Treatment of hemorrhoids through naturopathy

Haemorrhoids are varicose veins in the mucosa of the anus and rectum. A distinction is made between internal haemorrhoids, visible by anoscopy, and external haemorrhoids, which protrude from the edge of the anus. Depending on their severity, there are several ways to relieve haemorrhoids or even eliminate them. The first concerns dietary hygiene rules; you … Read more

Strong and healthy nails for the summer, we tell you everything

Feminine hand with pale pink varnish on pink background, symbolizing healthy, well-groomed nails.

Broken, yellowed, soft or brittle nails? Don’t panic! A number of factors can be at the root of these problems: the daily use of aggressive products, the annoying habit of biting your nails or even dietary deficiencies. With the arrival of summer, a time synonymous with sun, beach and relaxation, your nails are subjected to … Read more

Treat halitosis (bad breath) naturally

Natural treatment for halitosis and bad breath

Halitosis is particularly common if you drink too little, have difficulty digesting or are taking medication. “Halitosis” is the scientific term for bad breath, or the emission of unpleasant odours through the breath unpleasant odours whether oral or nasal in origin. However, the notion of “unpleasant odour” varies according to culture, time and individual sensitivities. … Read more

Sunburn, how to soothe it in a natural way?


The sun and all other sources of ultraviolet light can actually cause sunburn or make the skin redder. While prevention is better than cure, especially if the damage to the skin is permanent , there are, however, natural treatments available to encourage healing, prevent infection, and reduce pain. Making sure to use the best sun cream with a … Read more

Natural remedies for jellyfish stings

Jellyfish sting on a man's leg, leaving a red mark in the shape of a tentacle, against a background of green grass.

However beautiful they may be underwater, every summer holidaymakers dread the appearance of jellyfish on our beaches. Overfishing and rising water temperatures are at the root of this invasion. Jellyfish cause severe burns. Their tentacles are made up of filaments that stay on the wound and spread venom. The pain caused by a jellyfish sting … Read more

Alkaloid plants, remedies or poisons?

The word alkaloid is a generic term to designate more or less complex compounds of plant origin, the main characteristics of which are the presence of nitrogen in the molecule and a more or less pronounced alkalinity. At low doses, they have physiological and pharmaceutical properties, but exhibit high toxicity at high doses. Among the … Read more

Relieve ankylosing spondylitis through alternative medicine

Spondylitis is a condition that affects the spine as well as the sacroiliac joints. Better known under the name of ankylosing spondylitis, it is a polygenic disease (due to several genes but also to environmental factors) which affects a relatively young population between 15 and 50 years old. What is ankylosing spondylitis ? Ankylosing spondylitis … Read more

Natural solutions to treat endometriosis

Natural solutions to treat endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition affecting women of childbearing age. This pathology usually results in severe pain during menstruation and fertility problems. It is the presence, outside the uterus, of one or more clusters histologically similar to the endometrium (endometriomas) that define in particular the presence of endometriosis. These clusters are preferably located in the ovaries, … Read more

Why is it essential to get plenty of fiber?

Dietary fibres are carbohydrate polymers,mainly of plant origin. These edible carbohydrates, of very heterogeneous origin and chemical composition, cannot be digested or absorbed in the human small intestine. They therefore pass intact into the colon, where they are fermented by the intestinal microbiota. This fermentation leads to the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such … Read more

Natural methods to effectively fight against excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)

The role of perspiration is to ensure thermal regulation in order to maintain body temperature at 37°C.Hyperhidrosis occurs when the amount of sweat produced significantly exceeds that required for thermoregulation. Excessive sweatingor hyperhidrosis is the excessive production of sweat. It seriously impairs the quality of life of sufferers. What is hyperhidrosis? Hyperhidrosis is a pathology … Read more

Prevent motion sickness (motion sickness) naturally

Prevent motion sickness (motion sickness) naturally

Motion sickness is a disorder related to movement. Described as malaise accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting, it is a multifactorial neurodegenerative crisis involving the inner ear. Although its mechanisms remain poorly understood, motion sickness does not constitute a reason for medical consultation but is, more often than not, the subject of requests for advice … Read more

Find out all about the benefits of Aloe vera on our health

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant with a variety of uses, depending on whether you use its dried sap (latex) or the translucent gel at the heart of its leaves. Dried sap is a powerful laxative. The gel is used to treat wounds, stings and minor burns, and to combat certain skin infections. A little … Read more

Towards a more natural approach to fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a delicate disease in many ways. Its origins are mysterious, it is thought to be a descendant of neurasthenia, and its astonishing frequency is still hampered by the lack of any formal identification. Because of its invisible nature, it remains unexplained, just like any other chronic pain phenomenon. This brings it closer to … Read more

The benefit of weight loss management in pharmacies

The benefit of the management of overweight and obesity in pharmacies: Consequences of being overweight: People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop a number of serious illnesses, most of which result in reduced life expectancy. In addition to the physical consequences, obesity has significant psychological and social consequences. Diseases associated with … Read more

Food rebalancing, zoom on Lipids

Lipids are fats made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms and provide the form of energy most easily stored by the body. Lipids are essential for the proper functioning of our cells and the nervous system. Focus on the lipid categories: Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA), known as “bad fats”: These are mainly animal fats … Read more

Food rebalancing, focus on Carbohydrates

Formerly called “carbohydrates”, carbohydrates are a category of nutrients that include simple sugars and complex sugars. These sugars are partially digested in the mouth, subject to good chewing, before reaching the small intestine. From Carbs to Glucose: To be usable by the body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose during digestion. The glucose then passes through … Read more

What Medicinal Plants for Weight Loss?

Herbal medicine is the art of healing yourself with plants. It corresponds to traditional medicine, used before the invention of modern medicines. Associated with diet and physical activity, there are many medicinal plants and herbal supplements that can play an important role in diets and slimming. They are classified into three main categories: Fat burners; … Read more