Naturopathy in the management of digestive candidiasis

Naturopathy in the management of digestive candidiasis

Candidiasis are infections caused by fungi of the genus Candida , the most common species being Candida albicans . Candida is saprophytic, it exists in healthy humans in the mucous membranes of the oral, vaginal and intestinal cavity. These infections can occur in both healthy and immunocompromised subjects . Digestive yeast infection or intestinal candidiasis is a disorder caused by the excessive presence of candida albicans . They can colonize the … Read more

The contribution of homeopathy in arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis are common cardiovascular diseases, particularly among the elderly and those with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or a sedentary lifestyle. These pathologies lead to hardening of the arteries, increasing the risk of atheromatous plaque formation and potentially leading to serious complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke and heart … Read more

Homeopathy in nasal sinus polyposis

nasal sinus polyposis

Nasosinus polyps (leading to nasosinus polyposis) are benign growths that develop on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities and sinuses. They can cause ventilatory problems (nasal obstruction, asthma) and superinfections. They evolve spontaneously over time, with a progressive increase in volume and chronic catarrh of the mucosa, suggesting a sycotic reaction. In fact, various … Read more

Lavender aspic essential oil, the antitoxic par excellence

Spike lavender, whose botanical name is Lavandula latifolia spica, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its flowers (flowering tops). Botanical description Spike lavender is a larger sub-shrub than fine lavender, reaching up to 75 cm in height. It is made up of straight, numerous branches, usually branched, bearing long, … Read more

The estrogen-progestogen hormonal rebalancing by Phytotherapy

There is a hormonal decline towards the end of the period of female genital activity; as the years go by, and particularly from around the age of 40 onwards, women experience a succession of sex hormone deficiencies at a rate and intensity that varies from one person to another. Progesterone levels begin to fluctuate in … Read more

Gastroenteritis disorders from a naturopathic point of view

How to treat gastroenteritis naturally?

Gastroenteritis is an acute or chronic inflammation simultaneously affecting the lining (inner lining) of the stomach (gastritis) and the small intestine (enteritis). This pathology is generally infectious; that is to say, it results from the presence and multiplication of pathogenic germs (viruses, bacteria in contaminated food: salmonella , Escherichia coli, etc.) Gastroenteritis is common in children and results in vomiting and especially diarrhea, with abdominal … Read more

Clove essential oil, the anti-bacterial biofilm

The clove tree, whose botanical name is Eugenia caryophyllus, belongs to the Myrtaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling the air-dried flower buds known as “cloves”, and the pedicels known as “claws”. History of Clove Grown for a long time on the Moluccan islands, the clove tree is part of Ayurvedic medicine (1500 … Read more

3 essential steps to take care of your intestines

Prendre soin de ses intestins grâce à 3 astuces naturelle

Taking care of your intestines is essential for our health. Autumn is the ideal season to undertake a bowel detox . Indeed, it is a major transitional season during which it is important to prepare your body to enter the cold season. The autumnal energy gently invites you to introspection, but also to return home. It is a privileged moment to … Read more

Eschscholtzia, the small Native American Opium from California

Eschscholtzia, the small Native American Opium from California

Also known as California poppy , eschscholtzia was traditionally used by Native Americans for the medicinal use of the latex of the plant as a pain reliever in toothache. They also used it to treat headaches, colic or to help children fall asleep. A little history The name of the plant was chosen in 1820 by the German Romantic poet and explorer Von … Read more

Treat periodontal disease naturally with herbal medicine

Treat periodontal disease naturally with herbal medicine

Periodontal disease is responsible for 30 to 40% of tooth extractions . They generally begin with gingivitis, which is reversible, then progress to damage to the periodontium , the supporting tissue of the tooth, destroying it which causes a loss of attachment of the tooth. These attacks are mainly caused by dental plaque as well as tartar (calcified dental … Read more

Desmodium, plant of hepatic cytolysis

Benefits of Desmodium leaves in liver disease

Desmodium , plant of hepatic cytolysis , derives its name from the Greek “ desmos ” which means “ link ” or “ bundle ”, and refers to the stamens that meet in a tube at their ends, while Adscendens refers to the properties of the parts. aerials to ascend the trunks of oil palms in damp and shady places. A good mnemonic to remember that when the … Read more

Vitamins, allies of our health. Why do you need it?

The picture shows capsules and various food supplements arranged in such a way as to resemble a heart, emerging from a bottle of food supplements. All this to illustrate the essential role of vitamins for our health.

Vitamins are substances that are essential for life. The word “vitamins” comes from the Latin ” vita “, meaning ” life “. They are involved in a whole series of chemical reactions that are essential to the normal functioning of our bodies. Unfortunately, we cannot synthesise these precious substances ourselves. We have to provide them … Read more

Blackcurrant, pepper from Spain with admirable properties

blackcurrant leaves

The term “blackcurrant” takes its etymology from the Phoenician. This vegetal blackcurrant is a word appearing in the 16th century, at the same time as the first writings granted to it ( Rembert Dodoens , 1583) as well as the first medicinal mentions of its leaves and fruits ( Petrus Forestus , 1614). A little history Dodoens is Flemish, Forestus is Dutch. They are therefore … Read more

Sleep is half of our health


The sleep is one of the pillars of our health. However, many are those who suffer from disorders (1 French in 5). From severe insomnia to interrupted and poor quality rest , including repetitive difficulty falling asleep, the range of symptoms is wide. Many become fatalistic in the face of this serious problem, and end up “getting used to it” as best they can, accumulating an increasingly important sleep debt . What … Read more

Caralluma, the prince of satiety


Caralluma flowers give off such a putrid smell that the Arab nomads nicknamed it qahr al-luhum (carnal sore, abscess). Over time and trade, the plant arrived in the West where its name was Latinized in Caralluma . It is a so-called “succulent” plant: it is capable of storing water in its stems and leaves . In fact, it was traditionally used by the Indians … Read more

Cataracts at the heart of new alternative research

Alongside age-related macular degeneration, cataracts are a degenerative eye disease whose prevalence is increasing as the population ages. It is the leading cause of blindness worldwide, with 18 million cases, according to the WHO. In France, 600,000 cataracts are operated on every year. The incidence of cataracts increases with age, affecting around 20% of people … Read more

Exact medical definition of homeopath

Exact medical definition of homeopathy

Homeopathy, a branch of medicine often shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, has been around for over 150 years. It is attracting growing interest but remains, for many, a vague and ill-defined concept. Against this backdrop, this article aims to clarify the true principles and methods of homeopathy, disentangling the facts from the preconceptions. From the … Read more

Vitamins A, E and C. Where can you find these antioxidant vitamins?

Vitamin A E and C and Antioxidant vitamins

Vitamin A This vitamin is present in our body in the form of retinol among others. Unfortunately, these molecules are altered by the oxygen in the air, so it is important to replenish our needs on a daily basis. This vitamin is essential for our visual system and any deficiency could lead to blindness quite quickly, … Read more

Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA), and after?


Cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) are acute (sudden) complications of vascular disease , caused by a stop of the blood supply in a brain territory (cerebral infarction or DALY – ischemic) or a rupture of a vessel (hemorrhage). cerebro-meningeal or AVCH – hemorrhagic). They are thus the third leading cause of death in France and the leading cause of disability. Their most common manifestation is hemiplegia (paralysis of a hemibody). What … Read more