How can anxiety disorders be treated naturally?

Stress and anxiety are unwelcome companions in our daily lives, affecting us at different levels. Constant agitation, incessant worry and external pressures can quickly take over our mental and physical well-being. However, there are natural and effective ways to regain serenity and balance. In this article, we invite you to explore the treasures of nature … Read more

Get rid of intestinal worms naturally

To effectively dislodge intestinal parasites, many remedies are effective. You just need to combine them well and act over the long term on a regular basis. However, be sure to deworm every two to three months, or better yet every month at the time of the full moon. Choose your foods for intestinal worms: Certain … Read more

Why choose your health products with an organic label?

Organic farming was born from the initiative of agronomists, doctors, farmers and consumers who, in the 1920s, generated new currents of thought based on ethical and ecological principles, and initiated an alternative mode of agricultural production favoring tillage, autonomy and respect for natural balances. As the 1970s approached, significant sociological changes largely influenced the development of … Read more

Home remedies for chickenpox

She is back ! Chickenpox is everywhere in classrooms and nurseries. Childhood illness most often benign, it should not be taken lightly. Highly contagious, it can be dangerous, especially in adolescents, pregnant women or vulnerable people. Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus of the Herpesviridae family. In toddlers, as impressive as their symptoms are, … Read more

How to choose your organic food supplement

Organic farming was born of the initiative of agronomists, doctors, farmers and consumers who, in the 1920s, generated new currents of thought based on ethical and ecological principles, and initiated an alternative method of agricultural production that favoured working the soil, self-sufficiency and respect for natural balances. As the 1970s approached, major sociological changes had … Read more

Magnesium chloride, simple, cheap and effective!

Preventive as well as curative, magnesium chloride is one of the most interesting remedies. Essential for the proper functioning of our body Magnesium plays a major role as a catalyst and activator of many enzymes. In particular, it influences nerve transmission, calcium metabolism, hormonal activity, etc. The work of Professor Delbet has demonstrated its effectiveness by its action of … Read more

Nature, biodiversity and natural solutions

Nature is a complex ecosystem, essential to the balance of our planet, but currently threatened by human activities such as deforestation, pollution, climate change and over-exploitation of resources. These threats are compromising biodiversity and vital ecosystem services, making conservation and restoration practices all the more urgent. In response, interest in nature-based solutions, such as agroforestry … Read more

The benefits of honey, propolis, and royal jelly for our health

Les bienfaits du miel, de la propolis, et de la gelée royale pour notre santé

Today we’re talking about the benefits of beehive products: honey, pollen, propolis and royal jelly. These are foods provided by nature with energising, protective and immune-stimulating properties. A teaspoon a day of honey or pollen, a course of fresh royal jelly, propolis gum to take when you’re in the car. All simple things you can … Read more

7 Natural Remedies to Cure Colds and Flu

Colds and flu are common illnesses that can cause unpleasant symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough and fever. Although conventional medicines can offer temporary relief, more and more people are turning to natural remedies to treat these conditions effectively and without unwanted side effects. In this article, we’ll explore seven popular natural remedies for colds … Read more

The importance of organic certification for quality cosmetics

Organic cosmetics have the same hygienic and beautifying function as cosmetics produced by the chemical industry. However, their manufacturing rules differ in that they use natural raw materials from organic farming and do not contain extracts of animal origin or synthetic chemicals. These environmentally-friendly products do not contain extracts of animal origin and are not … Read more