Acid-base balance of our organism, how to rebalance it?

Acid-base balance of our organism, how to rebalance it

How to gauge the balance between degrees of acidity and alkalinity when health is an unstable balance that must be constantly regained? Our balance is destabilized in many ways: between activity and rest, between the body’s needs and the foods actually consumed, between the production and elimination of toxins … but also in the subtle … Read more

Natural solutions and irritable bowel syndrome

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Also called irritable bowel syndrome or spastic colon, this syndrome is characterized by recurrent abdominal discomfort or pain accompanied by relief from defecation, associated with a change in stool frequency or stool consistency. Intestinal permeability: People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have increased intestinal permeability. Hypermeability means that the cells … Read more

How to take care of your stretch marks naturally ?

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of stretch marks, including Striae Rubrae, Striae Albae, and Striae Gravidarum, as well as looking at the factors that encourage their appearance, such as Cushing’s syndrome or genetic factors. In addition, we will discuss various approaches to prevention and treatment, ranging from natural care to more advanced … Read more

Skin lesions through natural medicine

Toutes les pathologies de la peau engendrent en effet des lésions que l’on peut classer en deux catégories : Les lésions sèches Les lésions humides Avant d’aborder les différentes dermatoses, il est utile de connaître la définition d’un certain nombre de termes, souvent caractéristiques d’une pathologie. Les lésions sèches Ce sont des affections de la … Read more

The multiple uses of physiological serum

physiological serum

How to use physiological serum? Especially popular with young parents for the care of babies, the physiological solution that is commonly called ” physiological saline ” finds different uses. While infant nose washing is the most well-known application of physiological saline , it is far from the only one. In fact, it is a multi-use product for hygiene, care, and … Read more

How to treat andropause

l'image représente une home chauve qui souri. Comment vivre l'andropause sereinement

Andropause is defined as the set of physiological and psychological symptoms that may accompany the decline in androgen levels in ageing men. It occurs in particular between the ages of 45 and 65 and is less sudden in onset than the menopause in women. Andropause is a condition that occurs in men when their testosterone … Read more

What natural solutions to regulate your arterial hypertension?

Cardiovascular disorders and arterial hypertension The pressure is increased, acute or chronic tension in general (or at rest). When we talk about hypertension, it is almost always hypertension or arterial hypertension which is one of the factors that can lead to atherosclerosis. We speak of labile hypertension when the variations are slight but frequent. Blood pressure normally … Read more

Spirulina, a naturally high-protein algae


Originally from the lakes of Chad, and currently grown in basins, spirulina is particularly recommended for its nutrient richness. There are four families of algae: green (Chlorophyceae), brown (Phaeophyceae), red (Rhodophyceae) and blue (Cyanophyceae). Presentation: Blue algae tend to be terrestrial and very small. Cyanophyceae are first and foremost prokaryotic bacteria. They play an important … Read more

The hiatus hernia at the heart of natural treatments

Hiatal hernia, described as the ascent of the stomach into the thorax through the oesophageal orifice of the diaphragm, also known as the“hiatus” or ” hiatalorifice “, is a condition that deserves our attention. In the diaphragm, this hiatus plays an essential role in allowing the oesophagus to pass through. It is precisely at this … Read more

Asthma, knowing everything you need to know to be treated naturally


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi with bronchoconstriction. This pathology is multifactorial, so in half of the cases of allergic origin. The bronchi of the allergic patientoverreact to certain stimuli (cold and dry air, allergens, pollutants, etc.). This bronchial hyperreactivity (involving mast cells, eosinophils and lymphocytes) in short results in inflammation. This inflammatory phenomenon then leads … Read more

What natural treatment to choose to treat anemia

Anemia, defined as a significant iron deficiency, is a public health problem affecting more than one and a half billion people worldwide. Children, adolescents, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age are at the forefront of this condition, which also affects the rest of the population. In France, iron deficiency affects 25% of pre-menopausal women, … Read more

Beating the gastro virus naturally

Gastroenteritis, commonly known as‘gastro‘, is an illness that affects the digestive system. Characterised mainly by inflammation of the intestinal or stomach mucosa, this infection manifests itself through symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. The variability of these symptoms, which often have a sudden onset but short duration (2 to 3 days), … Read more

How can allergies be treated naturally?

Allergies, those often uncomfortable immune reactions, affect many of us. Whether it’s a reaction to pollen, pet dander or certain foods, symptoms such as sneezing, difficulty breathing, watery eyes or skin rashes can seriously affect our daily lives. These symptoms result from the release of histamine in our bodies, a natural response aimed at combating … Read more

Home remedies for chickenpox

She is back ! Chickenpox is everywhere in classrooms and nurseries. Childhood illness most often benign, it should not be taken lightly. Highly contagious, it can be dangerous, especially in adolescents, pregnant women or vulnerable people. Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus of the Herpesviridae family. In toddlers, as impressive as their symptoms are, … Read more

Spirulina, an exceptional foodstuff

Spirulina, often mistaken for algae, actually comes from cyanobacteria of the Arthrospira genus. These microscopic blue bacteria carry out photosynthesis. Historically, the Kanem people of Chad and the Aztecs ate it as patties or cheese. In the 20th century, it was rediscovered as a food supplement. Commercial production began in the 1970s. Arthrospira platensis, the … Read more

It’s spring, and it’s time for a natural detox!

The arrival of spring brings with it an irresistible urge to revitalise. Every year, women’s magazines take up the subject of spring detox, and laboratories are full of praise for their products miracle products. However, marketing hype aside, there is a real reason to purify our bodies after the winter season. Why is a detox … Read more