Evening primrose oil and hormonal imbalance

Hormonal balance plays a crucial role in the harmonious functioning of our bodies. However, many factors can upset this delicate balance, leading to health problems such as hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance can manifest itself in a number of ways, including menstrualirregularities, severepremenstrual symptoms, skinproblems and fertility disorders. Fortunately, certain naturalsolutions can help restore this delicate … Read more

Bach Flower Mimulus : Discover the power of natural remedies

Welcome to our complete guide to Bach Flower Remedies Mimulus, where we explore the power of the natural remedies natural remedies to promote emotional well-being. In this article, we dive into the world of Bach Flower Remedies and focus specifically on the remarkable properties of Bach Flower Mimulus. If you’re looking for an approach holistic … Read more

How can the Honeysuckle remedy help with emotional states?

Bach Honeysuckle Flower no. 16, also known as Honeysuckle, is a remedy floral remedy designed to help people who feel overly attached to the past and regret missed opportunities. In this user guide, we’ll explore in detail the benefits of Bach Honeysuckle Flower Remedy No.16, how to use it correctly, as well as information on … Read more

Discover mental well-being: The mental health benefits of the Keto diet

There’s no denying that what we eat has a significant impact on our physical health. But what about our mental health? The ketogenic diet, often cited for its ability to promote weight loss, hides an unexploited potential: the benefits for our mental health. So let’s get to it! Let’s discover the mental health benefits of … Read more

Dynabiane and depression: Analysis of the effectiveness of the natural remedy from the PiLeJe laboratory

Today, we’re taking a look at an essential yet often underestimated subject: depression. In this quest for information, we’re focusing on a natural alternative treatment – Dynabiane, from the renowned PiLeJelaboratory. Our article will detail the effectiveness of this natural remedy for depression, carefully analysing its composition and mode of action. We would like to … Read more

Control your emotions with Biofloral

Irritability, lack of sleep, difficulty concentrating, feeling unwell, mood swings, constant feelings of insecurity… In today’s hectic, stressful world, controlling your emotions is essential to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Irritability, sleep disorders and mood swings are all signals that alert us to the need to take care of our mental well-being. Biofloral, with its expertise … Read more

Become aware of and prevent depression

Trastornos mentales y trastornos del estado de ánimo. 1. Depresión : La depresión es un estado emocional doloroso que resulta de un aumento en la intensidad o duración de los cambios de humor, con evidencia de factores genéticos y ambientales. Hoy, representa del 30 al 60% de las causas de suicidios. Hay 3 tipos de síndromes depresivos : Luz … Read more

When the season becomes synonymous with depression

As the arrival of the cold season brings with it the traditional ‘winter blues’ for some people, researchers are besieging depression from all sides: what are its origins and mechanisms, and can it be prevented? What is society’s image of winter SAD? Winter darkness is experienced differently in different cultures. At high latitudes and in … Read more

The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

Stress is a disturbed state of self-regulation (homeostasis) . It is a specific syndrome triggered by non-specific impulses (stressors) , to which the body is not adapted. Its origin can be physical ( injury, surgery, intoxication, UV, etc. ), psychological (psychological pressure, fear, etc. ) and can generate adjustment disorders such as anxiety, sleep disorders, mild depression to moderate, cognitive disorders, overwork or exhaustion syndrome. What are “stress adjustment … Read more

Burn-out, how to avoid mental exhaustion thanks to Naturopathy?

Burn-out, how to avoid mental exhaustion thanks to Naturopathy

Burnout (BO) affects an impressive percentage of the working population in the West today. After brushing a brief history of its discovery, then describing it (a syndrome grouping together emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal fulfillment), burnout was born in North America as a hundred years earlier. neurasthenia and yuppie syndrome (or chronic post-viral fatigue … Read more

Bipolar disorders and natural approaches

Mental disorders and bipolar disorders Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of extremely high mood (mania), extremely low mood (depression), and periods of normal mood. The disorders usually begin in the teenage years, between the ages of 20 and 30 or between the ages of 30 and 40. Heredity, social factors or disorders in the neurotransmitters of … Read more