Hydration in summer: How to make natural energy drinks at home

Summer is here, and with it comes the vital need to stay hydrated. But how can we make sure our bodies are well hydrated without sticking to the boring old glass of water? Enter the world of natural homemade energy drinks. Follow my lead!

The Basics of Hydration

Understanding the basic principles of hydration is essential to grasping the importance of fluids in keeping the body functioning at its best, especially during the summer months when water requirements increase.

Why hydrate?

Hydration is much more than a necessity; it’s an investment in our well-being. Did you know that even slight dehydration can affect our mood and our ability to think clearly?

Hydration isn’t just about satisfying thirst. It plays a central role in regulating body temperature, maintaining muscle and joint function, and facilitating metabolic processes. Let’s look at these aspects in more detail:

  1. Body temperature regulation: Water acts as a thermal regulator, helping the body to maintain a stable temperature. In summer, this function is essential to avoid complications such as dehydration and heat stroke.
  2. Muscle and jointfunction: Water lubricates joints and helps muscles to function efficiently. Adequate hydration enables optimal athletic performance and reduces the risk of cramp and muscle fatigue.
  3. Metabolic processes: Water is involved in almost every chemical reaction in the body, including digestion,absorption and transport of nutrients. Even mild dehydration can interfere with these processes, leading to decreased energy and cognitive function.
  4. Skin and hair healthadequate hydration helps keep skin and hair healthy by keeping them nourished and hydrated. It can also contribute to a younger, fresher appearance.
  5. Waste eliminationwater helps eliminate waste and toxins from the body through urine, sweat and breathing. This process is essential for maintaining internal balance and avoiding the accumulation of harmful substances.
  6. Cognitive functionas mentioned above, even slight dehydration can affect concentration, memory and other cognitive functions. Water helps maintain blood volume, ensuring adequate blood flow to the brain.

Water vs energy drinks

Water is essential, but it doesn’t always provide the extra energy we need. Energy drinks, on the other hand, can be a delicious and healthy boost.

Making natural energy drinks at home

Making natural energy drinks at home is a strategic alternative to commercial products, allowing customisation according to specific nutritional needs, while controlling the quality and purity of the ingredients used

Choosing the ingredients

Choosing the right ingredients is like choosing the right notes in a symphony. From fresh fruit to herbs, nature has it all. Selection should be based on quality, freshness, and nutritional value. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Fresh Fruit: Opt for fruit in season for optimum flavour and preserved vitamins.
  2. Natural Sweeteners: Alternatives such as honey or maple syrup can provide sweetness without the drawbacks of refined sugar.
  3. Herbs and Spices: Herbs such as mint or basil add an aromatic touch and may have medicinal properties.
  4. Base Liquids: Water, green tea or almond milk can be used as base liquids, each offering different benefits.

Equipment required

No need for expensive equipment. A good blender and a few kitchen utensils are all you need to get started. Here’s a minimum list:

  • Blender: For blending fruit and other ingredients evenly.
  • Strainer: If you want to remove larger particles.
  • Knife and chopping board: For preparing fruit and herbs.
  • Measuring glass: To ensure the correct proportions.
  • Bottles or Carafes: For storage and presentation.


Recipes can be adapted according to taste and nutritional needs. Here’s a suggestion to get you started:

Energising Lemonade:

  • Fresh lemons: 3, for acidity and vitamin C.
  • Honey: 2 tablespoons, for natural sweetness.
  • Water: 1 litre, as a liquid base.

Instructions for use:

  1. Squeeze the lemons and mix with the honey in the blender.
  2. Add the water and blend until smooth.
  3. Serve chilled or refrigerate for later.

The combination of these elements – thoughtful ingredient selection, minimal equipment and customisable recipes – makes it possible to create natural energy drinks at home that are not only delicious but also aligned with health and wellness goals.

