Nuk, a range specialized in the comfort of toddlers

Nuk, a range specialized in the comfort of toddlers

Baby’s arriving soon, and to make sure he’s happy from his first days, you’re working hard to find the best for your little one.You probably have everything you need in terms of baby furnitureand clothes, but have you thought about Nuk feeding bottles and soothers ? You’ll find a wide choice of feeding bottles and … Read more

Gummies, a new form of food supplement

Gummies, a new form of food supplement

In the constantly evolving world of dietary supplements, an innovative and seductive form has recently captured the attention and preference of consumers: gummies. These colourful little treats, reminiscent of the sweets of our childhood, have established themselves as a fun and practical alternative to traditional pills and powders. But what are gummies really, and why … Read more

Preparing your body for slimming thanks to detox

Preparing your body for slimming thanks to detox

Need to lose a few pounds or just want to refine your figure and feel better about yourself? Get in shape and start off on the right foot by opting for a cure slimming detox cure! Soin et Nature provides you with ever more effective, healthy and easy-to-use food supplements to help you achieve your slimming goals. goals . Saturated by a … Read more

Take care of your privacy naturally

Take care of your privacy naturally

Taking care of your intimate hygiene is not just a matter of cleanliness and comfort . It is also a question of preserving one’s intimate health , to maintain the balance of the vaginal flora and to prevent vaginal infections . Indeed, the ” good bacteria ” living in the vaginal flora produce lactic acid to keep the natural pH of the vagina between 3.8 and 4.2 and form a protective barrier on … Read more

Soothe your pets with Bach flowers

Soothe your pets with Bach flowers

Your pet is showing signs of stress, fear, anxiety or even apparent aggression, he is not reacting as usual, rest assured, there is a way to relieve him. Specially designed to soothe behavioral disorders in humans as well as in our pets, the floral elixirs better known as ” Bach Flowers ” have proven their effectiveness in their ability to … Read more

Chewy Vites multivitamin gummies to boost your children’s immune system

Gummies Chewy Vites to boost the immune system of your children

Our body needs many nutrients to stay healthy and function properly. Some vitamins are synthesized by our body, but most are provided by our diet. It is not easy to have a balanced diet, and even less to compose menus that appeal to children. However, certain micronutrients such as vitamins and essential fatty acids are essential for their development. This is … Read more

All the benefits of an oriental shower with Tadé

All the benefits of an oriental shower with Tadé

After a long day of stress, there’s nothing like a good Oriental shower with Aleppo soap from the Tadé brand . Enchanted by the art of oriental bathing, the Tadé brand makes you relive the pleasure of the queens of yesteryear thanks to its products which have been able to combine the perfumes of the Orient with the know-how of its … Read more

Nature’plus, nutritherapy at your service

Nature'plus, nutritherapy at your service

Eating healthy and balanced is essential to keep in shape and preserve your health. However, by dint of watching your plate, you are missing out on the most important part of your diet: the essential nutrients. A lack of nutrient tracking leads to the appearance of deficiencies. These deficiencies can indeed appear at the cellular level and often … Read more

Our liver plants for a gentle detox

Our liver plants for a gentle detox

With the approach of spring, advertisements extolling the merits of liver-draining plants are indeed beginning to flow. The choice of a plant is not the result of chance or of a few readings found here and there on the net. Each plant has specific properties. These depend in particular on the active ingredients that compose it, and knowledge of your … Read more

Homeopathic treatment in hepatic colic

Homeopathic treatment in hepatic colic

There are different types of colic. Hepatic colic is characterised by acute pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the posterior, often associated with nausea and vomiting. It is associated with acute distension of the bile ducts. The main cause of hepatic colic is biliary lithiasis, responsible for around 98% of cases, but other possible … Read more

Licorice, the soft and sweet root of our childhood

Licorice, the soft and sweet root of our childhood

The therapeutic properties of liquorice have been known since ancient times, when it was used by the Romans and Greeks to treat asthma and ulcers. Scientists of the time named it glycyrrhiza from glycys, for sugar, and rhidza, for root , meaning sweet root. A little history Chinese medicine considers it to be one of … Read more

Ravintsara essential oil, the camphor tree devoid of camphor

Ravintsara essential oil, the camphor tree devoid of camphor

Ravintsara, whose botanical name is Cinnamomum camphora ct cineole (Madagascar), belongs to the Lauraceae family. Its essential oil is obtained from its leaves. History of Ravintsara Ravintsara is a camphor tree(Cinnamomum camphora) adapted to Madagascar and Reunion Island; what makes it special is that this camphor tree… does not produce camphor! Instead, it produces 1,8-cineole, … Read more

Thyroid and naturopathy, endocrine gland treatments

The thyroid is an endocrine (or hormonal) gland, located against the esophagus and which is schematically shaped like a bow tie. It is essentially made up of vesicles with walls made up of a single layer of cells, and which contain the colloid, mainly made up of thyroglobulin. The two hormones secreted by the thyroid … Read more

Allergies: regulating immunity without focusing on allergens

In the allergic, and because of genetic predispositions , the immune system is disrupted thus creating disorientation. To the point of mobilizing his troops against harmless substances such as dust mites, pollens or molds. Food allergies, asthma, conjunctivitis, eczema, rhinitis… If it manifests itself in different forms, the allergy is always the result of an error of assessment . From whom? Of the immune system. It … Read more

Homeopathic guide to acute stomatology

Homeopathic guide to acute stomatology

Homeopathy can be effective for a number of stomatological problems, such as preparing a patient for dental surgery, preventing and treating post-operative haemorrhage, preventing and treating post-operative or non-operative infections, dental pain, especially post-operative pain, and as a complement to the treatment of wisdom tooth problems. History of homeopathy in stomatology Homeopathy, with its roots … Read more

Horsetail, one of the first plants on our planet

Horsetail, one of the first plants on our planet

If there’s one medicinal plant that can be found all summer long by streams and in damp, sandy places where it thrives, it’s horsetail. Common and seemingly banal, this is an extraordinary plant, one of those that have survived the ages, just like ginkgo biloba. Horsetail is a very old lady, over 270 million years … Read more

Grapefruit essence, pharmacologically interesting hybrid

Grapefruit essence, pharmacologically interesting hybrid

Grapefruit, a citrus fruit well known for its unique flavour and many applications, occupies a special place in the world of natural remedies. This article takes an in-depth look at the fascinating world of grapefruit, more specifically the essence extracted from its peel, and delves into its rich history and varied uses. Originally from Asia, … Read more

Homeopathy in acute non-purulent pleurisy

Pleurisy or pleuritis is an inflammation of the pleura with or without effusion. When the diagnosis of acute, non-purulent pleurisy is made, its aetiology must be established (history, F.N.S., V.S., intradermal tuberculin reaction, chemistry, cytology, bacteriology of the puncture fluid, etc.). Homeopathic treatment is only possible for infectious, non-purulent serofibrinous pleurisy and traumatic pleurisy. All … Read more