One bite at a time: How do you manage food gaps?

Well, who hasn’t succumbed to the temptation to devour a large piece of chocolate cake after a long, exhausting week? Or maybe you’ve had a stressful phone call that’s got you dipping your hand into a bag of crisps. That’s when you ask yourself the crucial question: How do you deal with food gaps? This guide is designed to help you navigate those murky waters. So let’s get started!

How do you manage food gaps?

It’s essential to understand that the occasional lapse is not a catastrophe. Managing food deviations is not about eliminating them, but about developing strategies to minimise and manage them. It’s a matter of small steps and perseverance.

The power of awareness

The first step in managing food deviations is to develop an acute awareness of your eating habits. Notice when and why you deviate, and then you can work to minimise them.

The role of planning

Planning is the key to avoiding food deviations. Plan your meals in advance and make sure you always have healthy food on hand.

A touch of self-awareness

It’s important to ask yourself questions to understand the reasons why you go off track. Here are some key questions to ask yourself.

When do you tend to overeat?

It could be certain times of day, days of the week or specific situations. Identify these times so you can manage them better.

What foods tempt you most?

Everyone has their weaknesses when it comes to food. Whether it’s sweets, fast food or salty snacks, identify the foods that tempt you most and work on finding healthier alternatives.

The power of planning

Planning is the best defence against overeating. By planning your meals and keeping healthy foods on hand, you can reduce the temptation to go overboard.

Meal planning

Make a meal list for the week and make sure you have all the ingredients you need. That way, you won’t be tempted to order a quick, unhealthy meal because you have nothing to eat at home.

Healthy snacks

Temptation can arise at any time, especially when you’re trying to maintain a balanced diet. Fortunately, you can call on some powerful allies to help you stick to it: healthy snacks. Not only do these delicious snacks prevent you from feeling deprived, they can also be your lifeline when you have a sudden urge to snack.

The importance of healthy snacks

It’s vital to understand why healthy snacks are so important in managing food gaps. Instead of indulging in impulsive snacking that’s often high in sugar or saturated fat, opting for a healthy snack can satisfy your hunger while providing you with essential nutrients. So you stay on track with your balanced diet.

How do I choose healthy snacks?

Of course, not all snacks are created equal. So it’s crucial to choose healthy snacks that will give you the best benefits. Here are a few criteria to bear in mind:

  1. High in fibre fibre-rich snacks, such as fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals, keep you fuller for longer and promote digestive health.
  2. Low in added sugar: Beware of snacks that contain added sugar. Choose snacks that are naturally sweet, such as fruit.
  3. Source of protein: Snacks containing protein, such as nuts and seeds, can help stabilise your blood sugar levels and keep you full.

How to overcome obstacles?

Whenever you’re faced with an obstacle, remember your long-term goal: a healthy, balanced life. It’s normal to stumble, the important thing is to get back up and keep moving forward.

Temptations at home

It’s hard, isn’t it? Having all those sweet and savoury delights right at your fingertips. The best solution is not to have them at home. Fill your kitchen with healthy foods and you’ll have fewer temptations to deal with.

Dinner with friends

Dinners with friends are a precious moment, an enchanting break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether they’re held in the cosy intimacy of a dining room or in the lush greenery of a garden, they’re an ideal opportunity to laugh, share and enjoy delicious food. However, they often harbour culinary temptations which, beneath their seductive exterior, can destabilise even the strictest of diets.

These evenings are full of laughter, anecdotes exchanged and glasses clinked in a joyful toast. But they’re also full of irresistible appetisers, succulent casseroles and decadent desserts that make your eyes water. With so much to tempt you, it’s easy to forget your dietary goals and succumb to gluttony.

So how do you reconcile pleasure and moderation during these moments of sharing? The key may well lie in the way you choose to approach your meal. Prioritising protein could help you stay on track.

Proteins are your allies. Not only are they essential for your body to function properly, they also have the ability to make you feel full. A piece of grilled chicken, a slice of smoked salmon or a handful of almonds are all judicious choices that will help you satisfy your hunger without compromising your diet.

So don’t hesitate to turn to these options first at your next dinner party with friends. You’ll notice that once you’ve savoured these proteins, you’ll be less tempted by the gratin dauphinois or the tiramisu that follow. You’ll be able to enjoy these precious moments to the full, without feeling guilty or regretting it.

Practical tips for dealing with dietary deviations

Here are a few simple but effective tips to help you cope with food splits.

Stay hydrated

We often confuse thirst with hunger. Before grabbing a snack, try drinking a large glass of water.

Get moving

Physical activity can help you manage food cravings, as well as boosting your metabolism! A brisk walk or yoga session can help you avoid a lapse.

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can increase your urge to snack. Make sure you get enough sleep to avoid these cravings.

Food supplements to counteract overeating

When it comes to managing food gaps, it can be beneficial to incorporate certain supplementary aids into your routine. Food supplements, when used judiciously, can be a valuable aid in this process. Let’s take a look at some of these potentially useful tools.

Discovering the natural power of fibre

Take, for example, the Fribrocaptol contained in the Calori light supplement, a complex based on orange and cocoa fibres. This blend has been scientifically studied and has shown promising results in managing binge eating.

The effectiveness of Fribrocaptol lies in the optimal balance between soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre helps to slow digestion, leaving you feeling fuller for longer, while insoluble fibre adds bulk to your diet, helping to regulate your intestinal transit.

The quest for glycaemic control

To help stabilise your blood sugar levels and reduce the urge to snack, chromium can be an ally. This essential mineral plays a crucial role in carbohydrate metabolism by helping insulin to function optimally.

The hidden benefits of fat and sugar captors

There are dietary supplements specifically designed to capture fats and sugars, helping to reduce calorie intake. These products often contain ingredients such as nopal, known for its fat-binding properties, or white bean extracts, which can help block the absorption of carbohydrates.

The green energy of tea

Green tea, which is very popular for its antioxidant effects, can also be a valuable supplement for managing binge eating. Its active ingredients, particularly catechins, have been shown to increase energy expenditure and promote fat oxidation.


How can I manage my overeating during the holidays?

It’s essential to give yourself a bit of freedom on holiday, but try to eat a balanced diet most of the time. You can also go for a walk or do some exercise to compensate.

Can a dietary lapse ruin my efforts to lose weight?

An occasional slip is not a disaster. The important thing is not to let it become a habit.

How do you deal with food deviations when you’re stressed?

Try to find other ways of dealing with stress, such as exercise, meditation or talking to a friend. If you feel like eating, choose a healthy snack.

What should I do if I’ve gone off track?

Don’t punish yourself. Accept it, then go back to your healthy eating habits.

What healthy snacks can I keep on hand?

Fresh fruit, nuts, vegetables with hummus and low-fat yoghurt are good choices.

How can I plan my meals to avoid dietary gaps?

Plan your meals for the week, shop accordingly and prepare as many meals as possible in advance.

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