Tips and advice

Making natural energy drinks at home requires some attention to detail to maximise taste, quality and longevity. Here are some essential tips and advice to guide you through the process:

Use of seasonal fruit

  • Superior Quality: Seasonal fruit is often fresher and tastier, bringing more vitality to your drinks.
  • Nutritional Value: These fruits generally contain more nutrients because they are grown and harvested at their peak.
  • Environmental impact: Choosing seasonal produce also supports local farmers and reduces the carbon footprint.
  • Example: In summer, opt for strawberries and melons, while in winter, citrus fruits can be an excellent choice.

Balancing flavours

  • Acid-Sweet Balance: The perfect combination of acidity and sweetness creates a harmonious and enjoyable drink.
  • Use of Herbs and Spices: The addition of herbs can add a complexity of flavour, balancing the whole.
  • Testing and adjusting: Always taste the drink during preparation and adjust the flavours to suit your preferences.
  • Example: If a drink is too acidic, adding a little honey or agave syrup can create the perfect balance.

Storage and Preservation

  • Airtight containers: Use airtight containers to maintain freshness and prevent contamination.
  • Proper Refrigeration: Keep your beverages refrigerated if not consumed immediately.
  • Shelf Life: Note the date of preparation and consume within 2-3 days for optimum quality.
  • Example: A glass bottle with a screw cap can be ideal for storing your energy drinks.

Health benefits

Natural energy drinks prepared at home have many health benefits, which go far beyond simple taste enjoyment. By choosing the right ingredients, these drinks can have a significant positive impact on overall wellbeing. Here are just a few of the benefits:

Boosts metabolism

  • Optimising the Digestive Process: Fibre-rich ingredients, such as fruit, can stimulate digestion and promote a healthy metabolism.
  • Activation of Thermogenesis: Certain spices such as ginger can increase body temperature and thus speed up metabolism.
  • Helps with weight loss: A faster metabolism can help burn fat more efficiently, supporting weight loss goals.

Increased Energy Levels

  • Sustained Energy Without Crash: Unlike commercial energy drinks, natural versions offer consistent energy without the sudden crashes associated with refined sugars.
  • Essential Nutrients: Vitamins and minerals found in natural ingredients help nourish the body, providing sustained energy throughout the day.
  • No Artificial Ingredients: Homemade drinks allow total control over the contents, avoiding additives and preservatives that can adversely affect health.


  • Natural rehydration: Drinks based on water, fresh fruit and natural electrolytes help to rehydrate the body, especially after exercise or in hot weather.
  • Electrolyte balance: Ingredients such as sea salt and fruit juices can restore electrolytes lost through perspiration.

Cardiovascular and Immune Health

  • Antioxidants: Fruits like berries contain antioxidants that can protect against chronic diseases and boost the immune system.
  • Cardiovascular support: Ingredients such as green tea can improve heart health by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol.

Practical alternative: Waterdrop Microdrink Cubes

While making homemade energy drinks from fresh fruit and herbs can be a rewarding experience, there may be times when you don’t have the time or access to the necessary ingredients. That’s whereWaterdrop Microdrink Cubes come in. These cubes, made fromnatural fruit extracts and plant extracts as well as essential vitamins, offer a practical and quick solution for refreshing in style. With just 4 calories per cube and no sugar or preservatives, you can enjoy a healthy, delicious drink every time, perfectly aligned with a conscious, active lifestyle. The variety of flavours available, from“RELAX Hibiscus – Aronia – Acerola” to“LOVE Pomegranate – Goji Berry – Schizandra,” allows for a personalised experience according to your preferences. What’s more, thanks to its sustainable packaging, you can enjoy your favourite drink in an environmentally-friendly way. It’s an ideal solution for those looking for healthy, natural hydration without the hassle of manual preparation.


  1. Can I use frozen fruit for these drinks? Yes, frozen fruit works well, especially for an iced drink.
  2. Are there alternatives to honey? Absolutely! You can use agave syrup, cane sugar, etc.
  3. Are these drinks suitable for children? Yes, they are alcohol-free and can be enjoyed by the whole family.
  4. How long can these drinks be kept? They stay fresh for 2 to 3 days in the fridge.
  5. Can I add energy supplements? Of course you can! Just make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

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