your bodily sensations, you can free yourself from the thoughts and worries that plague you throughout the day. What’s more, the warmth of the water promotes muscle relaxation and the release of endorphins, contributing to a feeling of well-being and relaxation.

Improved quality of sleep

Practising mindfulness in the shower at night can help you relax and prepare for a good night’s sleep. By concentrating on your breathing and the sensations of the water on your skin, you can calm your mind and create a feeling of peace and serenity conducive to falling asleep.

Strengthening the mind-body connection

A meditative shower allows you to connect with your body and mind in a deep and meaningful way. By taking the time to focus on your physical sensations, you can develop a heightened awareness of your body and its needs, which can help you make better decisions about your health and well-being.

Developing gratitude

By taking the time to savour every aspect of your shower, you can develop a sense of gratitude for the water and its healing benefits. This gratitude can extend to other aspects of your life, helping you to appreciate the little things that contribute to your happiness and well-being.

How to incorporate the meditative shower into your daily routine

Integrating the meditative shower into our daily routine can seem daunting. In this section, we’ll argue for the importance of this integration and provide concrete tips to help you adopt this rewarding practice to transform your showering experience into a time of relaxation and connection with yourself.

Establish a routine

To get the most out of the meditative shower, it’s important to establish a regular routine. Choose a time of day that suits you best, whether it’s in the morning to wake up gently or in the evening to relax before bed. Try to devote at least 10 to 15 minutes to this practice each day.

Create an environment conducive to relaxation

To reap the full benefits of a meditative shower, it’s essential to create a relaxing and soothing environment in your bathroom. Use candles, essential oils and soft music to create an atmosphere that invites you to relax and be mindful.

Vary your meditation techniques

Feel free to experiment with different meditation techniques in the shower, such as concentrating on breathing, visualisation or reciting mantras. Find what works best for you and allows you to feel most connected to your body and mind.

Be patient and indulgent with yourself

Practising mindfulness in the shower can be difficult at first, especially if you’re used to letting your mind wander while you wash. Be patient and forgiving with yourself, and remember that mindfulness is a skill that improves with practice. In short, the meditative shower is a simple but powerful practice that offers many benefits for our physical and mental well-being. By relearning to savour the present moment and appreciate the sensory pleasures of water, we can develop a deeper connection with our body and mind, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality and cultivate gratitude.

It’s essential to create an environment conducive to relaxation and to devote some time each day to this practice to reap the maximum benefits. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different meditation techniques and to vary the sensory stimuli, such as essential oils and music, to make this experience even more pleasant and enriching.

Finally, be patient and forgiving with yourself, as mindfulness is a skill that improves with practice. By making a meditative shower part of your daily routine, you can take full advantage of the therapeutic benefits of water and strengthen your bond with nature.

The benefits of a cold shower

The cold shower is known to have a number of potential health benefits. However, it’s important to note that scientific research in this area is still ongoing and results may vary from person to person. Here are some of the potential benefits of a cold shower:

  1. Stimulation of the immune system: Some studies suggest that regular exposure to cold water can increase the number of white blood cells in the body, thereby improving the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Improved blood circulation: Cold water can help stimulate blood circulation, which can help reduce inflammation and speed up muscle recovery.
  3. Increased energy: A cold shower can also stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which can lead to increased energy levels.
  4. Reduced symptoms of depression: It has been suggested that a cold shower can stimulate the production of endorphins, the feel-good hormones, which can help reduce symptoms of depression.
  5. Improved skin and hair health: Unlike hot water, cold water does not dehydrate the skin and hair. As a result, it can help prevent dryness and maintain hydration.
  6. Helps with weight loss: Research also suggests that cold water can boost the metabolism, in particular by increasing the activity of brown fats (or ‘good fats’), which are used by the body to generate heat and burn calories.


  • How long do you have to spend in the meditative shower to feel the benefits?

Although a few minutes of mindfulness in the shower can be beneficial, we recommend that you devote at least 10 to 15 minutes to this practice each day to get the maximum benefits.

  • What are the best essential oils to use for meditative showering?

Lavender, chamomile and sandalwood essential oils are particularly soothing and relaxing, making them excellent options for meditative showering. Feel free to experiment with different oils to find the ones that suit you best.

  • Is it possible to practise the meditative shower even if I’m a beginner in meditation?

Yes, the meditative shower is a practice that is accessible to everyone, even meditation beginners. Follow the advice and steps described in this article to start making this practice part of your daily routine.

  • How can I stay focused during the meditation shower?

It’s normal for the mind to wander during mindfulness practice. When you realise that you are distracted, gently bring your attention back to the sensations of the water, the sounds or your breathing. With time and practice, you will become more and more focused and present during the meditative shower.

  • Can I practise mindfulness in other daily activities?

Yes, mindfulness can be practised in many situations and at any time of day. Try to integrate mindfulness into your daily activities, such as eating, walking or working, to improve your overall well-being.

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