New developments in the field of insulin resistance: Red light

Insulin resistance is a major public health concern. Recent studies suggest that exposure to red light or‘red light therapy‘ could play a significant role in regulating blood sugar levels. This article will look in detail at these findings and the potential mechanisms at work. What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition in which … Read more

How do you talk to teenagers about sex?

The period of adolescence is often characterised by major physiological and psychological changes. Sexuality is one of the most important of these changes. However, discussing this sensitive subject with a teenager can be complex for many parents and educators. This article aims to provide practical, scientifically-based advice to help facilitate this conversation. How do you … Read more

The benefits of an ice bath or “cold plunge

Ice bathing, often referred to as‘cold plunge‘, is not just a modern trend in the world of wellbeing and sport. This practice, rooted in centuries of tradition and therapeutic rituals across different cultures, continues to fascinate and offer surprising health benefits. From reducing muscle inflammation toimproving mental health, the ice bath is attracting growing interest … Read more

Everything you need to know about breast cancer on the occasion of Pink October

Nowadays in France, breast cancer affects 1 in 8 people. Consequently, it is the leading cause of death in women. This risk increases with age. Many factors are at the origin of cancers. All of them have in common an abnormal growth of cells, resulting in their uncontrolled proliferation. The cancerization process is due to the accumulation … Read more

High intellectual potential: How do you manage day-to-day life?

L'image représente un cerveau coloré sur un fond rose/ violet.

Everyday life can be a challenge for people with high intellectual potential. With their unique abilities and needs, it’s essential to understand how to effectively manage the challenges they face. In this article, we explore different strategies and tips for managing everyday life as a person with high intellectual potential. What is high intellectual potential? … Read more

Rejuvenate through sport: A detailed guide to a longer, healthier life

How can sport help you look younger? – an intriguing and pertinent question in our never-ending quest for youth and vitality. In this article, we explore the wonderful benefits of sport and how it can help us to look younger. We’ll discuss the science of ageing, how exercise can help to rejuvenation and how to … Read more

The benefits of cold therapy

Cold therapy, once an ancient healing and recovery practice recoveryhas become a popular topic of discussion in the world of health and well-being. From sports stars to holistic healers, many are advocating‘The Benefits of Cold Therapy’. So what’s all the fuss about? In this article, we’ll break it down and explain it in detail. Reduced … Read more

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and the A.I.P Paleo diet: An innovative look at thyroid health

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a common autoimmune disease. Today we look at a dietary approach that has attracted a lot of interest – the Paleo A.I.P or Autoimmune Protocol diet. Could it be the missing piece in the management of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s … Read more

The benefits of water kefir

In the quest for health and well-being, exploring various natural foods and drinks often offers extraordinary solutions. Water kefir, an age-old fermented beverage, is a perfect example. In this article, we’ll demystify what water kefir is, how to prepare it, and above all, discuss the many ways it can contribute to your health. Discover how … Read more

Secondary amenorrhea: I haven’t had my period for over 3 months!

Secondary amenorrhoea is a medical term that describes the absence of menstruation for three or more consecutive months in a woman who previously had a regular menstrual cycle. As you can imagine, this problem is much more common than you might think. So how do you explain this sudden cessation of your periods? What is … Read more

Protein and ageing: Should we eat more protein as we age?

Old age, often seen as the twilight of life, brings with it unique nutritional challenges. One topic that is often debated is:“Should we eat more protein as we get older?“. At first sight, this may seem counter-intuitive. After all, we tend to associate protein intake with physical growth and sporting activity, don’t we? However, recent … Read more

How to relieve a mosquito bite very quickly

When mosquitoes invade our living spaces, the first concern is usually how to relieve a mosquito bite very quickly. By using heat or cold, it is possible to reduce the discomfort in no time at all. In this article, we explore in detail the different methods of relieving a mosquito bite very quickly. There’s nothing … Read more