Homeopathic therapy for chronic vertigo

We speak of dizziness when the patient complains of a feeling of lack of balance in space . Knowing that, in practice, we are often confronted with false vertigo. It is therefore necessary to make a nosological diagnosis in order to know the origin of these vertigo. Whether they are of central origin (neurological cause), of Menière of vestibular origin (rotary vertigo with nausea, vomiting, … Read more

Treating influenza syndromes with homeopathy

Treating influenza syndromes with homeopathy

Influenza is a contagious viral disease caused by the myxovirus influenzae, of which there are three known types: A, B, C and several subtypes. Although this virus confers immunity through the secretion of antibodies against the envelope antigen, the same individual may develop influenza-like illness several times in his or her life. This virus is … Read more

Homeopathic treatments for hoarseness and aphonia of the voice

Hoarseness and aphonia are vocal problems that can disrupt our daily lives. These conditions, often caused by infections, allergies, stress or vocal overwork, can lead to an altered voice, making communication difficult. This article looks at these common vocal problems and explores homeopathic treatments that offer effective and appropriate solutions. We’ll start by looking at … Read more

The recommendation of homeopathy in Breast Cancer

Accounting for 33% of all female cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women today. In most cases, breast cancer takes several months or even years to develop. If detected early, breast cancer has a good prognosis, with a stable survival rate. Breast cancer can be treated with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone … Read more

Homeopathic methods in chronic pathologies

Homeopathic methods in chronic pathologies

We know that the proper functioning of the organism in a healthy state is ensured by a multitude of physiological self-regulatory systems . We are indeed perpetually subjected, during our life, to attacks of different origins (physical, chemical, bacterial, psychic, etc.) which, thanks to our self-regulatory systems, we undergo without damage and without realizing it. account. If these … Read more

Conjunctivitis from a homeopathic point of view

Homeopathic medicines to choose to relieve conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (a transparent membrane lining the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelids, which secretes mucus). Due to the highly exposed position of this protective membrane, the forms of conjunctivitis are particularly numerous . Conjunctivitis can, however, be of viral, bacterial, allergic or even irritative origin. What are the different types of … Read more

Why treat a lump with arnica montana?

Every year, millions of children around the world suffer minor accidents in the home, such as falls or bumps. In fact, according to the World Health Organisation, domestic accidents are a major cause of injury in children under the age of 5. Faced with these incidents, many parents are turning to natural, effective solutions to … Read more

Use your homeopathy well on a daily basis

Homeopathy is experiencing a real explosion in France. Now 4 in 10 people use it at least occasionally for treatment. This unconventional medicine, barely 300 years old, is gradually gaining the recognition of our daily pharmacopoeia. But what do these little homeopathic granules contain to melt under the tongue? Let’s learn about the basics of … Read more

The homeopathic travel kit to go on vacation in the sun

Homeopathy, in addition to traditional medicine, can be an excellent alternative to treat minor ailments that may arise during summer vacation. When preparing the bags, the constitution of a homeopathic travel kit can be very useful for followers of this therapy. But what should such a kit contain? Whether the destination is the mountains, the … Read more

Answers to your questions about homeopathic medicines

Some homeopathic medicines do not carry a therapeutic indication or dosage. The reason ? In homeopathy, the same medicine can treat different diseases (digestive disorders and insomnia for example) and the same condition (the common cold) can be treated with different drugs, chosen according to the patient. It is up to the health professional to … Read more

Limit the inconvenience of insect bites thanks to homeopathy

naturopathic advice to limit the inconvenience of an insect bite

While mostinsectbites are harmless, some can cause reactions of varying degrees of severity. People with allergies need to be particularly vigilant. Fortunately, these accidents are rare, and for most of us, a few precautions are all that’s needed to cope better with these summer enemies. Biting insects belong to the Hymenoptera order of insects. Hymenoptera … Read more

Homeopathy for infant ailments

Smiling baby holding a teething ring, a symbol of well-being and gentleness, in connection with homeopathy for infant disorders.

Are you looking for a natural solution to relieve your baby’s minor ailments? Homeopathy could well be the ideal ally! Gentle, with no side effects and perfectly suited to toddlers, it can help your baby in a wide range of situations: colic, teething troubles, sleep disorders, etc. Always under the advice of a health professional, … Read more

Homeopathy of yesterday and today will it be tomorrow?

The reality and place of homeopathy in modern medical practice How is homeopathy defined? Homeopathy is a medical discipline, i.e. it is prescribed by health professionals (doctors, dentists, midwives, veterinary surgeons) and recommended by pharmacists. Homeopathic products are medicines(granules, drops, tablets, ointments, single doses) available exclusively in pharmacies, with or without a prescription, at the … Read more

How to treat andropause

l'image représente une home chauve qui souri. Comment vivre l'andropause sereinement

Andropause is defined as the set of physiological and psychological symptoms that may accompany the decline in androgen levels in ageing men. It occurs in particular between the ages of 45 and 65 and is less sudden in onset than the menopause in women. Andropause is a condition that occurs in men when their testosterone … Read more

How to treat ophthalmic migraine naturally?

Ophthalmic migraines often occur after exposure to bright, aggressive light or excessive noise, or are caused by heat and/or stress. It is a common condition affecting children, men and women alike. Although ophthalmic migraines can be very incapacitating at the time of the attack, they are not serious. It is similar to a classic migraine … Read more