Homeopathic remedy in the treatment of frostbite


Frostbite is an erythematous lesion on the fingertips that occurs when the skin is cold. They may be simple or lead to complications in the form of trophic disorders (ulcerations, nail damage). Caused by progressive and repeated vasoconstriction of the arterioles, these lesions are notably associated with vasodilation with stasis in the venules. They occur … Read more

How to fight naturally against psychodermatoses in dogs?

Canine psychodermatoses or psychological dermatoses result in dermatological lesions, generally associated with a profound behavioral disorder caused by anxiety . This article considers these various clinical manifestations, mainly due to a stressful and anxiety-inducing environment . Psychodermatoses in dogs, what are they? These dermatoses of psychic origin have been studied in humans before being studied in dogs. The researchers became interested in this … Read more

Lavender aspic essential oil, the antitoxic par excellence

Spike lavender, whose botanical name is Lavandula latifolia spica, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its flowers (flowering tops). Botanical description Spike lavender is a larger sub-shrub than fine lavender, reaching up to 75 cm in height. It is made up of straight, numerous branches, usually branched, bearing long, … Read more

Immortelle essential oil, symbol of love and sustainability

What are the benefits of Italian helichrysum?

Immortelle, whose botanical name is Helichrysum italicum, belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its aerial flowering parts. Immortelle is found in Corsica in the taxon“ssp italicum” for coastal, scrubland and scree plantations. The taxon“ssp serotinum“, which is more continental, is practically non-existent in Corsica. Helichrysum italicum subsp. italicum is … Read more

Rose Geranium essential oil, symbol of immortality

Geranium, whose botanical name is Pelargonium graveolens, belongs to the Geraniaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its leaves. History of the Geranium The rose Geranium is an aromatic perennial bushy plant with a branched habit. Its name comes from the Greek “perlagos” meaning “stork”, as its fruit is reminiscent of a stork’s … Read more

How to choose between a BB cream and a CC cream?

BB cream or CC cream: which should you choose for a flawless complexion? These two hybrid skincare products, halfway between make-up and dermatology, promise an even, luminous complexion. But what’s the difference? How do you know which one is right for you? Find out everything you need to know about choosing between a BB cream … Read more

The essence of Cistus, a sovereign healing remedy with animal notes

Cistus has been used in medicine, cosmetics and aromatherapy for centuries for the quality of its gum. 25 centuries ago, Theophrastus referred to this plant by the Greek word kistos, which simply means capsule. The scent is reminiscent of ambergris. While the resins and essences they release protect the leaves from drought, the plant is … Read more

How to treat scabies naturally with herbal remedies?

treat scabies naturally with herbal remedies

Scabies is a skin condition that most commonly affects humans. The responsible parasite attacks the epidermis by making sort of furrows in it as a nest. Then the female parasite chooses them to lay the eggs. This then causes itching . Gradually, lesions form on the skin. Namely, that this type of disease is contagious. In other words, it can be transmitted from person to … Read more

Aromatherapy in dermatophytosis (skin fungal infections)

Dermatophytes, which cause mycosis, are ubiquitous filamentous fungi belonging to the genera Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. Well adapted to parasitic life, they have a strong affinity for keratin and cause various skin lesions in humans and animals known as dermatophytoses or dermatophyties. Dermatophytoses are the most common skin mycoses in humans. They cause superficial lesions … Read more

The benefits of evening primrose oil on my skin

Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of the evening primrose plant. It is rich in essential fatty acids, particularly gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is beneficial for skin health. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of evening primrose oil on the skin and how it can enhance your skincare routine. Evening primrose oil … Read more

How to fight against your first wrinkles?

beauty tips to fight against the first wrinkles

After the 30th birthday, fine lines and wrinkles are emerging. Wrinkles are a biological manifestation of skin aging, they are one of the first visible signs of skin aging. They are housed mainly on the face, neck and décolleté (for women). The different wrinkles and fine lines: Fine lines and wrinkles from dehydration or dryness: … Read more

How to take care of your stretch marks naturally ?

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of stretch marks, including Striae Rubrae, Striae Albae, and Striae Gravidarum, as well as looking at the factors that encourage their appearance, such as Cushing’s syndrome or genetic factors. In addition, we will discuss various approaches to prevention and treatment, ranging from natural care to more advanced … Read more

Skin lesions through natural medicine

Toutes les pathologies de la peau engendrent en effet des lésions que l’on peut classer en deux catégories : Les lésions sèches Les lésions humides Avant d’aborder les différentes dermatoses, il est utile de connaître la définition d’un certain nombre de termes, souvent caractéristiques d’une pathologie. Les lésions sèches Ce sont des affections de la … Read more

How to treat acne naturally?

Femme présentant de l'acné

After summer andexposure to the sun, teenagers– but not only teenagers – sometimes suffer from acne flare-ups a few weeks after returning from their holidays. What causes acne? Acne is a complex, multifactorial dermatological condition, often perceived as a simple inflammatory skin reaction, but its origins are much more complex. Among the main causes of … Read more