What is the homeopathic protocol for preventing influenza?

Influenza is a highly contagious acute respiratory infection caused by Myxovirus influenzae viruses . Influenza viruses are divided into different types: A, B and C. Virus A (the most virulent) is responsible for most epidemics. The flu manifests itself in the form of seasonal epidemics and affects 2 to 7 million people in France each winter.

How is influenza infected?

The large number of patients each year, as well as the sometimes fatal complications of the disease, make influenza a major public health problem . Influenza viruses are transmitted from person to person through respiratory secretions during sneezing or coughing. They can also be transmitted by contact with surface objects (door handle, telephone handset, etc.) handled by an infected person. Confined and busy places (metro, bus, school communities, etc.) are conducive to the transmission of these viruses.

What are the symptoms of the flu?

Flu symptoms appear suddenly. Fever, fatigue, body aches, stuffy or “runny nose”), headaches,… are the first signs of the disease. These symptoms go away within one to two weeks. It is a simple flu . However, many viruses other than influenza cause a similar clinical picture. Complicated flu is much more serious and sometimes fatal.

These complications are due to the viruses themselves or to secondary bacterial infections (pneumonia) that they can cause. During an epidemic, complicated influenza mainly affects the elderly and the weakened (chronic disease: cardiac, pulmonary, renal, metabolic, immunological, cancerous, etc.). Some simple hygiene measures can help limit the transmission of influenza viruses from person to person: protect yourself against coughs in patients, wash your hands after having been in contact with an infected person or his close environment.

The uselessness of antibiotic therapy in influenza!

A diagnosis of influenza does not justify any immediate prescription of an antibiotic. There is no evidence that antibiotics given at the viral phase alone prevent the occurrence of bacterial complications.

Some tips for the flu

  • The flu is different from a common cold: fever can persist for up to 5 days, symptoms for a week or so and asthenia for several weeks, without requiring additional examinations or antibiotic treatment. Only symptomatic treatment (fever, pain, cough), combined if possible with rest, is justified.
  • A new consultation is desirable in the event of new symptoms (especially for a child or an elderly person) or of persistence of symptoms beyond 8 days.
  • Simple measures make it possible to limit the transmission of influenza: limit contact, prevent the spread of secretions during coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose (put your hand in front of your mouth, use paper tissues to throw in a closed bin , wash your hands), wear a mask bought at a pharmacy .

How to cure influenza with homeopathy?

For the same disease, the symptoms may be different for each patient. Homeopathy takes into account these specificities: for example a cough rather lying down or aggravated by the cold. In homeopathy, the importance of reactivity is essential, it is necessary to act as soon as possible to stop the disease with catches every hour to be spaced out following improvement. For children, the grip is easy, the granules melt under the tongue, they can optionally be diluted in a bottle. For the most recalcitrant, there are also disposable pods that are very easy to give.

What homeopathic medicines to take for prevention or treatment of influenza?

Flu syndromes :

In case of muscle or bone pain, or pain from the pressure of the eyeballs.

Dosage : Take 5 granules 3 to 4 times a day.

For fever and headache, chills, tremors, numbness, muscle stiffness, sweating and lack of thirst.

Dosage : Take 5 granules 3 to 4 times a day.

In case of fever, body aches, need to move, strong thirst or even an outbreak of herpes.

Dosage : Take 5 granules 3 to 4 times a day.

The 3 strains mentioned above are to be taken at the same time.

In case of progressive onset fever with intense thirst (drinks a lot but not often, large amount of cold water), painful dry cough or worsening by the slightest movement.

Dosage : Take 5 granules 3 to 4 times a day.

In the event of generalized aches, of feeling of having been beaten or bed too hard.

Dosage : Take 5 granules every hour until improvement.

In case of flu-like symptoms, feverish aches or unproductive coughs.

Dosage : (For prevention): Adult: 20 drops, 2 times a day. Child over 2 years old: 5 to 10 drops, 2 times a day, depending on age. (Flu-like condition): Adult: 20 drops, 5 to 8 times a day. Child over 2 years old: 5 to 10 drops, 5 to 8 times a day, depending on age. (Post-influenza-like illness): Adult: 20 drops, 3 times a day. Child over 2 years old: 5 to 10 drops, 3 times a day, depending on age.

To be taken in a little water, preferably without food.

It is advisable to space out the Lehning L52 complex from the improvement of flu-like symptoms (aches, fevers, pain, stiffness).

Flu prevention protocol :

Dosage : 1 dose per week for 3 weeks.

Dosage : 4 doses, then 1 dose per month during the winter period.

Dosage : 1 dose per week during the winter period.

Dosage : 1 dose every 15 days (to prevent pulmonary complications). Acts on the low ENT sphere.

Dosage : 1 dose every 15 days. (To be given only to people prone to sinusitis or ear infections). Acts on the high ENT sphere.

In the event of a reaction to the influenza vaccine, it is not recommended to take “Influenzinum”.

Convalescence :

In case of post-flu fatigue.

Dosage : 1 dose to be repeated 1 or 2 times, 2 days apart.

In the event of physical asthenia following water loss (excessive sweating).

Dosage : 1 dose to be repeated 1 or 2 times, 2 days apart.

In the event of physical and mental asthenia with hypersensitivity and irritability, convalescence from infectious diseases.

Dosage : 1 dose to be repeated 1 or 2 times, 2 days apart.

Medical bibliographic sources :

  • Vidal, Recos Seasonal flu, 2020
  • CDFH, Homeopathy at the counter 2019
  • Boiron, Winter diseases treated by homeopathy

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