How do you rebuild your intestinal flora after taking antibiotics?

The intestinal flora, also known as the microbiota, plays a crucial role in our digestive and overall health. After taking antibiotics, it is essential to take steps to restore the balance of this flora, which is often disturbed by these drugs. This article explores effective strategies for reconstituting intestinal flora and maintaining good health. Understanding … Read more

How intestinal microbiota and dietary fibre improve your health

Dietary fibre, mainly of plant origin, resists digestion and absorption in the human small intestine. Unlike other nutrients, it passes intact into the colon. It is at this stage that the intestinal microbiota, a dense community of microorganisms in the large intestine, comes into play. This microbiota ferments dietary fibre, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) … Read more

Peptide BPC-157: Benefits, dosage and side effects

The peptide BPC-157 (Body Protection Compound-157) is a synthetic peptide derived from a protein present in the human stomach. It is known for its curative and regenerative properties in a variety of pathologies. What is BPC-157? BPC-157 is a peptide composed of 15 amino acids. It has been isolated from the protective body sequence of … Read more

EZRA, DEXA, Prenuvo … health Promotion 2.0

Preventive medicine plays an essential role in health management by facilitating the early detection of disease and offering personalised strategies for its prevention . Cutting-edge technologies such as EZRA, Prenuvo, and DEXA are revolutionising this field by providing advanced tools for accurate, non-invasive assessment of health conditions .EZRA exploits whole-body MRI to identify abnormalities before … Read more

Sea buckthorn: What are the health benefits of omega 7?

Sea buckthorn, often referred to as the “tree of a thousand virtues”, is a plant with multiple benefits. Among its most valuable components are omega 7s, fatty acids that are still little-known but have impressive properties. Let’s find out more about the benefits of omega 7s and why they deserve a special place in our … Read more

Omega 3: A natural anabolic available from chemists.

Omega-3s are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that play a crucial role in various biological functions. In addition to their well-established benefits for cardiovascular and brain health, recent research suggests that omega-3s may have anabolic properties, of particular interest for muscle health. This article explores the mechanisms by which omega-3s can influence protein synthesis and potentially … Read more

GlyNac or Glutathione in pharmacies: Which dietary supplement should you choose?

In the vast field of health and well-being, understanding antioxidant mechanisms and free radicals is essential. The latter, discovered during the 20th century, are atoms or molecules characterised by an unpaired electron, making them extremely reactive. Although naturally present in our bodies as by-products of essential metabolic processes, free radicals can, in excess, cause oxidative … Read more

Proteochoc: Natural post-operative treatment for faster recovery

In the world of health and well-being, rapid and effective recovery after surgery, injections or bruising is vital to ensure patients enjoy a good quality of life. PiLeJe Laboratories, renowned for their expertise in micronutrition since the 1990s, have developed Proteochoc, an innovative food supplement. Proteochoc has been designed to support the body at these … Read more

Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia: Natural treatments that work for children

[Warning: The information presented in this article on natural treatments for pneumonitis in children, such as probiotics, bramble bud macerates, and essential oil chest balms, is provided for information purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Lung disease, particularly in children, requires accurate diagnosis and appropriate care by qualified … Read more

Herbal tea of ​​the month for November: Boost your immunity

The immune system helps maintain the integrity of the organism by excluding foreign constituents. Immunity is the ability of an organism to defend itself against any aggression from the external environment (bacteria, virus, fungus, antigen). In autumn and winter, immunity weakens leaving the field free for any type of virus spreading like wildfire, thus becoming a major public health … Read more

Bulking with Pondimax: How to gain weight more quickly

Are you looking for an effective, healthy solution for building muscle mass quickly? Whether you’re an athlete, someone with a fast metabolism, or simply someone looking to improve their figure, Pondimax could be the answer to your needs. Designed on the basis of in-depth research into micronutrition, this unique food supplement offers you a natural, … Read more

The benefits: a range for everyone

Food supplements are becoming an increasingly important part of our lives. Most of them are natural and organic, and help us to prevent and combat various everyday ailments. Stress, colds, digestive problems, fatigue… There are many symptoms and illnesses that these products can help to relieve and cure effectively and sustainably. They are usually presented … Read more