Gummies, a new form of food supplement

In the constantly evolving world of dietary supplements, an innovative and seductive form has recently captured the attention and preference of consumers: gummies. These colourful little treats, reminiscent of the sweets of our childhood, have established themselves as a fun and practical alternative to traditional pills and powders. But what are gummies really, and why are they becoming so popular?

Gummies are much more than just sweets. They are the result of advanced nutritional engineering, designed to offer a more enjoyable and often easier way to consume vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. This new form of food supplement meets a growing need for simplicity and pleasure in the management of our daily health and well-being.

As gummies enter the daily lives of many households, it’s essential to understand not only their composition and benefits, but also the scientific research behind their effectiveness. In this article, we dive into the fascinating world of gummies, exploring their history, their composition, the benefits they can bring to our health, and the scientific studies that validate (or question) their use. Get ready to discover how these little treats can be so much more than a simple pleasure to eat.

Gummies: A solution for those who have difficulty swallowing tablets

Swallowing tablets or capsules can be a challenge for many people. Whether it’s an aversion due to the size or texture of the pills, or a physical difficulty with swallowing, this problem can hinder access to adequate nutritional supplementation. Fortunately, gummies are emerging as a practical and attractive alternative.

  • Ease of consumption: With their soft, chewable texture, gummies are an ideal option for those who find it difficult to swallow tablets. They eliminate the need to swallow large tablets, reducing the anxiety and discomfort associated with taking medicines or supplements.
  • Gustatory pleasure: As well as being easy to take, gummies are often formulated with pleasant flavours, making them more appetising than traditional tablets. This feature can increase motivation and commitment to a regular supplement regime, particularly in children and the elderly.
  • Dosage and Effectiveness: Although gummies are a convenient alternative, it is important to note that the dosage of nutrients may vary from tablets. It is advisable to check the labels to ensure that you are receiving the required amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regime.

What is phagophobia and how can Gummies help?

Phagophobia is an anxiety disorder characterised by an intense and irrational fear of swallowing. This fear can be triggered by a fear of choking, gagging, or other trauma related to the act of eating. People with phagophobia often have significant difficulty eating solid foods, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies and a negative impact on quality of life.

In this context, gummies represent a potential solution for people suffering from phagophobia. Their soft, easy-to-chew texture makes consuming essential vitamins and minerals less intimidating and more manageable for those who fear swallowing. Unlike hard pills or capsules, which can increase anxiety in people with phagophobia, gummies offer a gentler, more pleasant alternative.

Gummies as food supplements

Gummies are anexcellent alternative to capsules and tablets. This product, which is booming in the United States, is beginning to invade French pharmacies. This is thanks to the concept of nutricosmetics, which is a way of treating the outside of the body from the inside.

To combine pleasure and well-being, this new form of food supplement has been designed using plants, vitamins and minerals. These sources of goodness come in the form of chewing gum with a candy-like texture.

Gummies are used to treat a wide range of ailments. Whether it’s toprevent digestive and/or sleeping disorders, skin problems, vitamin deficienciesor to boost a fragile immune system ,gummies are set to become part of our preventive and curative practices .

Which gummies should you choose?

There are several brands of gummies on the market, and of course their effects vary depending on the treatment you’re looking for. To help you choose, discover our selection of gummies produced by theLashilé and Biocyte brands :

  • Lashilé Beauty Good Hair Vitamins Boost: This is a dietary supplement for hair care. It nourishes and protects the hair fibre from the sun, cold and pollution. Rich in vitamins and minerals, these gums encourage hair growth while caring for it. Immediate effects guaranteed from the first month, we recommend taking 2 gummies a day for 30 days. The treatment can be extended over 3 to 6 months for long-term effects.
  • Lashilé Beauty Good Slim Boost is a slimming product recommended for weight control. It promotes a flat stomach, reduces feelings of hunger between meals and eliminates cellulite and water and fat retention. To guarantee its effects, take 2 gummies a day in the morning, and you’ll see the effects as soon as the first month. The treatment can be extended over 3 to 6 months to achieve long-lasting effects.
  • BIOCYTE Collagen 30 Gummies Anti-ageing Skin Beauty.Rich in collagen and vitamin C, these gummies have been designed to have anti-ageing effects on the skin. Taking these gummies will make skin tissue smoother, while reducing wrinkles and/or delaying skin ageing thanks to their toning effects. Take 3 gummies a day for 10 to 30 days to plump up your skin.

Although effective and delicious, it is important to remember that you should not exceed the daily dose. Treatment results vary from one person to another. These gummies shouldtherefore be kept out of the reach of children, pregnant or breast-feeding women and people undergoing thyroid treatment. Of course, you are strongly advised to consult a doctor or nutritionist before taking any food supplements.

Advantages of Gummies as food supplements


  1. Ease of consumption: One of the biggest advantages of gummies is their ease of consumption, especially for people who have difficulty swallowing pills or capsules. Their soft texture and pleasant taste make them more appetising, especially for children and the elderly.
  2. Improved adherence to treatment: Thanks to their fun and tasty appearance, gummies can encourage better adherence to the supplement regime, as they are perceived less as a medicine and more as a treat.
  3. Versatile formulation: Gummies allow for a wide range of formulations, with opportunities to add various nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and even plant extracts, offering a customisable solution for different health needs.
  4. Complementary ingredients: Some gummies are enriched with additional ingredients, such as fibre or antioxidants, which can offer additional health benefits.

Scientific research into the effectiveness of Gummies

The rise in popularity of gummies as dietary supplements has led to significant scientific research into their efficacy and absorption. Here’s an overview of some key studies:

    1. Bioequivalence Studies of Vitamin D Gummies and Tablets in Healthy Adults: Results of a Cross-Over Study: This study examined whether vitamin D in gummies was as effective as that in tablets. The results showed that the vitamin D levels obtained after consuming gummies were comparable to those of tablets, suggesting that gummies could be a valid alternative to traditional forms of supplement.
    2. Vitamin C Bioequivalencefrom Gummy and Caplet Sources in Healthy Adults: A Randomized-Controlled Trial: This research compared the absorption of vitamin C from gummies and caplets. The study revealed that vitamin C from gummies was absorbed in a similar way to that from caplets, indicating that gummies are an effective source of this essential vitamin.
    3. Impact de la Composition Alimentaire sur l’Absorption des Vitamines (“Revisiting food-sourced vitamins for consumer diet and health”): This study highlighted that the bioavailability of vitamins is highly dependent on the composition of the supplement. It highlighted that the vitamins in gummies, thanks to their unique formulation, can have different absorption rates, which is crucial for assessing their efficacy.
    4. Route and Type of Formulation Administered Influences the Absorption Profiles of Vitamin B12: Although this study does not focus exclusively on gummies, it provides valuable information on the impact of different formulations on vitamin B12 absorption. The results indicate that the way in which a vitamin is formulated (as in a gummy versus a tablet) can significantly influence its absorption by the body.

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