A dazzlingly white smile with Bbryance

A dazzling smile is the reflection of impeccable oral health and rigorous hygiene. In this article, we’ll take a look at the secrets to a beautiful smile, starting with the importance of effective brushing and the benefits of flossing, not forgetting the positive impact of using the right mouthwash. What’s more, we’ll be highlighting the … Read more

Original recipes with Écoidées brand products

We love good food, and we love introducing our guests to new flavours and, above all, originality! Whether we’re talking about ordinary or exoticrecipes, we use our art of cooking to impress our friends and family withcreative , yet responsiblerecipes. That’s exactly the spirit in which the Écoidées brand transports us into its world of … Read more

Plants and headaches, a good therapeutic approach

Headaches are pains in the cranial region. They are one of the most frequent reasons for consulting a doctor. Also known as “headaches” or “cephalalgia”, they have a wide variety of causes, of varying degrees of severity (cranial trauma, hypertensive crisis, stroke, taking certain medications, etc.). They are caused in particular by the activation of … Read more

Homeopathic help in vomiting during pregnancy

Homeopathic help in vomiting during pregnancy

Vomiting during the first three months of pregnancy represents a pathology most often banal, but uncomfortable for the pregnant woman . In some cases, this vomiting can be uncontrollable, resulting in severe dehydration and malnutrition that require strict isolation and parenteral nutrition in a hospital setting. Most of the time, nausea and vomiting are frequent , with characteristic modalities: aggravation by active or … Read more

Saro essential oil, archaic and ancestral plant

Saro essential oil, archaic and ancestral plant

“Saro” is an English abbreviation of Mandravasarotra, which means“he who destroys evil or overcomes all trials” in Malagasy. It is also found in Madagascar under the name of ” fanalamangidy “. Saro essential oil, extracted from an ancient plant, is attracting growing interest in the world of phytotherapy and aromatherapy. This oil, with its many … Read more

The role of homeopathy in renal colic

The role of homeopathy in renal colic

Les coliques néphrétiques sont des crises douloureuses, violentes de la région lombaire, irradiant généralement vers le bas du ventre et la cuisse, souvent accompagnées d’iléus fonctionnel paralytique et de vomissements, liés à la distension pyélique par un obstacle récent dont la lithiase urétérale est la cause la plus fréquente, mais non exclusive. Nous ne parlerons … Read more

What if it was worms?

Natural remedies for children against intestinal worms

Intestinal parasitosis or intestinal worms , despite its frequency in children (70 to 80% of children would one day or another be infected with Enterobius vermicularis or pinworm), is rarely considered by the medical profession. While our grandmothers used to deworm their cherubs regularly, it seems that it has gone out of fashion… However, intestinal parasites are the cause of many disorders : disturbed … Read more

How to better manage your motion sickness for the holidays?

L’idée de voyager en mer pour les prochaines vacances vous séduit-elle ? Le vent dans les cheveux, les étoiles scintillent et l’océan s’étend à perte de vue ! Les croisières et les traversées en mer sont certainement de véritables moments de plaisir lorsque, bercés par les vagues, vous vous réjouissez à l’idée de vous détendre … Read more

Redesign your silhouette for sunny days

Redesign your silhouette for sunny days

The beautiful days are approaching and the clothes are getting lighter and lighter. To welcome the beautiful and warm seasons, everyone sets their goals and good resolutions. Redesigning the silhouette to achieve the famous summer body is one of the essential challenges. A flat stomach or abs, slender and muscular legs, firming up your figure is an annual trend. This practice serves as … Read more

Get in shape with Nat & Form food supplements

Get in shape with Nat & Form food supplements

Keeping fit throughout the day is no easy task. It requires a healthy diet, regular physical activity, but also appropriate supplements. To improve your physical condition, get back into shape and then stay there, your body needs micronutrients that are not necessarily available in the foods you eat every day. This makesNat & Form food … Read more

