Red Vine: the plant for light legs

a hand holding a capsule containing the active ingredient of red vine

The red vine(Vitis vinifera L.), a member of the Vitaceae family, is a plant widely cultivated throughout the world, mainly for the production of wine and table grapes. However, in addition to its major economic role in the wine industry, the red vine has attracted growing interest for its therapeutic and medicinal properties. Red vine … Read more

The hot water bottle, a natural gesture

Monks, bladders, bassinets, heated bricks… the hot water bottle is the worthy heir of these objects whose function was to keep warm. And yes, there was a time when electric heaters and reversible air-conditioning were the stuff of science fiction! Today, the hot water bottle has evolved, and despite the fact that our homes are … Read more

How can I correct my dark circles?

Dark circles under the eyes reflect a number of factors: fatigue, heredity, diet and lifestyle. This article sheds light on their origins and offers preventive solutions for brighter, more rested-looking eyes. Dive into the world of periocular skin care and discover how to effectively reduce the appearance of dark circles. Learn more about dark circles … Read more

Natural light legs for this summer

Nearly one in four French people suffers from circulatory problems . Numbness, tingling, feeling of heavy legs accentuated at the end of the day… the symptoms vary from one person to another. When it’s hot, tingling, varicose veins, nocturnal cramps… invade daily life. It is imperative to pay attention to these signs to prevent the problem from getting worse. Far from … Read more

Cold extremities and microcirculation, a common condition in winter

Cold extremities and microcirculation, a common condition in winter

During the change of seasons, especially during the cold season, it is common to suffer from cold extremities (nose, hands, feet, ears). This phenomenon due to a minor disturbance of the microcirculation is quite normal. Nature is well made and your body reacts. But why this phenomenon? When it is very cold, the body primarily protects … Read more

How to treat venous and lymphatic circulation disorders?

treat venous and lymphatic circulation disorders

Heavy legs ? Numb limbs? Nighttime cramps? Cold extremities? Varicose veins or swelling of the lower limbs? The functional signs of circulation disorders are often manifested by a feeling of heaviness, numbness and pain in the legs. In this article, discover naturopathic advice and treatments to relieve your circulatory disorders. Disorders related to poor venous … Read more

Mitral valve prolapse, how to learn to live with it?

Mitral valve prolapse

Congenital valve malformations of the heart have an estimated prevalence of around 5% of newborns, and are present in 20% to 30% of congenital cardiovascular malformation cases. The mitral valve is often affected. The more moderate and symptomless mitral valve prolapse (or Barlow syndrome ) is also common in the general population, affecting 1 in 40 individuals of all ages. Congenital non-syndromic mitral … Read more

Treatment of hemorrhoids through naturopathy

Haemorrhoids are varicose veins in the mucosa of the anus and rectum. A distinction is made between internal haemorrhoids, visible by anoscopy, and external haemorrhoids, which protrude from the edge of the anus. Depending on their severity, there are several ways to relieve haemorrhoids or even eliminate them. The first concerns dietary hygiene rules; you … Read more

Heavy legs, natural solutions in herbal medicine


Heavy legs are a common syndrome , especially in women, and usually worsened with the heat of summer. If the hereditary factor exists, venous insufficiency is not inevitable. Herbal medicine indeed offers a range of remedies to relieve this phenomenon and the pain caused. Origins and symptoms of heavy legs and venous insufficiency Caused by valve dysfunction *, venous insufficiency is a poor … Read more