Chikungunya, how to counter tiger mosquitoes with aromatherapy?

L'image représente un moustique. chikungunya

Chikungunya, transmitted by mosquitoes, causes fever, joint pain and skin rashes. Aromatherapy offers complementary relief for this disease. This article examines the effectiveness of aromatherapy in managing the symptoms of chikungunya. We will look at the essential oils most likely to reduce pain and inflammation. We will also look at their safety and therapeutic benefits. … Read more

Aromatherapy explained by a Naturopath

Aromatherapy is a specialised branch of phytotherapy. It is the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. The term ” Aromatherapy ” was coined in 1928 by a French perfumer and chemist by the name of René-Maurice Gattefossé. Aromatherapy is based on an in-depth understanding of essential oils, their chemical components and their interactions with … Read more

The 10 essential oils to perform your anti-scar massages

Hippocrates said that “if Man gets sick, he finds the solution in nature, if he knows how to look at it”. Indeed, Mother Nature provides Man with everything he needs to meet his health needs. In his book “Aromatherapy: healing yourself with essential oils”, Dominique Baudoux indeed offers many formulas based on essential oils which … Read more

Aromatherapy in dermatophytosis (skin fungal infections)

Dermatophytes, which cause mycosis, are ubiquitous filamentous fungi belonging to the genera Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. Well adapted to parasitic life, they have a strong affinity for keratin and cause various skin lesions in humans and animals known as dermatophytoses or dermatophyties. Dermatophytoses are the most common skin mycoses in humans. They cause superficial lesions … Read more

What is a chemotype essential oil?

Dive into the fascinating world of chemotyped essential oils and discover how HECT aromatherapy is revolutionising natural skincare. In this article, we explore the concept of chemotype, a key criterion for choosing quality essential oils, guaranteeing their efficacy and safety. Learn to differentiate between the various biochemical compounds, such as monoterpenols and sesquiterpenols, and understand … Read more

For optimum use of essential oils

The European Pharmacopoeia defines essential oils as“odorous products, generally of complex composition, obtained from a botanically defined plant raw material, either by steam distillation, dry distillation, or by an appropriate mechanical process without heating”. The use of essential oils in pharmacies means that medical advice can be personalised and an interdisciplinary approach approach to treatment. … Read more

How to treat muscle aches with essential oils?

comment soigner une courbature musculaire avec les huiles essentielles

Who hasn’t suffered from muscle soreness? After sport or an unusual effort, or following a viral infection, we often feel these pains in the muscles synonymous with the presence of muscle soreness. There’s nothing better thana massage or bath with essential oilsto ease the pain and treat muscle soreness. Muscle soreness can be caused by … Read more

What should I include in my care kit this summer?

Summer is a season that brings its share of pleasures, but also its share of challenges for our health. Whether you’re planning a beach vacation or just outdoor activities in your own area, it’s essential to have your care kit well-prepared to deal with the unexpected that may arise. In this article, we will review the essential … Read more