Balsam fir essential oil, king of icy forests

Balsam fir essential oil, king of icy forests

Balsam Fir essential oil is a natural treasure, often overlooked. This precious elixir, extracted from the“king of the icy forests“, is a pillar of natural medicine thanks to its many virtues. In this article, we explore in detail the history, properties and uses of this remarkable essential oil. Balsam fir, whose botanical name is Abies … Read more

Homeopathy in acute gastroenteritis in infants and adults

Acute gastroenteritis is clinically characterised by a combination of vomiting and diarrhoea. Vomiting is the sudden release of gastric contents by antiperistaltic contractions. Diarrhoea is the frequent evacuation of excessively liquid stools. Diarrhoea is caused by two mechanisms, most often in combination: Acceleration of intestinal transit Abnormal hydration of stools due to hypersecretion of the … Read more

The Birch, terrestrial and celestial tree, source of vitality!

The adjective birch is attributed to the silvery sheen of its papery bark. The birch is a particularly typical tree species in Eurasia. Although commonly grown as an ornamental tree, it is no less a host to young woods, steep acid soils, stony soils and sandy soils. Surprisingly, birch sap harvested in early spring has … Read more

Damask Rose essential oil, queen of flowers reserved for the gods

Damask Rose essential oil, extracted from the famous Rosa damascena, a leading member of the Rosaceae family, has stood at the top of the floral hierarchy for thousands of years. Carefully distilled from the flowers, this precious essence has stood the test of time, arousing admiration and respect across civilisations. From the hanging gardens of … Read more

The benefits of gemmotherapy on athletes

The benefits of gemmotherapy on athletes

Gemmotherapy is the most recent branch of phytotherapy . It uses young shoots of trees and shrubs . The latter are prepared fresh by direct maceration in water, glycerol and alcohol. Gemmotherapy acts on the whole body. It is mainly used to support and rebalance the body’s dysfunctions : immunity, elimination, circulation, etc. How does gemmotherapy work? The bud is made up of embryonic tissue … Read more

Homeopathy in acetonemic vomiting in children

Homeopathy in acetonemic vomiting in children

Acetonemic vomiting in children is a condition also known as “periodic ketosis”, because the vomiting is contingent. Hyperketonemia is the consequence of a transient disturbance in lipid metabolism when there is a momentary lack of glucose availability following insufficient intake or excessive expenditure of carbohydrates: Diet deviations (fat abuse, simple fasting, carbohydrate fasting, diabetes) Febrile … Read more

Chrono-health in the age of biological rhythms

Like Chronos (the god of time in Greek mythology), nothing is constant in our environment. We don’t operate in a simple or linear fashion, but we operate in a rhythmic fashion. Moreover, certain environmental disturbances modulate our biological rhythms. The study of biological rhythms or chrono-health is a scientific discipline born about 30 years ago. … Read more

Natural light legs for this summer

Nearly one in four French people suffers from circulatory problems . Numbness, tingling, feeling of heavy legs accentuated at the end of the day… the symptoms vary from one person to another. When it’s hot, tingling, varicose veins, nocturnal cramps… invade daily life. It is imperative to pay attention to these signs to prevent the problem from getting worse. Far from … Read more

Rosemary essential oil with Camphor, symbol of death and love

Rosemary essential oil with Camphor, symbol of death and love

Camphor rosemary, whose botanical name is Rosmarinus officinalis camphoriferum, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained from the flowering branches. History of Rosemary A symbol of love, marriage and death, ancient rosemary was used in religious rituals. It became a therapeutic plant in Arab medicine in the 10th century. Rosemary is a … Read more

The role of homeopathy in acute hepatitis

Acute hepatitis corresponds to histological changes in the hepatocytes, the complex pathophysiology of which can be studied according to clinical, biological, immunological and aetiological parameters. Although jaundice of cytolytic or cholestatic origin due to cessation of biliary function is usually observed, it is not an obligatory feature of the condition. The cause of acute hepatitis … Read more