Are Paleo diet and weight loss compatible?

Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash Although the paleo diet may seem new, it has actually been around for decades. In fact, it was started in the 1970s by gastroenterologist Walter Vogtling. This doctor was convinced that Paleolithic ancestors could teach modern humans how to eat healthily. The Paleo or Paleolithic diet in brief At … Read more

How to better cope with your lactose intolerance?

Lactose is the main carbohydrate in milk. In babies, it provides a significant proportion of energy. In adults, it is mainly provided by milk and dairy products. To be digested, lactose must be hydrolysed by an enzyme called lactase, which some people lack in adulthood. Defects in this genetic programme in most of the world’s … Read more

Lemon verbena essential oil, plant of the nervous system

Properties of lemon verbena leaf essential oil

Originally from Chile and introduced to southern Europe by Spain around the 7th century, lemon verbena is named after the traveling botanist Lipp . Very fragrant as its name suggests, lemon verbena essential oil develops a characteristic smell of lemon and citron , but without presenting the spicy and fresh side of the latter. Here it’s softer, grassier, floral too, reminiscent … Read more

Mountain savory essential oil, the aphrodisiac of the gods

Mountain savory essential oil, the aphrodisiac of the gods

Mountain savory, whose botanical name is Satureja montana, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Its essential oil is extracted from the flowering branches. History of Savory Wild, perennial mountain savory, and savories in general, have been known and/or cultivated since ancient times, particularly in Italy. Savory’s reputation as an aphrodisiac dates back to antiquity, when the … Read more

Rhodiola, a panacea plant with a golden root

Rhodiola, a panacea plant with a golden root

The Latin appellation for Rhodiola derives from the Greek word rhodios , used by the Greek philosopher Dioscorides when he first described the plant in his De Materia medica (77 AD), as Rodio riza , in reference to the smell of rose given off by the root, once cut. Its vernacular name of golden root is an allusion to its legendary reputation as a panacea plant . A … Read more

Joint problems! What essential oils to use?

Trastornos articulares: ¿Qué aceites esenciales utilizar?

Joint pain is a real daily concern. It’s painful and annoying. Don’t let joint problems ruin your life. You must act! Discover in this article which essential oils to use to relieve joint pain . How does joint pain manifest? Repetitive movements gradually damage the tissues that connect muscles to bone. Lack of hydration in the joint, too acidic food … all these factors in the long … Read more

Palmarosa Essential Oil, the Ethnomedicinal Indian Geranium

Palmarosa Essential Oil, the Ethnomedicinal Indian Geranium

Palmarosa has been distilled since the 18th century. It is native to India and is often called Indian geranium , because it contains geraniol , which in particular gives its essential oil a smell more or less close to that of Rosat geranium , or even rose. This plant has been used for a long time in Ayurvedic medicine . In the Caribbean, some people drink … Read more

What is an organic cosmetic?

Concerned about respecting natural balances, we support and encourage the gradual transition to ‘green’. As its name suggests, organiccosmetics are all beauty treatments derived from organic farming. Not only does it respect our skin, it also takes care of nature and animals. Its ingredients have been developed according to the rules of environmentally-friendly agriculture and … Read more

How to choose the right food supplement for digestion?

How to choose the right food supplement for digestion?

Bloating, nausea, gas, constipation, diarrhea… so many ailments that are indicative of poor digestion or medically called dyspepsia . On the shelves of organic stores and pharmacies abound various food supplements to facilitate digestion . Which one to choose ? Before supplementing, it is necessary to identify the cause and target the symptom(s). What is digestion? Digestion is a biological process responsible for … Read more

Compact oregano essential oil, an essential sacred plant

Compact oregano essential oil, an essential sacred plant

Originally from the Mediterranean basin and Central Asia, oregano appeared in Antiquity as a product with medicinal properties . A cousin of marjoram , this aromatic plant was considered “sacred” by both Egyptians and Indians. Oregano has been one of the essential herbs for medicine and cooking since ancient times. But beware, very different species are often mistakenly called “oregano”. A little history The … Read more

Mycotherapy: the natural power of fungi


What is Mycotherapy? Mycotherapy is therapy using the fungal kingdom; that is, mushrooms, as medicinal elements. This term was coined by Researchers at Hifas da Terra in 2006 and since then it has been used worldwide to refer to therapy with fungi (or fractions of them) for health, prevention and integrative therapeutic support in various … Read more