Homeopathy in childbirth and postpartum

The use of homeopathic medicines, appropriately chosen according to their pathogenic symptoms, can facilitate labour, prevent immediate complications of childbirth, treat lactation problems and restore general health. Which homeopathic treatment should I choose to ease labour? This article eliminates all mechanical causes that prevent labour from proceeding normally (narrowed pelvis, placenta previa, etc.), with the … Read more

Homeopathic help in vomiting during pregnancy

Homeopathic help in vomiting during pregnancy

Vomiting during the first three months of pregnancy represents a pathology most often banal, but uncomfortable for the pregnant woman . In some cases, this vomiting can be uncontrollable, resulting in severe dehydration and malnutrition that require strict isolation and parenteral nutrition in a hospital setting. Most of the time, nausea and vomiting are frequent , with characteristic modalities: aggravation by active or … Read more

Treat stress and anxiety with Gelsemium homeopathy granules

Treat stress and anxiety with Gelsemium homeopathy granules

Gelsemium owes its name to Antoine-Laurent Jussieu , the famous French botanist (1748-1836), father of plant classification. Jussieu named it in reference to “ gelsomina ” which means jasmine in Italian. English speakers also call it “ Carolina Jasmin ” or Carolina jasmine . Definition of Gelsemium Gelsemium is a small climbing plant from America and Asia. It enjoys a certain popularity, but it is not its small yellow and delicate flower that … Read more

The role of homeopathy in renal colic

The role of homeopathy in renal colic

Les coliques néphrétiques sont des crises douloureuses, violentes de la région lombaire, irradiant généralement vers le bas du ventre et la cuisse, souvent accompagnées d’iléus fonctionnel paralytique et de vomissements, liés à la distension pyélique par un obstacle récent dont la lithiase urétérale est la cause la plus fréquente, mais non exclusive. Nous ne parlerons … Read more

Homeopathy in acute gastroenteritis in infants and adults

Acute gastroenteritis is clinically characterised by a combination of vomiting and diarrhoea. Vomiting is the sudden release of gastric contents by antiperistaltic contractions. Diarrhoea is the frequent evacuation of excessively liquid stools. Diarrhoea is caused by two mechanisms, most often in combination: Acceleration of intestinal transit Abnormal hydration of stools due to hypersecretion of the … Read more

Homeopathy in acetonemic vomiting in children

Homeopathy in acetonemic vomiting in children

Acetonemic vomiting in children is a condition also known as “periodic ketosis”, because the vomiting is contingent. Hyperketonemia is the consequence of a transient disturbance in lipid metabolism when there is a momentary lack of glucose availability following insufficient intake or excessive expenditure of carbohydrates: Diet deviations (fat abuse, simple fasting, carbohydrate fasting, diabetes) Febrile … Read more

The role of homeopathy in acute hepatitis

Acute hepatitis corresponds to histological changes in the hepatocytes, the complex pathophysiology of which can be studied according to clinical, biological, immunological and aetiological parameters. Although jaundice of cytolytic or cholestatic origin due to cessation of biliary function is usually observed, it is not an obligatory feature of the condition. The cause of acute hepatitis … Read more

Homeopathic treatment in hepatic colic

Homeopathic treatment in hepatic colic

There are different types of colic. Hepatic colic is characterised by acute pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the posterior, often associated with nausea and vomiting. It is associated with acute distension of the bile ducts. The main cause of hepatic colic is biliary lithiasis, responsible for around 98% of cases, but other possible … Read more

Homeopathic guide to acute stomatology

Homeopathic guide to acute stomatology

Homeopathy can be effective for a number of stomatological problems, such as preparing a patient for dental surgery, preventing and treating post-operative haemorrhage, preventing and treating post-operative or non-operative infections, dental pain, especially post-operative pain, and as a complement to the treatment of wisdom tooth problems. History of homeopathy in stomatology Homeopathy, with its roots … Read more

Homeopathy in acute non-purulent pleurisy

Pleurisy or pleuritis is an inflammation of the pleura with or without effusion. When the diagnosis of acute, non-purulent pleurisy is made, its aetiology must be established (history, F.N.S., V.S., intradermal tuberculin reaction, chemistry, cytology, bacteriology of the puncture fluid, etc.). Homeopathic treatment is only possible for infectious, non-purulent serofibrinous pleurisy and traumatic pleurisy. All … Read more

How to cure cough with homeopathy?

Whether it is dry or oily? Night or day? How to take care of your cough while respecting the natural process of our body thanks to homeopathy? The first step to take to take charge of your cough is first to realize that it is the body’s natural defense against microbial attacks (viruses or bacteria). It is also … Read more

The homeopathic guide in acute pneumopathies

The homeopathic guide in acute pneumopathies

Acute pneumopathies are infections of the lung parenchyma , caused by viruses, related microorganisms or bacteria. We will eliminate in this article the question of pulmonary suppuration, lung abscess type, in which homeopathy can only play an adjuvant role and acute pneumopathies in infants in cases where they lead to blood problems requiring resuscitation. The clinical picture is made … Read more