Scarlet fever, a childhood disease again among us?

scarlet fever

Recently, an increase in the number of cases of scarlet fever, an infectious disease that mainly affects children, has been observed in France and other European countries. This is a worrying trend, and is raising concerns about its implications for public health. Known for its typical symptoms of sore throat, fever and a distinctive rash, … Read more

Ginseng, the sovereign essence sent by the gods


Benefit of the earth nicknamed “sovereign essence”, ginseng has been considered for millennia throughout the Far East as THE plant sent by the gods to help men since their creation. This vegetable gnome, this homunculus having captured telluric energies is, whatever the date of its first use, considered as a panacea (of the goddess Panakeia , daughter of Asclepius god of medicine, … Read more

Once upon a time, garlic bulb essential oil

Native to Central Asia or the Caucasus, garlic(Allium sativum) has been cultivated and eaten for over 6,000 years. It has always been considered a panacea. In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder listed 61 illnesses that could be cured with garlic. Before the discovery of antibiotics, crushed garlic cloves were used, among other things, as an … Read more

The use of herbal medicine in pyelonephritis

Exploring the treatment of pyelonephritis using natural remedies and scientific discoveries, this article offers a holistic approach to this complex urinary tract infection. We decipher the symptoms, the causes and present innovative solutions, combining the wisdom of natural medicine and advances in medical research, for an effective treatment of pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis Acute pyelonephritis is a … Read more

How to make a first aid kit before going on vacation?

When you think holidayswe think escape, we think new adventures, we think looks… in short, we think well-being! But let’s face it, between choosing a destination, accommodation, activities, expenses… our sense of organisation is put to the test. Thinking about everything can become so stressful that we forget the most important things: health and safety … Read more

Why is it essential to get plenty of fiber?

Dietary fibres are carbohydrate polymers,mainly of plant origin. These edible carbohydrates, of very heterogeneous origin and chemical composition, cannot be digested or absorbed in the human small intestine. They therefore pass intact into the colon, where they are fermented by the intestinal microbiota. This fermentation leads to the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such … Read more

The benefits of pomegranate on our health

A little history to start … In prehistoric times, the pomegranate will have seeded all around the vast region bordering the Mediterranean Sea, and even beyond. About it, we find written traces in certain Sanskrit documents, through hieroglyphic inscriptions. That is to say its sphere of influence in time and space! From a mythological point … Read more

Aromatherapy in dermatophytosis (skin fungal infections)

Dermatophytes, which cause mycosis, are ubiquitous filamentous fungi belonging to the genera Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. Well adapted to parasitic life, they have a strong affinity for keratin and cause various skin lesions in humans and animals known as dermatophytoses or dermatophyties. Dermatophytoses are the most common skin mycoses in humans. They cause superficial lesions … Read more

How to treat an ear infection in a natural way?

ENT sphere and ear infections The ear infection is inflammation and / or infection of the middle ear or the ear canal by a bacterium or a fungus. In fact, there are many forms of ear infections, depending on their causes and symptoms. In some cases, it may require surgery. We can distinguish otitis : Medium (acute, serous or chronic) … Read more

Boost your natural defenses with food supplements

Red capsules in one hand, symbolizing food supplements to boost the immune system.

There are many food supplements available to help you in your daily life. Widely available and relatively inexpensive, they are often used in complementary and alternative therapies. Capsules, capsules, tablets, ampoules, lozenges, sachets of powder or liquid preparations… you can find these supplements in many different forms and compositions. These natural active ingredients have highly … Read more

What are the different natural remedies to treat angina?

Sore throat manifests itself as a sore throat when swallowing, with a burning or tingling sensation. The cause is often infectious (angina, rhinopharyngitis), but throat irritation can also be caused by excessively dry air, inhalation of tobacco smoke dust, incorrect use of the voice or the passage of an unusual object (fish bone, for example). … Read more

The benefits of honey, propolis, and royal jelly for our health

Les bienfaits du miel, de la propolis, et de la gelée royale pour notre santé

Today we’re talking about the benefits of beehive products: honey, pollen, propolis and royal jelly. These are foods provided by nature with energising, protective and immune-stimulating properties. A teaspoon a day of honey or pollen, a course of fresh royal jelly, propolis gum to take when you’re in the car. All simple things you can … Read more

Phytotherapy to treat winter illnesses

Winter is here, and with it comes a whole host of little ailments: colds, flu, sore throats… Mostly harmless, but very tiring . Readabout the appropriateherbal remedies on the blog of your online organic pharmacy. Winter and a weakened immune system What is the immune system? The immune system is a sophisticated biological network responsible … Read more