Organic diet – How to lose weight according to your age?

The means to lose weight are not the same whether you are 20 or 50 years old: the motivations are different and the body changes and evolves… as well as eating habits.

To know if you are overweight or obese , you need to know your BMI (= body mass index). To calculate it, one will need an impedance meter balance, which determines the exact BMI and body fat. Or, we can calculate it approximately either:

Example : A person who is 1.65 m tall and weighs 72 kg has a BMI of 26.5 kg m-² (72 / 1.65 * 1.65). So, this person is overweight.

BMI = mass / height²

What’s your BMI?

BMI Corpulence
BMI <18.5 Underweight: lean
BMI between 18.5 and 25 Ideal weight: normal
BMI between 25 and 30 Overweight
BMI> 30 Obese

To successfully lose weight, you have to understand its origin and thus eliminate bad habits. Depending on our age, the reasons will be different as well as the means to lose weight.

Each period of life poses different problems, here are our tips for you to take care of yourself regardless of your age.

0 – 20 years

Special under 20 years old. If you are a teenager and find yourself overweight, start by looking at the height and weight charts in your health log. Compare your height and weight to the curves suggested for your age. The view you have of yourself may be distorted by the great creative transformations in your adult body . It is normal to gain weight when you gain extra centimeters: bones 10 centimeters longer, it weighs heavier. Do not go on a diet without talking to your GP: you risk slowing your growth .

Consume a lot of various dairy products to boost it on the contrary: growing must be your priority . Tell yourself that in adulthood, 1 extra kilo goes unnoticed on someone tall. You need to get enough of everything except processed fats and sugars. So you need a lot of protein to build muscle mass, fruits and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and fiber, and carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread) for endurance. Go easy on sweets and crisps : you will surely see weight loss if you consume them sensibly.

20 – 30 years

Overweight for students and active young people is generally due to an anarchic and unbalanced diet . You need to opt for a motivating diet that allows you to quickly reach the desired weight, and then keep it for life, by having acquired healthy and balanced eating habits.

physical activity can help to maintain a shapely figure once the regime you have achieved the desired weight. It is not recommended to do significant physical activity at the same time as a diet because the body is doubly tired.

Favor meat, vegetables and fresh fruit over prepared meals, fast foods, and pizzas. To not crack in case of cravings , eat dried fruits or cereal bars.

Do a detox to eliminate accumulated waste and adopt a fat burner to eliminate the little extra pounds.

It is recommended to use for example :

1- Between meals, Mediflor Slimming Infusions : mixture of plants and an extract of seaweed rich in iodine to help you lose weight naturally and promote drainage.

2- In addition to meals, XLS Medical Fat Binder , in order to reduce the calories from dietary fat while continuing to be able to enjoy moderately what you like to eat.

3- As a detox cure with MinciDetox from Pileje for example, in order to detoxify your body and contribute to the comfort and lightness of your legs, while balancing your nutritional intake during your diet.

30 – 50 years

For adults, the body is usually used to dieting , and the yo-yo effect. It therefore reacts less well. The thirties mark a real turning point in private and professional life. Indeed, it is the moment when we start a family, we move, we set up a professional project or we continue our career… With all these projects, we lack time and therefore we take less care of ourselves.

In order to lose weight effectively, make meal plans to prepare during the week, have a hearty and balanced breakfast so as not to be hungry in the morning and avoid snacking, finally, practice a sport at least twice a week for you spend.

In addition, it is recommended to adapt a medical device, such as Oenobiol Weight Loss , as needed in order to reduce fat and the absorption of calories.

Ideal before summer, you can also do a slimming treatment with the Arkofluide Slimming Program .

In case of cravings, you can also use to drain the body and promote the elimination of toxins, a detox drink like XLS Drainer Express .

+50 years

The fifties correspond to the period of the ” existential crisis “. We wonder about our life, we take stock of what we have done or not done, we refocus on ourselves and we enjoy life . So we tend to let go, to no longer pay attention to our food, we nibble, we indulge in delicacies …

Senior adults (pre-menopausal, postmenopausal, or andropausal men) often suffer from changes in the body due to hormonal changes and fluid retention. A diet must include sufficient dairy products, so as not to suffer from decalcification, and protein so as not to see the muscles melt.

Suitable sports are cycling, yoga, tai chi and walking, to maintain the muscles without damaging the joints.

Women over 45 who want to reduce their small tummy during pre-menopause and menopause can use Ménophytea Silhouette Ventre Plat .

Between meals, it is recommended to lose weight to use an appetite suppressant such as Fucus Fresh Plant Extracts.

It is also advisable to carry out a Glucomannan Cure with Arkocaps Konjac for example to reduce calories during this summer period …

Wean off foods high in sugar, eat anti-cellulite foods, but above all drink a lot, especially slimming herbal infusions .


Arnaud. C. (Doctor of Pharmacy)

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