People often want to lose weight quickly. They can’t stand the feeling of being heavy! In fact, they simply want to melt away their extra kilos in a flash. This is indeed a recurring scenario at the beginning of the year following the implementation of new resolutions.
However, after a few days, the promises are forgotten and the weight loss goals thrown away. As routine is the number one cause of this loss of motivation, people quickly fall back into a sedentary lifestyle and become discouraged about their dietary goals. Despite this, it is quite possible to get back on track once and for all, as we will prove to you!
You have decided to change your life so that you can lose weight and feel good about yourself body. However, it is important to change your habits gradually. Otherwise, you run the risk of overexerting yourself and causing severe pain that will handicap you for several days muscle soreness which would handicap you for several days. In this case, people often decide to stop everything because it seems to be too difficult.
It is better to do this in stages. For example, start small, start light! If you haven’t donesit-ups for 10 years, try to do a dozen before you start doing endless sets. Take your time, take care of your positioning. The same goes for exercises such as push-ups or pull-ups.
Avoid falling into a routine
A great way to help people avoid falling into a routine is to encourage change.
When it comes to sport, it is very interesting to change the type of exercise regularly.
After a few weeks, we are usually much more comfortable and do not practice the sport with as much intensity. Indeed, because the exercises have been repeated many times, we find it easier to do them. This is quite normal. Moreover, this can lead to a certain lack of interest and motivation! This will automatically lead to weariness and lack of results in terms of weightloss or muscle mass gain.
It is essential to vary the types of exercise to optimise the results. For example, you could walk on Monday, do strength training on Wednesday and save your swimming session for Friday. Also remember to work on your mobility and flexibility.
Consistency and dedication
Need help losing weight? You’d prefer it to be quick and easy. Unfortunately, it’s a process that takes time, patience and perseverance. If you are in overweightif you’re in a slump, it’s probably because you’re consuming too many calories and not exercising enough (there are of course other factors that come into play, depending on the individual. We’re talking ‘generally’ here). So our very first piece of advice would be to eat a little more balanced and get moving again, if only by walking your dog more regularly and choosing salad rather than chips to accompany your steak.
Balancing the diet
The other part of the equation is to introduce more‘healthy‘ foods into your daily routine, while paying attention to your portion sizes. Another way to lose weight is to stop drinking sugary drinks: If you regularly drink soft drinks, you can replace them with flavouredsparkling water to keep the pleasure of the little bubbles! In this way, you will lower the sugar level you consume a little more each day.
It takes perseverance to start losing weight. In addition, it is important to see this process as a lifestyle change, rather than a diet period. By creating new, more ‘healthy’ and balanced habits, you will be able to maintaining your weight and feel good about your body.