Get rid of water retention the natural way

Light, smooth legs against a yellow background - Natural solutions against water retention

Often confused with cellulite, water retention causes swelling. With the arrival of warmer weather, water retention and cellulite become a major problem for many women. But we can’t tackle this problem without analysing the causes of their appearance. What’s the difference between cellulite and water retention? Under our skin, we have a panniculus of adipose … Read more

Skin lesions through natural medicine

Toutes les pathologies de la peau engendrent en effet des lésions que l’on peut classer en deux catégories : Les lésions sèches Les lésions humides Avant d’aborder les différentes dermatoses, il est utile de connaître la définition d’un certain nombre de termes, souvent caractéristiques d’une pathologie. Les lésions sèches Ce sont des affections de la … Read more

Anti-ageing cream: how to choose an effective anti-wrinkle treatment in pharmacies

Crème anti-âge : comment choisir un soin anti ride efficace en pharmacie

Skin aging is a natural physiological process where skin cells renew themselves less quickly. It begins on average around the age of 30 with the appearance of the first wrinkles. It is then recommended to use an anti-aging cream to plump the skin, stimulate collagen production and fill all wrinkles. But how to choose the … Read more

How to treat acne naturally?

Femme présentant de l'acné

After summer andexposure to the sun, teenagers– but not only teenagers – sometimes suffer from acne flare-ups a few weeks after returning from their holidays. What causes acne? Acne is a complex, multifactorial dermatological condition, often perceived as a simple inflammatory skin reaction, but its origins are much more complex. Among the main causes of … Read more