Exact medical definition of homeopath

Exact medical definition of homeopathy

Homeopathy, a branch of medicine often shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, has been around for over 150 years. It is attracting growing interest but remains, for many, a vague and ill-defined concept. Against this backdrop, this article aims to clarify the true principles and methods of homeopathy, disentangling the facts from the preconceptions. From the … Read more

Vitamins A, E and C. Where can you find these antioxidant vitamins?

Vitamin A E and C and Antioxidant vitamins

Vitamin A This vitamin is present in our body in the form of retinol among others. Unfortunately, these molecules are altered by the oxygen in the air, so it is important to replenish our needs on a daily basis. This vitamin is essential for our visual system and any deficiency could lead to blindness quite quickly, … Read more

Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA), and after?


Cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) are acute (sudden) complications of vascular disease , caused by a stop of the blood supply in a brain territory (cerebral infarction or DALY – ischemic) or a rupture of a vessel (hemorrhage). cerebro-meningeal or AVCH – hemorrhagic). They are thus the third leading cause of death in France and the leading cause of disability. Their most common manifestation is hemiplegia (paralysis of a hemibody). What … Read more

Artichoke, the terrestrial thorny tree, descendant of Cardon

The word artichoke is explained by an etymology of Arabic origin “ ardi chouk” , which means: “thorny terrestrial”, taken up and transformed by the Lombard term “ articiocco” . But at this point, we are still far from Lombardy. However, the future artichoke, a cardoon in transformation , slowly takes its path and reaches the kingdom of Naples in the 15th century, … Read more

Relieving benign prostatic hyperplasia with plants

Blue stethoscope, men's health awareness ribbon and "Urology" card on a blue background, illustrating the prevention and management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Prostate adenoma or benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common disease in men over the age of 50. It is often the cause of urinary problems that affect the quality of daily life. Although it is difficult to prevent the onset of prostate adenoma, adopting a healthy lifestyle can help reduce discomfort and complications associated with … Read more

Back to school blues and food supplement for adults

Summer is drawing to a close. Back to school and the vermilion autumn leaves that herald the new season… Naturally, a certain melancholy is mixed in with the cooler mornings. Because the end of the holidays means a return to the daily routine and its share of worries: waking up with a jolt, racing against … Read more

The Great Nettle, a vegetable from prehistoric times


The 19th-century mythologist Angelo de Gubernatis relates an interesting fact. According to him, mixing nettle seed with the bran given to hens increased egg production. What appeared to be a simple propitiatory ritual turned out to be true. It is now recognised that nettle seed stimulates hens to lay eggs. In Scandinavian countries, it makes … Read more

The Milk Thistle, symbolic of the mystical Rose

The Milk Thistle, symbolic of the mystical Rose

Much more used by popular medicine, milk thistle will have to wait until the beginning of the 16th century before therapists finally take it into consideration . However, from the eighteenth century, the virtues of milk thistle, as diverse as they are, were thrown away by practitioners. Whatever. The twentieth century will restore the image of this repudiated plant. A little history The name milk thistle … Read more

Lady’s mantle, moon plant in celestial water

lady's mantle

Petite, vivace et rustique, l’alchémille ne peut prétendre à la sensualité et la luxuriance de certaines autres plantes. Cependant, elle se distingue par sa capacité à recueillir la rosée dans ses feuilles. Cette eau, plus qu’une simple rosée, est également une eau végétale excrétée par la plante elle-même, nommée « eau céleste ». En raison … Read more

Feeding your baby goat’s milk, a good alternative

The breast milk meets all the needs of your baby and contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements, sugars, fats and protein your baby needs to grow well, all right quantity. However, it happens that the young mother cannot or does not wish to give the breast. In this case, the non-breastfeeding woman had to choose between 1st age … Read more

The hawthorn, the white thorn that goes straight to the heart!

Host of the countryside, the hawthorn likes the edge of forests where it seems to be on guard, both in the direction of open and covered places where, then, we see it teaming up with large deciduous or coniferous trees. But it is undoubtedly none to the hedge that it is, with the black thorn, … Read more

The Cypress, the tree of life with multiple properties

Who does not remember these Mediterranean landscapes where the dark cypress raises its narrow mourning columns against the violent blue of the sky? Before embellishing the Côte d’Azur and playing the useful role of a rampart against the wind and sand, the cypress took root in Asia Minor , where its presence is recorded in an old Assyrian … Read more

The benefits of activated vegetable charcoal to treat your digestive disorders


Activated charcoal (or vegetable charcoal)is obtained from organic plant materials rich in carbon: wood, coconut shells, olive pits, bark, etc. This material is subjected to calcination and then to a thermal shock. This eliminates most of the elements that form it. At the exit, we obtain a material composed almost exclusively of carbon. The only peculiarity: it retains certain molecules which come … Read more

Prevent toxoplasmosis naturally

A parasitic disease whose pathogen is Toxoplasma gondii , toxoplasmosis is present all over the world, and it is estimated that one third of the population is infected. This generally harmless pathology, however, presents serious risks in subjects with a weakened immune defense system as well as in HIV-negative pregnant women . What is toxoplasmosis? Usually mild infectious disease, toxoplasmosis is transmitted to humans … Read more

How to take care of the oral hygiene of your pet?

Owner of an adorable furry companion , you are undoubtedly attentive to his health and well-being . You care just as much about their comfort and longevity . In addition to his basic needs , such as food, water and shelter, ensuring the good health of his pet is part of our responsibilities . But when it comes to their health , we tend to overlook the importance of their oral hygiene . However, we estimate … Read more

How to prevent atherosclerosis the natural way?


The onset of atherosclerosis is generally explained by the lifestyle of contemporary societies, particularly in the West (junk food, sedentary lifestyle, etc.). Atherosclerosis is characterised by the presence of atheromatous plaques that invade the lumen of medium-sized and large arteries; these plaques contain lipids, inflammatory cells, smooth muscle cells and connective tissue; as they increase … Read more

Tea tree essential oil, Green Gold from the fifth continent

The tea tree ( Melaleuca alternifolia) or Tea tree is native to New South Wales in Australia, where the Bundjalung aborigines used the leaves to heal themselves from a variety of ailments for a long time . Unfortunately, very little of this ancestral knowledge has come down to us, due to the fact that huge sections of aboriginal culture have … Read more

The role of naturopathic medicine in PMS

Naturopathic medicine and premenstrual syndrome

PMS is a collection of somatic, emotional and behavioral symptoms.  These symptoms appear before your period and go away with it. This symptom set affects approximately 75% of women of childbearing age. The specificity of this syndrome is in fact its cyclicity, and its intensity severe enough to significantly alter personal, social and professional functioning. What is PMS … Read more