Micronutrition, the basis of recommendations to combat osteoporosis

Representation of the fight against osteoporosis: wooden mannequin surrounded by a stethoscope, symbolising bone health and medical recommendations.

Osteoporosis, a skeletal disease that weakens the bones, affects around 5.5% of the French population, according to Inserm. Particularly prevalent in women after the menopause, it increases the risk of fractures, with a considerable impact on quality of life. Faced with this public health challenge, micronutrition offers a natural and effective approach to strengthening bone … Read more

How can micronutrition help boost fertility?

The image shows a fried egg on a plate, with spoons that look very much like spermatozoa heading straight for the egg. How micronutrition can help boost fertility

When a couple wants to conceive a child, the emphasis is often on medical examinations and specific treatments in case of difficulties. However, one key factor is sometimes overlooked: diet and micronutrient intake. Numerous studies show that certain essential nutrients play a major role in fertility, in both men and women. Adopting a suitable, balanced … Read more

Diets and microbiota: comparing effects

Fresh, healthy foods representing different diets: green vegetables, cherry tomatoes, avocado, eggs, cheese, milk, chicken, cereals and fruit, illustrating the influence of nutrition on the intestinal microbiota.

A review of the scientific literature published on 15 July in the journal Nature Reviews Microbiology by researchers from the University of Cork in Ireland highlights the impact of food choices on the composition and functioning of the intestinal microbiota. In particular, the study explores how geographical location and eating habits influence intestinal health. The … Read more

Clary sage, the plant of women par excellence

Clary sage, the plant of women par excellence

Between sage officinalis and clary sage , it’s 10 to 1. If the literature is full of information concerning the first, it is clear that the bare minimum falls on the second. So I’m going to do my best to relate the few meager events recorded here and there about him, to tell his story. A little history The oldest … Read more

Stock up on minerals for the winter with Vitall

Stock up on minerals for the winter with Vitall +

The cold, flu, fatigue… Winter puts our bodies and our spirits to the test. To help you resist the cold more serenely and ward off common seasonal illnesses, turn to Vitall food supplements!Most winter illnesses are caused bymineral and vitamin deficiencies. So, until the warmer weather returns, it’s essential to adapt your shopping list and … Read more

How to choose your organic food supplement

Organic farming was born of the initiative of agronomists, doctors, farmers and consumers who, in the 1920s, generated new currents of thought based on ethical and ecological principles, and initiated an alternative method of agricultural production that favoured working the soil, self-sufficiency and respect for natural balances. As the 1970s approached, major sociological changes had … Read more