Probiotics, essential to your health for your well-being

Probiotics are living microorganisms that have been shown to benefit the health of the host when given in adequate doses. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species are most commonly used as probiotics. The yeast Saccharomyces boulardii as well as some species of E. coli and Bacillus are also used. Among the newcomers, we can also count Clostridium … Read more

The 10 essential oils to perform your anti-scar massages

Hippocrates said that “if Man gets sick, he finds the solution in nature, if he knows how to look at it”. Indeed, Mother Nature provides Man with everything he needs to meet his health needs. In his book “Aromatherapy: healing yourself with essential oils”, Dominique Baudoux indeed offers many formulas based on essential oils which … Read more

Homeopathic remedy in sports activities

When we take part in sporting activities, we embark on a thrilling adventure to maintain our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, sportspeople are not immune to the injuries, aches and illnesses that can crop up along the way. Fortunately, sports homeopathy offers a natural alternative for treating the aches and pains inherent in sporting activities. … Read more

The role of food supplements in antiviral immunity

All deficiencies in proteins, essential fatty acids, metalloenzymes, vitamin factors and antioxidant elements lead to a dysfunction of the immunity. The immune system, like any other system in the body, depends on adequate food intake and is very sensitive to nutritional deficits and imbalances. However, unlike other systems, the nutritional requirements of the immune system … Read more

The benefits of evening primrose oil on my skin

Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of the evening primrose plant. It is rich in essential fatty acids, particularly gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is beneficial for skin health. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of evening primrose oil on the skin and how it can enhance your skincare routine. Evening primrose oil … Read more

Diet and overweight management in obesity

Obesity is excess weight, defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg / m2. Complications include cardiovascular pathologies (especially in subjects with excess abdominal fat → android profile), diabetes mellitus, certain cancers, gallstones, fatty liver, cirrhosis, osteoarthritis, reproductive disorders in in men and women, psychological disorders and, for the subject with a … Read more

How to choose your dietary supplements slimming and lose weight before the summer

Soon the big vacation to spend on the beaches in swimsuit and we must anticipate to tackle cellulite and small extra pounds. Cellulite is formed by natural fat deposits. We can have some, even with a normal weight. However the aspect of dimples is often aggravated by other problems against which it can easily fight without … Read more

The therapeutic value of Cannabidiol (CBD)

therapeutic value of Cannabidiol (CBD)

Isolated in 1963, cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is slowly becoming one of the most widely used natural alternatives to treat a wide range of common ailments. Until recently, it was the psychoactive component of cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), that received the most attention due to its medicinal benefits and ability to produce psychotropic effects. Now, … Read more

How to treat andropause

l'image représente une home chauve qui souri. Comment vivre l'andropause sereinement

Andropause is defined as the set of physiological and psychological symptoms that may accompany the decline in androgen levels in ageing men. It occurs in particular between the ages of 45 and 65 and is less sudden in onset than the menopause in women. Andropause is a condition that occurs in men when their testosterone … Read more

Anti-ageing cream: how to choose an effective anti-wrinkle treatment in pharmacies

Crème anti-âge : comment choisir un soin anti ride efficace en pharmacie

Skin aging is a natural physiological process where skin cells renew themselves less quickly. It begins on average around the age of 30 with the appearance of the first wrinkles. It is then recommended to use an anti-aging cream to plump the skin, stimulate collagen production and fill all wrinkles. But how to choose the … Read more

Cure the flu with homeopathy

The flu is at the origin of the seasonal epidemic which rages every winter, between the months of November and April in the northern hemisphere. It usually starts at the end of December, and lasts an average of ten weeks. Fortunately there are homeopathic treatments for prevention and attack to cure the flu virus . Symptoms of the influenza virus The flu is an infectious disease caused … Read more

Live well your menopause naturally

The menopause is a physiological process which results in a cessation of ovulatory cycles due to a reduction in ovarian function. The post-menopause is the period after the menopause (on average around the age of 55) for women. It is characterised by a number of events of varying degrees of discomfort: hot flushes, sleep problems, … Read more