Melatonin, a natural solution to skin ageing?

Melatonin, often referred to as the ‘sleep hormone’, is widely known for regulating the circadian cycle. However, recent research has revealed that it also plays a crucial role in skin health. By acting directly on skin cells via specific receptors such as MT1, melatonin offers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties. What is melatonin? Melatonin is … Read more

How to be in tune with your circadian rhythm?

Sleepless nights, waking up at night, drowsiness during the day… Everyone can suffer from these inconveniences at some point. The cause? A disturbance of the circadian rhythm. In fact, this is the regulator of our internal biological clock. In addition, there are various factors that cause this disturbance. But rest assured, you can remedy this … Read more

Crash test FortéNuit Gummies

The Forté Pharma laboratories have opted for a modern and innovative galenic form of food supplements. In fact, Gummies look an awful lot like sweets! I’ve been having a few problems with sleep myself since the switch to summer time, so I was delighted when the laboratory suggested I try one of their Gummies! Here’s … Read more

Understand and fight against sleep disorders

Sleep is a natural phenomenon that results in a loss of consciousness and awareness of the outside world. The average French person sleeps an average of 7 hours during the week and 8 hours at the weekend. During nocturnal sleep, there are 3 to 5 cycles of around 90 minutes each. Each cycle is divided … Read more

Chrono-health in the age of biological rhythms

Like Chronos (the god of time in Greek mythology), nothing is constant in our environment. We don’t operate in a simple or linear fashion, but we operate in a rhythmic fashion. Moreover, certain environmental disturbances modulate our biological rhythms. The study of biological rhythms or chrono-health is a scientific discipline born about 30 years ago. … Read more

Passiflora, the beautiful sleeping passion flower

Passionflower, or Passiflora incarnata, is a climbing plant native to the south-eastern United States and Mexico, renowned for its medicinal properties. Traditionally used to treat insomnia and anxiety, it has gained an important place in the French pharmacopoeia. Its richness lies in its unique constituents, notably flavonoids and indole alkaloids. This article explores the many … Read more

When the season becomes synonymous with depression

As the arrival of the cold season brings with it the traditional ‘winter blues’ for some people, researchers are besieging depression from all sides: what are its origins and mechanisms, and can it be prevented? What is society’s image of winter SAD? Winter darkness is experienced differently in different cultures. At high latitudes and in … Read more

Guide to food rebalancing, zoom on chrono-nutrition

Eating a balanced diet defines bringing the right foods at the right time according to the body’s needs. The principle is simple; all foods are allowed, however we must learn to consume them according to our energy needs and our body’s capacity to digest them and assimilate the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Approved by … Read more

Adaptogenic plants: what are they?

Adaptogenic plants, an often overlooked treasure of nature, offer a multitude of benefits for our health andwell-being. In this modern world, where stress and fatigue have become commonplace, the discovery and use of remedies natural remedies to counter these ailments is of vital importance. Adaptogenic plants, with their unique ability to help the body adapt … Read more