The Elderberry, the purgative tree-medicine several thousand years old

The Elderberry, the purgative tree-medicine several thousand years old

Many vernacular names for elderberry refer to its slight acidity. This characteristic is often described by the adjective suret. Despite its acidity, elderberry has been appreciated since prehistoric times.Bronze and Iron Age sites bear witness to this. They have revealed deposits of elderberry seeds. We know that elderberries were already being harvested in Switzerland and … Read more

5 simple everyday actions to take care of your liver

Naturopathic tips for taking care of your liver

A veritable chemical powerhouse of our body, the liver performs hundreds of functions and its optimal functioning is one of the pillars of our health. Constantly in high demand, we have every interest in taking care of our liver on a daily basis. Simple gestures can contribute in particular. To drink a lot of water Sufficient hydration is essential to allow … Read more

A homeopathic treatment to fight against Shingles

homeopathic treatment for shingles

Shingles is an infectious disease caused by the shingles-varicella virus, resulting in an eruption of large flaccid vesicles , with unilateral and root topography. This eruption is accompanied by lymphadenopathy and neuralgic sensory disturbances. It frequently leaves painful sequelae. We tend to think that chickenpox would be the primary viral infection and shingles an exogenous or endogenous reinfection. The period of onset … Read more

Acute urticaria and homeopathic medicines

The urticarial rash is characterized by a set of seropapules , red or pink, sometimes discolored in the center, similar to nettle stings. They result, under the influence of an antigen-antibody conflict, from the local release of histamine , which offers papilledema with pruritus and burning sensation.. This eruption, of sudden onset, is fleeting. It usually disappears in a few hours or a … Read more

Vitamin D, all its seasonal benefits

Vitamin D, all its seasonal benefits

In winter, it is difficult for the body to synthesize vitamin D, which can lead to many health problems (depression, poor absorption of calcium and phosphate, increase in autoimmune diseases, etc.) Insufficient exposure to sunlight predisposes to vitamin D deficiency. Deficiency induces disturbances in bone mineralization, leading to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults … Read more

The role of homeopathy in skin burns

The role of homeopathy in skin burns

We call “burns” all injuries caused by heat. There are three degrees of damage. The severity of burns is a function not only of the degree, but also of the area of ​​the lesions. Homeopathy acts effectively against localized burns, reducing pain and hastening healing. Extensive burns are obviously in the hospital domain, but they can benefit from the … Read more

Ginkgo, a primitive viviparous tree of the Mesozoic

The oldest medicinal plants in the vegetable kingdom are, as Darwin said , a veritable “living fossil”. Ginkgo is part of a plant group that developed in the Carboniferous, during the heyday of giant horsetails, 200 to 250 million years ago. Among other things, this tree has the advantage of being able to age for millennia . If we generally agree that 4000 years is … Read more

Thyme essential oil with thujanol, symbol of courage

Properties of thyme flower essential oil and thujanol

Thujanol Thyme, whose botanical name is Thymus vulgaris ct thujanol, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained from its aerial flowering parts. History of Thyme A medicinal and culinary plant, thyme(Thymus vulgaris) grows throughout the Mediterranean region, where it is intensively cultivated. It is the dried leaves and flowers that contain the … Read more

Spring energy

spring detox is now

Spring is already here… Have you noticed it? Listen to the playful discussions of the sparrows, lean over and watch the vegetation change carefully, but surely. Our almond trees are already adorned with their flowers, the first buds are conscientiously growing, and gently, with muffled steps, nature emerges from its winter torpor. And you ? What’s going on inside … Read more

Homeopathy in childbirth and postpartum

The use of homeopathic medicines, appropriately chosen according to their pathogenic symptoms, can facilitate labour, prevent immediate complications of childbirth, treat lactation problems and restore general health. Which homeopathic treatment should I choose to ease labour? This article eliminates all mechanical causes that prevent labour from proceeding normally (narrowed pelvis, placenta previa, etc.), with the … Read more

My sofa is covered in dog hair, what should I do?

Why is my dog's hair all over my couch

Having a faithful friend is what we all want! And that’s part of the reason we adopt a dog. But although its presence is precious to us, a pet also comes with its share of small inconveniences. Indeed, despite the cuddly moments and mutual complicity, owning a dog involves a great responsibility. Apart from its education, which requires a … Read more

How to sculpt your body with proteins?

How to sculpt a beautiful figure with proteins

When our body is in great shape, everything is going great! It is therefore important that we practice physical exercises regularly , for the good of our body , but also of our mind . In fact, sport triggers a secretion in our brain called “ endorphin ”, a euphoric hormone that is also called the “ pleasure hormone ”. In short, sport simply makes us happy, but … Read more