What is the impact of cannabis on health?

Cannabis is an illicit product widely experimented with in France, particularly among young people. In fact, this product, classified as a narcotic, is the source of numerous side effects, often unfavourable for mental and physical health. Soin et Nature alerts you to these dangers. Why do we use cannabis? Cannabis is a plant consumed for … Read more

5 detox tips after the holidays

Champagnethe holidays are often high in calories. So now it’s time to take charge of your life by getting back to a healthy lifestyle, thanks to our 5 detox tips after the holidays. Detox” mode consists of cleansing your body of the excesses accumulated during the festive season. Indeed, with their high alcohol, fat and … Read more

Which buds should I choose to get through the winter with peace of mind?

After a particularly hot and sunny summer, it’s time to get used to the fact that winter will soon be upon us. A gloomy, grey season that encourages a lack of sunshine. A vitamin D deficiency that makes our bodies more fragile. It’s at times like these that we need to look after our immune … Read more

How to relieve Verneuil disease with natural methods

Verneuil’s disease is also known as hidradenitis suppurativa or reverse acne. It is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. The disease mainly affects the sweat glands and manifests itself mainly as deep, painful nodules. What is Verneuil disease? Hidradenitis suppurativa is a condition that causes the formation of subcutaneous nodules. These nodules develop in areas of … Read more

Centella asiatica for skin health

If you’re a fan of Korean-style skincare (aka K-beauty), you’ve probably heard of Centella asiatica. In fact, it’s known by various names, including Brahmi, asiatica, tiger herb and Gotu kola. The term “Cica” certainly sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Centella Asiatica & Skin health Centella asiatica is a plant native to Asia that has been used … Read more

The ashwaganda

Ashwagandha is one of the most important plants in Ayurveda, which is a traditional form of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing. What is ashwagandha? “Ashwagandha” means “smell of the horse” in Sanskrit. Indeed, this refers to both the smell of the plant as well as its potential to increase strength. In … Read more

The intestinal barrier in brief

The intestinal barrier plays a crucial role in our body’s health, controlling what enters and leaves our digestive system. It prevents unwanted substances from entering our bodies and allows the absorption of essential nutrients. However, a breakdown in this barrier can lead to a variety of health problems. In this article, we will explore the … Read more

Homeopathy in acute haemorrhoidal accidents

Homeopathy offers gentle, naturalsolutions for many health problems, including acute haemorrhoidal accidents. This article guides you through the different homeopathic approaches to effectively relieve the painful symptoms of haemorrhoids. We’ll explore specific remedies adapted to different cases, along with dietary and hygiene advice for holistic management of your well-being. Find out how homeopathy can help … Read more

The Tilleul, the image of majesty and opulence

Legend says that it was the leaf of a heart-shaped linden tree that landed on Siegfried ‘s back , the only vulnerable place in his body after he bathed in the blood of the vanquished dragon ( saga of the Nibelungen ). The genus Tilia includes many species and hybrids. More than 100 taxa have been counted for these lime trees, some of … Read more

Calendula Officinalis, the calendar garden marigold

In ancient Greece, Theophrastus and Dioscorides spoke of a plant called Klymenos . At the same time, among the Romans ( Virgil , Pliny , Columella …), the case of Caltha is mentioned. Some writers who are not very informed have wanted to see in these two names the concern . If the first of these terms is forgotten, confusion over the second term persisted for so long that in the 16th century Jean Bauhin designated … Read more

Original recipes with Écoidées brand products

We love good food, and we love introducing our guests to new flavours and, above all, originality! Whether we’re talking about ordinary or exoticrecipes, we use our art of cooking to impress our friends and family withcreative , yet responsiblerecipes. That’s exactly the spirit in which the Écoidées brand transports us into its world of … Read more

Understand and fight against sleep disorders

Sleep is a natural phenomenon that results in a loss of consciousness and awareness of the outside world. The average French person sleeps an average of 7 hours during the week and 8 hours at the weekend. During nocturnal sleep, there are 3 to 5 cycles of around 90 minutes each. Each cycle is divided … Read more

An alternative approach in epilepsy

Nervous system disorders and epilepsy Still called “mal comitial” or “comitialité”, epilepsy is a very common neurological disorder which affects approximately 50 million people worldwide. It is the second neurological pathology in France after Alzheimer’s disease. There is not an epilepsy , but many forms, with very diverse manifestations, depending on the area of ​​the brain concerned. Epileptic seizures are caused … Read more

Fight against osteoporosis with naturopathy

Osteology is the part of medicine that deals with bone pathologies; it is the study of bones. Osteoporosis, for example, is a pathology of the musculoskeletal system; it is a bone disorder. Bones play an important role in : The structure of the body Soft tissue support and visceral protection Movement and posture Development of … Read more

What if it was worms?

Natural remedies for children against intestinal worms

Intestinal parasitosis or intestinal worms , despite its frequency in children (70 to 80% of children would one day or another be infected with Enterobius vermicularis or pinworm), is rarely considered by the medical profession. While our grandmothers used to deworm their cherubs regularly, it seems that it has gone out of fashion… However, intestinal parasites are the cause of many disorders : disturbed … Read more

How to better manage your motion sickness for the holidays?

L’idée de voyager en mer pour les prochaines vacances vous séduit-elle ? Le vent dans les cheveux, les étoiles scintillent et l’océan s’étend à perte de vue ! Les croisières et les traversées en mer sont certainement de véritables moments de plaisir lorsque, bercés par les vagues, vous vous réjouissez à l’idée de vous détendre … Read more

Redesign your silhouette for sunny days

Redesign your silhouette for sunny days

The beautiful days are approaching and the clothes are getting lighter and lighter. To welcome the beautiful and warm seasons, everyone sets their goals and good resolutions. Redesigning the silhouette to achieve the famous summer body is one of the essential challenges. A flat stomach or abs, slender and muscular legs, firming up your figure is an annual trend. This practice serves as … Read more

Thyroid and naturopathy, endocrine gland treatments

The thyroid is an endocrine (or hormonal) gland, located against the esophagus and which is schematically shaped like a bow tie. It is essentially made up of vesicles with walls made up of a single layer of cells, and which contain the colloid, mainly made up of thyroglobulin. The two hormones secreted by the thyroid … Read more

Wild pansy, dermatological flowering plant

Wild pansy, dermatological flowering plant

Unlike the March violet, the therapeutic career of wild pansy began late. There was no trace of it in Antiquity, and it played only a few symbolic and ornamental roles in the Middle Ages. The first interest in wild pansy dates back to the sixteenth century, when the word “pansy” first appeared. Although most Renaissance … Read more