The role of anxiety in memory impairment

Anxiety is thought to play a role in memory by mobilising part of a person’s attentional resources. People suffering from anxiety have to process both relevant information and anxiety-related information, which requires greater attentional effort. As a result, anxious subjects perform less well when the tests contain a large amount of information. This is the … Read more

How to cure fever with homeopathy?

Fever is characterized by a marked increase in body temperature. It manifests itself in all warm-blooded living beings and in humans, this rise can go beyond 40 ° C. As the normal temperature of the human body oscillates between 36.5 ° C and 37.5 ° C, it is considered to be in the presence of … Read more

Avoid sagging skin during a weight loss process

During weight loss, sagging skin is common. The deepest layer of the skin is made up of proteins, including collagen andelastin. Collagen, which accounts for 80% of our skin’s structure, provides firmness and strength. Elastin provideselasticity and helps the skin to stay taut. When we gain weight, the skin stretches over the areas that are … Read more

The obsession with weight loss methods among teenage girls: a scourge for health!

This article aims to question a worrying social phenomenon targeting adolescent girls and their relationship to weight loss diets or any other measure to lose weight. In Western societies, teenage girls are assaulted with images of girls with dreamy bodies. The cult of beauty as well as the frequent use of diets are all aspects … Read more

Maintaining long-term weight loss

The patient and the healthcare professional face a new metabolic and endocrine balance after weight loss. This requires changing long-term management strategies. A weight loss of 5 to 10%, regardless of the method used to achieve it (physical activity, calorie restriction, pharmacological treatment), improves quality of life, biological markers and clinical parameters. The benefits of … Read more

Focus on the different eating behavior disorders

Eating disorders (ADD) are increasingly common pathologies, especially among adolescents and young adults. The three main syndromic forms (anorexia nervosa, bulimia, overeating) concern in total nearly 10% of the population. There are more limited data on other atypical AITs, but the total prevalence of ATS can reach nearly 20% of the population. Anorexia nervosa: This … Read more

The role of stress in eating disorders

Food response to stress varies from person to person. These responses are modulated according to the type of stress. Note that low stress leads to more overeating (excessive food intake) and more intense stress leads to more hypophagia (excessive restriction of food). These reactions, however, remain very dependent on the individual. In stressful times, food … Read more

The different factors that promote weight gain

It is important to consider that there are certain factors that can promote weight gain. Weight gain, which can lead to obesity, is the result of a prolonged imbalance in the energy balance: daily energy intake exceeding expenditure for a very long time. Complex interactions between biological, behavioral, social and environmental factors are involved in … Read more

The benefit of weight loss management in pharmacies

The benefit of the management of overweight and obesity in pharmacies: Consequences of being overweight: People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop a number of serious illnesses, most of which result in reduced life expectancy. In addition to the physical consequences, obesity has significant psychological and social consequences. Diseases associated with … Read more

The medical protein diet protocol

The high-protein diet, also known as the Medical Protein Diet, is what you might call stage 0 of the high-protein diet. Weight loss is very rapid (generally -2 to -2.5 kilos / week), with no hunger or tiredness. During this diet period, you consume only high-protein sachets, authorised vegetables, water and a vitamin supplement. This … Read more

Recommended nutritional needs and intakes

Needs vary from one individual to another. Nutrients are used by the body to produce energy, make the basic building blocks of our cells and maintain chemical balances in the body. Gender, age, body type, genetic makeup and physical activity create different needs for each individual. The requirements for a given nutrient or energy are … Read more

Guide to food rebalancing, zoom on chrono-nutrition

Eating a balanced diet defines bringing the right foods at the right time according to the body’s needs. The principle is simple; all foods are allowed, however we must learn to consume them according to our energy needs and our body’s capacity to digest them and assimilate the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Approved by … Read more

The importance of protein in athletes

On average, top athletes have higher protein requirements due to catabolic losses of lean body mass after intense or prolonged aerobic exercise. Exercise also increases calorie expenditure, and amino acids can be used as a source of energy during prolonged exercise, especially if glucose needs are not being met. Current research also indicates that athletes … Read more

Food rebalancing, focus on Proteins

Proteins are essential for the manufacture of tissues such as bones and muscles, for cell renewal, for the proper functioning of organs, as well as for the synthesis of enzymes and hormones. They are digested in the stomach, which is an acidic environment. They are found in meats, dairy products, fish, sprouted seeds, eggs, oilseeds … Read more

Food rebalancing, zoom on Lipids

Lipids are fats made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms and provide the form of energy most easily stored by the body. Lipids are essential for the proper functioning of our cells and the nervous system. Focus on the lipid categories: Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA), known as “bad fats”: These are mainly animal fats … Read more

Food rebalancing, focus on Carbohydrates

Formerly called “carbohydrates”, carbohydrates are a category of nutrients that include simple sugars and complex sugars. These sugars are partially digested in the mouth, subject to good chewing, before reaching the small intestine. From Carbs to Glucose: To be usable by the body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose during digestion. The glucose then passes through … Read more

What Medicinal Plants for Weight Loss?

Herbal medicine is the art of healing yourself with plants. It corresponds to traditional medicine, used before the invention of modern medicines. Associated with diet and physical activity, there are many medicinal plants and herbal supplements that can play an important role in diets and slimming. They are classified into three main categories: Fat burners; … Read more

The role of homeopathy in the management of excess emotions

Homeopathy and children’s emotional intelligence (agitation, anxiety, anger, jealousy, …) The first years of life are a key period in the physical and psychological development of a child. In particular, he will learn to analyze and channel his emotions. A young child’s emotional outbursts stem from his inability to express them and can indeed result … Read more

The interest of food supplements in weight loss

A varied, balanced diet and regular exercise are still the best ways of controlling excess weight. These days, however, there are various alternatives available in pharmacies. These include natural food supplements for slimming purposes. As summer approaches, a vast array of slimming food supplements is on offer. However, it is vital to know what these … Read more