Treating fever, flu and colds with homeopathy

Treating fever, flu and colds with homeopathy: natural solutions to boost your natural defences. Fever, flu and colds are common illnesses that affect our immune system. Fortunately, homeopathy can be an effective alternative for treating these symptoms. In our online pharmacy, we’ve put together a range of natural solutions to boost your immunity and relieve … Read more

How can you easily define your (or your partner’s) homeopathic profile?

To determine a homeopathic profile, homeopathy, or natural healthcare method, takes into account the personality, character and medical history of each individual. Knowing your profile enables you to choose the most suitable basic treatment from among the homeopathic medicines known as “field” medicines. In this article, we will therefore present the main homeopathic profiles and … Read more

Homeopathy for bruises and other traumas

A fall? A small local trauma? Homeopathy allows you tointervene quickly and painlessly, so that haematomas are quickly reabsorbed. Advice on using homeopathy in the event of trauma It is important to remember that homeopathy, although useful, is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment, especially in the case of serious injuries. Here is some … Read more

Homeopathy in acute haemorrhoidal accidents

Homeopathy offers gentle, naturalsolutions for many health problems, including acute haemorrhoidal accidents. This article guides you through the different homeopathic approaches to effectively relieve the painful symptoms of haemorrhoids. We’ll explore specific remedies adapted to different cases, along with dietary and hygiene advice for holistic management of your well-being. Find out how homeopathy can help … Read more

The role of homeopathy in bleeding

Hemorrhages are blood suffusions of variable abundance by solution of continuity of one or more vascular envelopes, which can interest all the organs: soft parts, bones, mucous membranes and viscera, following various mechanisms: Trauma: accidental or surgical wounds, contusions that can produce bruises, hematomas or effusions in the peelable spaces, bone fractures, ruptured viscera, post-abortion haemorrhages. Diseases with … Read more

A homeopathic treatment to fight against Shingles

homeopathic treatment for shingles

Shingles is an infectious disease caused by the shingles-varicella virus, resulting in an eruption of large flaccid vesicles , with unilateral and root topography. This eruption is accompanied by lymphadenopathy and neuralgic sensory disturbances. It frequently leaves painful sequelae. We tend to think that chickenpox would be the primary viral infection and shingles an exogenous or endogenous reinfection. The period of onset … Read more

Acute urticaria and homeopathic medicines

The urticarial rash is characterized by a set of seropapules , red or pink, sometimes discolored in the center, similar to nettle stings. They result, under the influence of an antigen-antibody conflict, from the local release of histamine , which offers papilledema with pruritus and burning sensation.. This eruption, of sudden onset, is fleeting. It usually disappears in a few hours or a … Read more

The role of homeopathy in skin burns

The role of homeopathy in skin burns

We call “burns” all injuries caused by heat. There are three degrees of damage. The severity of burns is a function not only of the degree, but also of the area of ​​the lesions. Homeopathy acts effectively against localized burns, reducing pain and hastening healing. Extensive burns are obviously in the hospital domain, but they can benefit from the … Read more

Homeopathy in childbirth and postpartum

The use of homeopathic medicines, appropriately chosen according to their pathogenic symptoms, can facilitate labour, prevent immediate complications of childbirth, treat lactation problems and restore general health. Which homeopathic treatment should I choose to ease labour? This article eliminates all mechanical causes that prevent labour from proceeding normally (narrowed pelvis, placenta previa, etc.), with the … Read more

Homeopathic help in vomiting during pregnancy

Homeopathic help in vomiting during pregnancy

Vomiting during the first three months of pregnancy represents a pathology most often banal, but uncomfortable for the pregnant woman . In some cases, this vomiting can be uncontrollable, resulting in severe dehydration and malnutrition that require strict isolation and parenteral nutrition in a hospital setting. Most of the time, nausea and vomiting are frequent , with characteristic modalities: aggravation by active or … Read more

Treat stress and anxiety with Gelsemium homeopathy granules

Treat stress and anxiety with Gelsemium homeopathy granules

Gelsemium owes its name to Antoine-Laurent Jussieu , the famous French botanist (1748-1836), father of plant classification. Jussieu named it in reference to “ gelsomina ” which means jasmine in Italian. English speakers also call it “ Carolina Jasmin ” or Carolina jasmine . Definition of Gelsemium Gelsemium is a small climbing plant from America and Asia. It enjoys a certain popularity, but it is not its small yellow and delicate flower that … Read more

The role of homeopathy in renal colic

The role of homeopathy in renal colic

Les coliques néphrétiques sont des crises douloureuses, violentes de la région lombaire, irradiant généralement vers le bas du ventre et la cuisse, souvent accompagnées d’iléus fonctionnel paralytique et de vomissements, liés à la distension pyélique par un obstacle récent dont la lithiase urétérale est la cause la plus fréquente, mais non exclusive. Nous ne parlerons … Read more